This is only a page listing examples of pages that don't qualify for creation on Real Life Villains Wiki. They are all useless and unneeded pages that aren't allowed in this wiki, as this wiki has a history of adding pages on such pages that are not allowed in this wiki. This includes people, organizations, companies, countries, pop culture (e.g. people involved in the production of games, films, TV shows), etc. For more information, see the Specifications for Warranting a Page, Tim's Message and Villain definition.
Warning: DO NOT add a page on ANY of the following things you see in this list. If they're known to be controversial or for their notoriety, then they are disqualified from having a page created on them. However, you are allowed to add someone to the list whom you think doesn't deserve a page to be warranted.
Also DO NOT add a page of any person that you don't like in this wiki other than in the list below such as people you see somewhere in the real-life community or in social networking sites like Facebook as well as pages of people who did minor crimes or did only a few crimes, they probably learned their lesson and moved on. This wiki is only for criminals, serious criminals, not simply "corrupt" or "dislikable" people. We are not here to list political or religious leaders, teachers, students, or Internet celebrities you find objectionable and we ARE NOT an advertisement site for internet trolls. If you create an article on an individual who is NOT guilty of serious crimes against humanity (or at the least against a significant section of society), it WILL be purged.
Even if these mentioned subjects are banned, we are not necessarily in favour of their actions.
Most importantly, DO NOT ADD ANY FICTIONAL CHARACTERS OR WORKS. This is a REAL LIFE VILLAINS WIKI; it shouldn't have to be explained. If you want to see fictional villains, see the Villains Wiki
UPDATE #1: DO NOT put any names of admins and other wiki members in this page especially Wikia staff members. We are not Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki.
UPDATE #2: As of May 11th, all random Internet users (especially those who caused drama) are to be added to this list unless their crimes are on media (such as the news) even though we condemn their actions. If anyone creates an article about these users WILL purged too and the offending creator WILL be banned.
NOTE: When adding someone or something to this list, please offer an adequate explanation as to why someone could potentially want to make an article about them. Entries that do not adequately address such reasons may be deleted.
The following is a list of pages that have been repeatedly re-created and deleted. Please DO NOT re-create these pages. All these pages will be locked.
Alex Binello
Autism Speaks
Copyright Infringement
Daniel Emmet
Danny Chen
the Dream SMP
George Floyd
George Soros
Kurt Chew Een-Lee
Linus Torvalds
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Pablo Iglesias
The Linux Foundation
Rachel Scott
Raphael Arbuz
Toby Fox
Architecture, Landmarks and Place of Interestsedit
Area 51: A highly secretive US Air Force base in Nevada that has many conspiracy theories on what is inside as well as the site of the popular and highly controversial "Storm Area 51" internet meme.
Aztec High School: School where William Atchison committed a shooting.
Baker Hotel: A hotel in Mineral Wells, TX where its notorious for being haunted.
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden: A zoo in Cincinnati, OH where Harambe has been shot and killed that went viral.
Clown Motel: A motel in Tonopah, Nevada that is decorated with hundreds of clown dolls, figurines, and other merchandise and it is situated next to an abandoned graveyard and its also rumored to be haunted by those buried in the graveyard.
Columbine High School: The school where a mass shooting committed by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold took place.
Comet Ping Pong: A pizzeria which was target of the infamous Pizzagate conspiracy theory.
Dunblane Primary School: Scottish school where Thomas Watt Hamilton committed a shooting
Fort Hood: just a US Army base in Texas where the two shootings occurred in 2009 by Nidal Malik Hassan and 2014 by Ivan Lopez.
Gaffney, SC: just a town in the United States notorious for its serial killings such as Lee Roy Martin in 1968 and Patrick Tracy Burris in 2009.
Golden Gate Bridge: A bridge infamous for being a suicide hotspot.
Guantanamo Bay: United States military prison controversial for indefinite detention without trial and torture.
Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum: Mausoleum in Vietnam where the embalmed body of Ho Chi Minh was laid to rest.
Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market: A controversial Chinese market, known for the ground zero of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Kremlin: Federal government establishment in Moscow, Russia.
Kumsusan Palace of the Sun: Mausoleum in North Korea where the embalmed bodies of Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jong-il laid to rest.
Lenin's Mausoleum: Mausoleum where the remains of Vladimir Lenin laid to rest. Photography is prohibited inside.
Mandalay Bay: Hotel in Las Vegas where Stephen Paddock checked in and opened fire at the Country Music festival attendees then committed suicide.
Miraflores Palace: Presidential palace and government officer in Venezuela.
PNB 118: Under construction skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur criticized for being wasteful.
Robb elementary school: The school in Uvalde, TX where Salvador Ramos opened fire and killed 19 children and 2 teachers.
