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|Box title    = Evil-doer
|image        = Image:Medium_image-5380ec6141707056aa630000-coalesced.jpg
|imagewidth  =
|Image = Elliot Rodger.jpg
|Row 1 title  = Full Name
|fullname = Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger
|Row 1 info  = Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger
|alias = Valtharion<br>The Virgin Killer<br>Supreme Gentleman
|Row 2 title  = Alias
|origin = England, London
|Row 2 info  = Valtharion
|occupation = Student<br>Killer
|Row 3 title  = Occupation
|skills = Making videos<br>Trained gun expert
|Row 3 info  = Student
|hobby = Playing ''World of Warcraft''<br>Driving his BMW around<br>Watching the sunset<br>Showing off his material possessions<br>Vlogging on YouTube
|Row 4 title  = Skills
|goals = Lose his virginity (failed)<br>To kill all people who he felt that have wronged him (failed)<br>To seek revenge for him being a virgin (succeeded)
|Row 4 info  = Making videos
|crimes = [[Assault]]<br>[[Mass murder]]<br>[[Hispanophobia]]<br>[[Negrophobia]]<br>[[Islamophobia]]<br>[[Misogyny]]<br>[[Misandry]]<br>[[Anti-Semitism]]<br>[[Asiaphobia]]<br>[[Homophobia]]<br>[[Terrorism]]<br>[[Xenophobia]]<br>[[Stalking]]
|Row 5 title  = Hobby
|type of villain = Misogynistic Mass Shooter
|Row 5 info  = Playing ''World of Warcraft'', driving his BMW around, watching the sunset
|Row 6 title  = Goals
|Row 6 info  = To kill all people who have wronged him
|Row 7 title  = Type of villain
|Row 7 info  = Spree killer
|Row 8 title = Mental health status
|Row 8 info = Narcissistic personality disorder, Asperger's syndrome
{{Quote|All I ever wanted was to love women, and in turn to be loved by them back. Their behaviour towards me has only earned my hatred, and rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy. Humanity struck at me first by condemning me to experience so much suffering. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want this. I didn’t start this war. I wasn’t the one who struck first. But I will finish it by striking back. I will punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth.|Excerpt from Rodger's manifesto.}}
'''Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger''' (July 24th, 1991 - May 23rd, 2014) was a British-American [[Mass Shooting|mass shooter]] who killed six people and wounded seven others before killing himself in a [[murder]] spree across several locations in Isla Vista, California on May 23rd, 2014.<ref>[ Elliot Rodger’s killing spree: What happened], ''Washington Post''</ref>

'''Eliot Oliver Robertson Rodger''' was a mass murderer who killed six people and wounded seven others, before killing himself. He suffered from an extreme form of Aspergers Syndrome, which led to loneliness and isolation growing up, especially with women. He was born in London, England, but moved to the United States when he was five years old, on this he wrote "This was a time of discovery, excitement, and fun. I had just entered this new world, and I knew nothing of the pain it would bring me later on." His father is the filmmaker Peter Rodger, who was best known as an assistant director of ''The Hunger Games'' film, and his stepmother Soumaya Akaaboune has acted in several Hollywood films.
According to his family's attorney and a family friend, Rodger had seen multiple therapists since he was eight years old, but the attorney said he had never been formally diagnosed with a mental illness. He was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, an autism spectrum disorder, in 2007.

Following turning twenty two, Rodger began showing signs of mental instability, such as posting racial abuse online, and making videos where he claimed he would gain revenge on all those who led to him being alone. Then on 24th May 2014 he stabbed three of his male roommates to death in their apartment, before hammering on the door of a sorority house. When they wouldn't let him in, he started shooting people randomly on the street. Taking his car, he went on a rampage shooting at people randomly, before engaging in a gun battle with the police, which climaxed with him shooting himself.
Rodger had a YouTube account, and a blog titled "Elliot Rodger's Official Blog", through which he expressed loneliness and rejection.

