1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 |
Events edit
- March 23 - Syngman Rhee is impeached as President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.
- April 4 - The Schutzstaffel is founded as the second paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party after the Sturmabteilung.
- April 4 - Madge Oberholtzer is kidnapped, raped, and murdered in Indiana by local Ku Klux Klan leader D. C. Stephenson. The crime is so shocking that it marks the beginning of the decline of the second incarnation of the Klan.
- May 6 - Wilno school massacre
- July 18 - Adolf Hitler publishes Mein Kampf.
- October 25 - Benito Mussolini begins a crackdown on the Sicilian Mafia.
Births edit
Villain births edit
- March 25 - Nardong Putik
- May 17 - Idi Amin Dada
- May 19 - Pol Pot & Malcolm X
- July 10 - Mahathir Mohamad
- August 2 - Jorge Rafael Videla
- September 4 - Asa Carter
- September 17 - John List
- October 19 - Czesław Kiszczak
- October 24 - Ieng Sary
- October 30 - Gus Savage
- November 30 - Anna Mae Blessing
- December 5 - Anastasio Somoza Deybale
- December 28 - Milton Obote
Victim births edit
- April 11 - Viola Liuzzo
- May 5 - Leo Ryan
- July 2 - Patrice Lumumba
- July 22 - Medgar Evers
- August 6 - Leno LaBianca
- November 20 - Robert F. Kennedy
Deaths edit
Villain deaths edit
- April 15 - Fritz Haarmann
- May 6 - Stanisław Ławrynowicz & Janusz Obrąpalski
Victim deaths edit
- March 26 - Hugo Bettauer
- April 4 - Madge Oberholtzer