1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946

Events edit

  • January 20 - The Nazi Party holds the Wannsee Conference, where they decide that the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" is deportations to extermination camps.
  • February 18 to March 4 - The Sook Ching (the systematic extermination of perceived hostile elements among Chinese Singaporeans and Chinese Malayans by Imperial Japan) is carried out.
  • February 19 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, legalizing the transportation of Japanese-Americans to concentration camps.
  • March 25 - The first mass transport of Jews to Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp takes place.
  • April 9 - The Bataan Death March: Imperial Japanese military forces force American and Filipino POWs to march 60 miles from Bataan to Camp O'Donnell. Between 5,650 to 18,000 POWs die during the march.
  • June 4 - Reinhard Heydrich dies from wounds suffered in Prague during an assassination attempt by a team of Czech and Slovak soldiers. Ernst Kaltenbrunner succeeds him as head of the Reich Main Security Office.
  • June 4 to 7 - The Battle of Midway is fought.
  • June 10 - The Gestapo massacres 173 male residents of Lidice, Czechoslovakia in retaliation for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich.
  • July 23 - The gas chambers at Treblinka extermination camp begin operation, killing 6,500 Jews newly arrived from the Warsaw Ghetto.
  • August 16 - Massacre of Alía: 24 Spanish civilians are executed by the Spanish Civil Guard on Francisco Franco's orders after being accused of supporting anti-Franco guerrillas.
  • October 14 - The Ukrainian Insurgent Army is founded.
  • October 18 - Adolf Hitler issues the Commando Order, which stipulates that all Allied commandos encountered by German forces should be executed immediately without trial.
  • December 2 - Georgios Tsolakoglou is dismissed as Prime Minister of the Hellenic State. Konstantinos Logothetopoulos is chosen to replace him.

Births edit

Villain births edit

Victim births edit

  • June 28 - Chris Hani
  • November 4 - Roxanne Ellis

Deaths edit

Villain deaths edit

Victim deaths edit