Before his rampage he confessed "I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin I've never even kissed a girl." And on his way to the sorority house he posted "College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure but in those years I've had to rot in loneliness" And carried on to say "It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me but I will punish you all for it." "I'm going to enter the hottest sorority house of the UCSB and I will slaughter every single, spoilt stuck-up blonde slut that I see." "All those girls that I've desired so much, they would've all rejected me and looked on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them." Before finally saying "I'll take great please in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male."
== Personal Life ==
He was born in London, England to an English father and Malaysian-Chinese mother, but moved to the United States when he was five years old, on this he wrote: "This was a time of discovery, excitement, and fun. I had just entered this new world, and I knew nothing of the pain it would bring me later on." His father is the filmmaker Peter Rodger, who was best known as an assistant director of ''The Hunger Games'' film, and his Moroccan stepmother Soumaya Akaaboune has acted in several Hollywood films. His family travelled often. Elliot would have friends, but not that many.

== Video ==
== Life Before the Shooting ==
<gallery position="center">
In his mid-teens, Elliot made a Youtube channel where he would make videos about his life when he felt lonely, sad and depressed. Around this time, the bullying has gotten worse for him as he was left to move from school to school. At the age of 16, Elliot would see a psychiatrist and he admitted that he didn't want to take the medication his doctor gave him. At the age of 18, Elliot completely isolated himself and he did nothing but played online games and made contact with a handful of his online friends. Around his earlier days, he got a driver's license and his own BMW thinking girls would pay attention to him but instead of trying, he would spend his lunch breaks in his car and expect others to speak to him.  
Full Elliot Rodger video statements made day of shooting
The Truth About Elliot Rodger|A two hour look into Elliot's psychological profile.
At the age of 19, Elliot moved to Isla Vista where he would attend Santa Barbara City College. In his first moments moving in and living with 2 other men in a private residence, he would often get frustrated with his two roommates. A week after Elliot moved in, the 2 men moved out and another pair of men moved in shortly after. Elliot would get into heated arguments daily and physical altercations on some occasions with his two roommates, and he would often spew out racist remarks to them. But his thoughts about girls has gotten worse. Every time he saw a couple, he would walk away and lock himself in his room, he also threw hot coffee at a couple who were kissing at Starbucks and as a result of all of this, he dropped out of all of his classes completely in 2012. In that same year, he spent over $1300 lottery tickets, but would unfortunately not win the lottery.
The Secret Life Of Elliot Rodger 2020 FULL Interview|Barbara Walters in a compelling interview with Peter Rodger (father of Elliot Rodger who went on a killing spree in Isla Vista California) to uncover Peter's thoughts about his murderous son.  
In July 2013, Elliot attended a college party in hopes to talk to lose his virginity but instead he would get ignored, feel enraged at the women there and became intoxicated. While at the party, he would make a half hearted attempt to push one of the women who were standing at the balcony of the house. But instead, he would get pushed off by the men at the party who saw him perform the act. After he was pushed off the balcony, he was beaten up by the same group of men who intervened. Drunk and injured, Elliot left the party but forgot his sunglasses so he accidentally went to a different house believing that it was the house he went to earlier. Instead of finding his sunglasses, he would get into an altercation with the people inside the building before leaving. Sometime after he would go to the hospital and get surgery for his broken leg.
