Great Replacement

“ | Mass immigration will disenfranchise us, subvert our nations, destroy our communities, destroy our ethnic binds, destroy our cultures, destroy our peoples. Long before low fertility levels ever could. Thus, before we deal with the fertility rates, we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our lands. We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. It is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people. | „ |
~ Excerpt from Brenton Tarrant's manifesto detailing the Great Replacement. |
The Great Replacement theory (originally known as the white genocide theory; other variants include Forced Diversity, Eurabia, or the Browning of America, and several other variants) is a series of racist, anti-Semitic (and/or Islamophobic, depending on the variation), white nationalist, white supremacist, and white nativist conspiracy theories, which allege that a globalist cabal (made up of Jews) is plotting the extinction of the white race by promoting miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organized violence, and eliminationism in white-founded countries in order to cause the extinction of whites through forced assimilation, mass immigration, and violent genocide.
The White Genocide conspiracy theory can date back to the 1700's/1800's and has remained popular with white nationalists/supremacists, even today.
The Great Replacement is an extension to the conspiracy coined by Renaud Camus in 2011, alleging that a the aforementioned Jewish globalist superpower is opening borders of western countries such as all the countries in Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa to allow immigrant entry in order to supplant white people living within those countries.
This add-on to the theory has gained a wide cult following amongst white supremacist groups, most notably within the Alt-Right. A similar theory exists in black supremacist thought, within racist terrorist groups such as the Nation of Islam, and espouses similar anti-semetic rhetoric. Another variation exists within Jewish militant groups, espousing bigoted statements that Palestinians and other gentiles plan to replace the Jewish population of Israel, thus making their ideology a Jewish supremacy.
There's another extension of the conspiracy known as "Forced Diversity", which is used against media that has a prominent minority, female, or LGBT character. This extension of the theory is notably used by far-right groups online, including The Fandom Menace, to go attack any media they deem as "woke" or diverse. They would usually be followed by harassment campaigns against the actors, specifically those of color, LGBT, different religion, or females.
Many white supremacist terrorists have been motivated by belief in the Great Replacement and White Genocide. These include El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius, who claimed to be fighting against a "Hispanic invasion of Texas", Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant, Tree of Life synagogue shooter Robert Bowers, and Anders Behring Breivik. John T. Earnest is also a believer in the conspiracy.
Believers in the theory edit
People edit
- Richard Spencer
- Matthew Heimbach
- Renaud Camus (Creator of the Great Replacement theory, an add on to the White Genocide conspiracy.)
- Nick Fuentes
- David Duke
- Jason Kessler
- Alex Jones
- Robert Bowers
- Andrew Auernheimer
- Anthime Joseph Gionet
- Henrik Palgrem
- Felix Lace
- Tarl Warwick
- Marcus Follin
- Lauren Southern
- Laura Loomer
- Faith Goldy
- Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Lauren Boebert
- Lana Lokteff
- Nick Bougas
- Arthur J. Jones
- Christopher Cantwell
- James Alex Fields Jr.
- Brenton Tarrant
- Michelle Malkin
- Carolyn Emerick
- Stephen Miller
- Don Black
- Jared Taylor
- Pat Buchanan
- Owen Benjamin
- Tara McCarthy
- Kevin MacDonald
- Patrick Little
- Patrick Crusius
- Brittney Venti
- Michael Coombs
- Brittany Sellner
- George Lincoln Rockwell
- Andrew Anglin
- Colin Robertson
- Pat King
- Paul Gosar
- Lauren Witzke
- Steve King
- Jake Angeli
- Lauren Boebert
- Jean-Marie Le Pen
- Marine Le Pen
- Herman Kelly
- Stefan Molyneux
- Andrew Bolt
- Alexandre Bissonnette
- Tucker Carlson
- Lauren Chen
- James Allsup
- Ben Garrison
- Steve Bannon
- Mihail Neamțu
- Anders Behring Breivik
- Santiago Abascal
- Sebastián Izquierdo
- Davor Domazet-Lošo
- Éric Zemmour
- Björn Höcke
- Laura Ingraham
- Mark Finchem
- Jean Messiha
- Gemma O'Doherty
- Nigel Farage
- Marian Kotleba
- Vox Day
- Rasmus Paludan
- Eric Greitens
- Tommy Robinson
- Robert Ménard
- Anne Marie Waters
- Norman Lowell
- Martin Sellner
- Janice Atkinson
- Eliana Benador
- Paul-Marie Coûteaux
- Filip Dewinter
- Václav Klaus
- Jean-Yves Le Gallou
- Bernard Lugan
- Karim Ouchikh
- Christian Piquemal
- Christian Vanneste
- Fraser Anning
- Ron Johnson
- Wendy Rogers
- John Waters
- Kaitlin Bennett
- Gavin McInnes
- Jesse Lee Peterson (ironically)
- Louis Farrakhan (in regard to non-blacks)
- Benzi Gopstein (in regard to gentiles)
- Yogi Adityanath (in regard to non-hindus)
- Ezra Levant (ironically)
- Mike Enoch
- Mike Cernovich
- Paul Joseph Watson
- Maram Susli
- Michael Savage
- Viktor Orbán
- Jair Bolsonaro
- Alexander Lukashenko
- Matteo Salvini
- Paul Fromm
- Blake Masters
- Kyle Chapman
- Tariq Nasheed (in regard to non-blacks)
- Payton Gendron
- Donald Trump
- Giorgia Meloni
- Élisabeth Lévy
Groups/Organizations edit
- Alt-Right
- Identitarian movement
- Ku Klux Klan
- National Policy Institute
- QAnon
- National Citizens Alliance
- The Daily Stormer
- Stormfront
- Rebel News
- English Defence League
- National Council of European Resistance
- Britain First
- Alliance for Peace and Freedom
- La Vanguardia
- Golden Dawn
- People's Party Our Slovakia
- Hard Line
- Imperium Europa
- Proud Boys
- Groypers
- The Fandom Menace
Trivia edit
- The greatest irony in the Great Replacement theory is that white nationalists ignore the fact that western societies in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand were formed by conquest, displacement, and often genocide of indigenous peoples, thus making western culture a "great replacement".
Videos edit