== The Shooting/Massacre ==
Following turning 22, Rodger began showing signs of mental instability, such as posting racial abuse online and making videos where he claimed he would gain revenge on all those who led to him being alone.<ref>[ Shooting Suspect Elliot Rodger's Misogynistic Posts Point to Motive], ''SPLC Hatewatch''</ref> Then on 23rd May 2014, he stabbed three of his male roommates to death in their apartment, before hammering on the door of a sorority house.<ref>[ Elliot Rodger Rehearsed Killing Roommates Before UCSB Rampage], ''KRON4''</ref> When they wouldn't let him in, he started shooting people randomly on the street using a Glock 34 and a SIG Sauer P226. Taking his car, he went on a rampage shooting at people randomly, before engaging in a gun battle with the police, which climaxed with him crashing his BMW and then shooting himself.
Before his rampage, he confessed, "I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl." And on his way to the sorority house, he posted "College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure, but in those years, I've had to rot in loneliness" And carried on to say: "It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me but I will punish you all for it." "I'm going to enter the hottest sorority house of the UCSB and I will slaughter every single, spoilt stuck-up blonde slut that I see." "All those girls that I've desired so much, they would've all rejected me and looked on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them." Before finally saying "I'll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male."
== Victims ==
# George Chen - September 19, 1994 (19 years)
# James Hong - June 1, 1993 (20 years)
# David Wang - July 6, 1993 (20 years)
# Katherine Breann Cooper - December 26, 1991 (22 years)
# Christopher Michaels-Martinez - December 23, 1993 (20 years)
# Veronika Elizabeth Weiss - February 24, 1993 (21 years)
== Legacy ==
Rodger is considered to be a hero by the [[incel]] movement.<ref>[ Elliot Rodger: How misogynist killer became 'incel hero'], ''BBC News''</ref><ref>[ When a Mass Murderer Has a Cult Following], ''The Cut''</ref>
===Copycat attacks===
Approximately four years after the shooting, [[Alek Minassian]] killed 10 and injured 16 in a vehicular attack in Toronto, Ontario. Before the attack, he praised Rodger in a Facebook post, referring to him by his title of "Supreme Gentleman". While many suspected that the post was fake, it was later confirmed to be real in an interrogation video. According to Minassian, they had talked on the Internet before Rodger's massacre.
Twenty-two-year-old [[Jake Davison]] killed five people and then himself in a mass shooting on August 12, 2021, in Plymouth, England. He had posted videos online in which he reportedly expressed misogynist and homophobic views, expressed hostility towards his mother and others, and likened himself to incels. He had also used incel forums on Reddit to express hateful views.
===Mumkey Jones===
[[File:Mumkey_jones.png|thumb|250px|Mumkey Jones with an Elliot Rodger body pillow.|link=Special:FilePath/Mumkey_jones.png]]
Elliot Rodger was frequently discussed on the YouTube channel "Mumkey Jones", who made several satirical videos about Elliot Rodger and his "day of retribution". He also wrote a book called "Diary of a Supreme Gentleman", which was based on Elliot Rodger's manifesto and was a parody of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.
In 2018, Mumkey decided to stop making Elliot Rodger content, although he would still get his channel terminated that December due to 6 unfair copyright strikes. However, he returned to YouTube under a new name in 2019. Some of his Elliot Rodger videos were re-uploaded by fans for archival purposes.
== Gallery ==
ERoger 1.jpg
ERoger 2.jpg
ERoger 3.jpg
ERoger 4.JPG
ERoger 5.jpg
[[Category:Male Villains]]
=== Videos===
[[Category:Mass Murderer]]
<YouTube width=320 height=180></YouTube>
[[Category:Deceased Villains]]
<YouTube width=320 height=180></YouTube>
<YouTube width=320 height=180></YouTube>
<YouTube width=320 height=180></YouTube>
<YouTube width=320 height=180></YouTube>
== Trivia ==
* After failing an attempt at winning the lottery, Elliot Rodger threw a massive tantrum and, in an intoxicated slew, drenched his laptop in wine, ultimately destroying it and asking his mother for the funds to purchase another.
* The car he drove was a BMW 328i.
* Elliot Rodger's favorite childhood movie was ''The Land Before Time''.
* His father, Peter Rodger, made the movie ''Oh My God'' which was a box office failure, and which made Peter and his family bankrupt.
* He once saved his little brother from drowning.
* The original plan of the massacre was much more sinister: he planned to steal his father's car, kill Soumaya, his stepmother, Peter, his father and Jazz, his little brother. He wanted to create a "[[torture]] chamber" out of his dorm (that's why he killed his roommates) and he planned to kill hundreds upon hundreds of people.
* His role model was [[Seung-Hui Cho]] aka the Virginia Tech Shooter.
* He would disturb and cause trouble to random people because he was jealous of them, and Elliot thought only he should be the one having fun with girls and no one else.
* Despite him being half-Asian, he [[Asiaphobia|hated Asian people]].<ref>[ Elliot Rodger’s manifesto shows self-hate fueled anti-Asian violence that kicked off Isla Vista rampage], Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund</ref>
**He also [[Negrophobia|hated black people]] and [[Hispanophobia|Hispanic people]].
* He had a nice, caring and friendly female friend in London when he was a kid, but after Elliot moved away they've never talked again.
* He was sent to Morocco due to him misbehaving but he begged to be brought home for a week, so his mother brought him home.
* He was on forums like asking about how pretty he is. Everyone who said that he was average was scum in Elliot's eyes.
* All of the videos he posted before the shooting were uploaded to They can be viewed [ here].
* His manifesto can be read [ here].
* He is similar to [[Matias Oyarzo]].
*He and [[Luka Magnotta]] both were born in July 24th and were murderers.
*He is similar to [[David Attias]], since both are sons of celebrities who went into a spree killing in Isla Vista.
== See also ==
* [[George Hennard]]
* [[George Sodini]]
* [[Scott Beierle]]
== References ==
[[Category:Mentally Ill]]
[[Category:Villains With Mental Illness]]
[[Category:Suicidal Villains]]
[[Category:Article stubs]]
[[Category:Arrogant Villains]]
[[Category:Envious Villains]]
[[Category:Envious Villains]]
[[Category:Heroes Turned To The Dark Side]]
[[Category:Vehicular Villains]]
[[Category:Trash-Talking Villains]]
[[Category:Seeker Of Vengeance]]
[[Category:Modern Villains]]
[[Category:Completely Insane]]
[[Category:Chaotic Evil]]
[[Category:Drug addicts]]
[[Category:Internet Related Pages]]
[[Category:Corrupting Influence]]
[[Category:God Wannabe]]
[[Category:God Wannabe]]
[[Category:People with narcissistic personality disorder]]
[[Category:Mass Murderers]]
[[Category:Tragic Villain]]
[[Category:Mass Shooters]]
[[Category:School Shooters]]
[[Category:Vehicular Villains]]
[[Category:Race Traitors]]
[[Category:Modern Villains]]
[[Category:Extravagent Villains]]
[[Category:Emotionless Villains]]
[[Category:Spree Killers]]
[[Category:Spoiled Brats]]
[[Category:From Nobody to Nightmare]]
[[Category:Wrathful Villains]]
[[Category:Vocal Villains]]
[[Category:United Kingdom]]
[[Category:Insecure Villains]]
[[Category:Internet Memes]]
[[Category:Died in disgrace]]
[[Category:Destroyer of Innocence]]
[[Category:United States of America]]
[[Category:Young villains]]
[[Category:Faux Affably Evil]]

Latest revision as of 02:15, 4 January 2025

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Elliot Rodger
Full Name: Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger
Alias: Valtharion
The Virgin Killer
Supreme Gentleman
Origin: England, London
Occupation: Student
Skills: Making videos
Trained gun expert
Hobby: Playing World of Warcraft
Driving his BMW around
Watching the sunset
Showing off his material possessions
Vlogging on YouTube
Goals: Lose his virginity (failed)
To kill all people who he felt that have wronged him (failed)
To seek revenge for him being a virgin (succeeded)
Crimes: Assault
Mass murder
Type of Villain: Misogynistic Mass Shooter

All I ever wanted was to love women, and in turn to be loved by them back. Their behaviour towards me has only earned my hatred, and rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy. Humanity struck at me first by condemning me to experience so much suffering. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want this. I didn’t start this war. I wasn’t the one who struck first. But I will finish it by striking back. I will punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth.
~ Excerpt from Rodger's manifesto.

Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger (July 24th, 1991 - May 23rd, 2014) was a British-American mass shooter who killed six people and wounded seven others before killing himself in a murder spree across several locations in Isla Vista, California on May 23rd, 2014.[1]

According to his family's attorney and a family friend, Rodger had seen multiple therapists since he was eight years old, but the attorney said he had never been formally diagnosed with a mental illness. He was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, an autism spectrum disorder, in 2007.

Rodger had a YouTube account, and a blog titled "Elliot Rodger's Official Blog", through which he expressed loneliness and rejection.

Personal Life edit

He was born in London, England to an English father and Malaysian-Chinese mother, but moved to the United States when he was five years old, on this he wrote: "This was a time of discovery, excitement, and fun. I had just entered this new world, and I knew nothing of the pain it would bring me later on." His father is the filmmaker Peter Rodger, who was best known as an assistant director of The Hunger Games film, and his Moroccan stepmother Soumaya Akaaboune has acted in several Hollywood films. His family travelled often. Elliot would have friends, but not that many.

Life Before the Shooting edit

In his mid-teens, Elliot made a Youtube channel where he would make videos about his life when he felt lonely, sad and depressed. Around this time, the bullying has gotten worse for him as he was left to move from school to school. At the age of 16, Elliot would see a psychiatrist and he admitted that he didn't want to take the medication his doctor gave him. At the age of 18, Elliot completely isolated himself and he did nothing but played online games and made contact with a handful of his online friends. Around his earlier days, he got a driver's license and his own BMW thinking girls would pay attention to him but instead of trying, he would spend his lunch breaks in his car and expect others to speak to him.

At the age of 19, Elliot moved to Isla Vista where he would attend Santa Barbara City College. In his first moments moving in and living with 2 other men in a private residence, he would often get frustrated with his two roommates. A week after Elliot moved in, the 2 men moved out and another pair of men moved in shortly after. Elliot would get into heated arguments daily and physical altercations on some occasions with his two roommates, and he would often spew out racist remarks to them. But his thoughts about girls has gotten worse. Every time he saw a couple, he would walk away and lock himself in his room, he also threw hot coffee at a couple who were kissing at Starbucks and as a result of all of this, he dropped out of all of his classes completely in 2012. In that same year, he spent over $1300 lottery tickets, but would unfortunately not win the lottery.

In July 2013, Elliot attended a college party in hopes to talk to lose his virginity but instead he would get ignored, feel enraged at the women there and became intoxicated. While at the party, he would make a half hearted attempt to push one of the women who were standing at the balcony of the house. But instead, he would get pushed off by the men at the party who saw him perform the act. After he was pushed off the balcony, he was beaten up by the same group of men who intervened. Drunk and injured, Elliot left the party but forgot his sunglasses so he accidentally went to a different house believing that it was the house he went to earlier. Instead of finding his sunglasses, he would get into an altercation with the people inside the building before leaving. Sometime after he would go to the hospital and get surgery for his broken leg.

The Shooting/Massacre edit

Following turning 22, Rodger began showing signs of mental instability, such as posting racial abuse online and making videos where he claimed he would gain revenge on all those who led to him being alone.[2] Then on 23rd May 2014, he stabbed three of his male roommates to death in their apartment, before hammering on the door of a sorority house.[3] When they wouldn't let him in, he started shooting people randomly on the street using a Glock 34 and a SIG Sauer P226. Taking his car, he went on a rampage shooting at people randomly, before engaging in a gun battle with the police, which climaxed with him crashing his BMW and then shooting himself.

Before his rampage, he confessed, "I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl." And on his way to the sorority house, he posted "College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure, but in those years, I've had to rot in loneliness" And carried on to say: "It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me but I will punish you all for it." "I'm going to enter the hottest sorority house of the UCSB and I will slaughter every single, spoilt stuck-up blonde slut that I see." "All those girls that I've desired so much, they would've all rejected me and looked on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them." Before finally saying "I'll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male."

Victims edit

  1. George Chen - September 19, 1994 (19 years)
  2. James Hong - June 1, 1993 (20 years)
  3. David Wang - July 6, 1993 (20 years)
  4. Katherine Breann Cooper - December 26, 1991 (22 years)
  5. Christopher Michaels-Martinez - December 23, 1993 (20 years)
  6. Veronika Elizabeth Weiss - February 24, 1993 (21 years)

Legacy edit

Rodger is considered to be a hero by the incel movement.[4][5]

Copycat attacks edit

Approximately four years after the shooting, Alek Minassian killed 10 and injured 16 in a vehicular attack in Toronto, Ontario. Before the attack, he praised Rodger in a Facebook post, referring to him by his title of "Supreme Gentleman". While many suspected that the post was fake, it was later confirmed to be real in an interrogation video. According to Minassian, they had talked on the Internet before Rodger's massacre.

Twenty-two-year-old Jake Davison killed five people and then himself in a mass shooting on August 12, 2021, in Plymouth, England. He had posted videos online in which he reportedly expressed misogynist and homophobic views, expressed hostility towards his mother and others, and likened himself to incels. He had also used incel forums on Reddit to express hateful views.

Mumkey Jones edit

File:Mumkey jones.png
Mumkey Jones with an Elliot Rodger body pillow.

Elliot Rodger was frequently discussed on the YouTube channel "Mumkey Jones", who made several satirical videos about Elliot Rodger and his "day of retribution". He also wrote a book called "Diary of a Supreme Gentleman", which was based on Elliot Rodger's manifesto and was a parody of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.

In 2018, Mumkey decided to stop making Elliot Rodger content, although he would still get his channel terminated that December due to 6 unfair copyright strikes. However, he returned to YouTube under a new name in 2019. Some of his Elliot Rodger videos were re-uploaded by fans for archival purposes.

Gallery edit

Videos edit

Trivia edit

  • After failing an attempt at winning the lottery, Elliot Rodger threw a massive tantrum and, in an intoxicated slew, drenched his laptop in wine, ultimately destroying it and asking his mother for the funds to purchase another.
  • The car he drove was a BMW 328i.
  • Elliot Rodger's favorite childhood movie was The Land Before Time.
  • His father, Peter Rodger, made the movie Oh My God which was a box office failure, and which made Peter and his family bankrupt.
  • He once saved his little brother from drowning.
  • The original plan of the massacre was much more sinister: he planned to steal his father's car, kill Soumaya, his stepmother, Peter, his father and Jazz, his little brother. He wanted to create a "torture chamber" out of his dorm (that's why he killed his roommates) and he planned to kill hundreds upon hundreds of people.
  • His role model was Seung-Hui Cho aka the Virginia Tech Shooter.
  • He would disturb and cause trouble to random people because he was jealous of them, and Elliot thought only he should be the one having fun with girls and no one else.
  • Despite him being half-Asian, he hated Asian people.[6]
  • He had a nice, caring and friendly female friend in London when he was a kid, but after Elliot moved away they've never talked again.
  • He was sent to Morocco due to him misbehaving but he begged to be brought home for a week, so his mother brought him home.
  • He was on forums like asking about how pretty he is. Everyone who said that he was average was scum in Elliot's eyes.
  • All of the videos he posted before the shooting were uploaded to They can be viewed here.
  • His manifesto can be read here.
  • He is similar to Matias Oyarzo.
  • He and Luka Magnotta both were born in July 24th and were murderers.
  • He is similar to David Attias, since both are sons of celebrities who went into a spree killing in Isla Vista.

See also edit

References edit