Sandy Hook elementary. The school where Adam Lanza opened fire and killed 27 people
Stoneman Douglas high school: The school where Nikolas Cruz committed a shooting.
The Island of the Dolls/La Isla de las Muñecas: Just a place located in México which has a lot of dolls which is said to be cursed.
Torre de Manila: Controversial residential building in Manila that has been considered as an eyesore by its critics, especially heritage conservationists. Critics insist that the building will ruin the sight-line of the Rizal Monument in nearby Luneta Park.
Trump Tower: Controversial skyscraper in New York City that serves as the headquarters for The Trump Organization.
Virginia Tech: School where Seung-Hui Cho carried out a mass shooting.
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn newspaper ads: Lead to controversy for using pictures of various dictators, warlords, war criminals, and leaders (including those who weren't involved in war) from various countries from past to present to promote the game. However, the Tiberian series (aka the main Command & Conquer series) didn't have anything related to those people in the first place except for Hitler and Stalin which are first appeared in Red Alert series.
False advertising: A type of deception with the use of false, misleading, or unproven information to advertise products to consumers or advertising that does not disclose its source. A series of PSAs made by the WSIB which became infamous for its disturbing imagery.
Truth: Just a controversial anti-vaping campaign.
The Real Cost: like Truth, Just a controversial anti-vaping campaign.
This category is only for famous historical and modern artists and writers only, not internet related things like DeviantArt members and anything involved with pop culture (TV shows, films, and games).
Bob Ross, just a controversial painter that became a pop culture icon.
Carlo Collodi, just a controversial author.
Charles Soule, just a controversial author.
Clive Barker, just a controversial author and filmmaker.
Dante Alighieri, just a controversial poet.
Donatello, just a controversial sculptor.
Dr. Seuss, just a controversial author.
Edgar Allan Poe, just a controversial writer and poet.
E.L. James, just a controversial author
Frida Kahlo, just a controversial painter.
Gabriel García Márquez, just a famous writer
George Orwell, just a controversial writer.
Gonzalo Millán, just a famous poet.
Hokusai, just a famous painter.
H.P. Lovecraft, just a controversial writer.
Jack Kirby, just a controversial comic book artist, writer and editor.
Jack London, just a controversial author.
Jackson Pollock, just a controversial painter.
James Joyce, just a controversial author.
J.K. Rowling, just a controversial author.
J. R. R. Tolkien, just a controversial author.
JSG Boggs, just a controversial artist.
Leonardo da Vinci, only a famous revolutionary of the Renaissance, caused enormous achievements by promoting autopsies, totally impious at the time.
Mario Vargas Llosa, just a controversial writer
Maurice Sendak, just a famous author whose most controversial book was In The Night Kitchen.
Michelangelo Buonarroti, just a controversial artist and sculptor.
Neil Gaiman, just a controversial author
Nicholas Sparks, just a controversial author
Nigel Tomm, just a controversial artist.
Orson Scott Card, just a controversial author
Pablo Neruda, just a famous Chilean poet
Pablo Picasso, just a famous painter.
Raphael, just a controversial painter.
Reki Kawahara, just a controversial light novel author.
Richard Adams, just a controversial author
Salman Rushdie, just an extremely controversial author who was accused of blasphemy with his novel The Satanic Verses
Salvador Dalí, just a controversial painter.
Shepard Fairey, just a controversial street artist
Stan Lee. Just a controversial comic book writter who made many of the most important and famous marvel characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Thor.
Stephanie Meyer, just a controversial author.
Stephen King, just a controversial author.
Suehiro Maruo, Just a controversial mangaka and illustrator who is known for his grotesque artworks.
Vincent van Gogh, Just a controversial painter.
Warner Sallman, Just a controversial painter who painted the Head of Christ.
Pure Evil/Approved Evil/Complete Monster: A category that is used to describe fictional villains that do irredeemable acts with no good factors to be shown and is used on the Villains Wiki unless they are fictionalized or fictional versions of real people. Because real life villains aren't completely irredeemable and evil and have some decent factors to be as human and imperfect, as well as this wiki is meant to be as encyclopedic as possible, this category doesn't deserve to be on any of the villains on this wiki. Likewise, any Pure Evil proposal will be deleted on sight.
Rejected Evil/Near Pure Evil: A category to describe villains that aren't heinous enough or lack what is required to be Pure Evil and is used on the Villains Wiki. Because of how Rejected Evil is a more subjective fictional description which doesn't fit with the encyclopedic content on this wiki, this category shouldn't belong on this wiki. Just like with Pure Evil proposals, Pure Evil removal proposals will be removed on sight.
Other categories from the Fictional Villains Wiki that wouldn't apply to real-life Villains: This site is for REAL-LIFE VILLAINS ONLY. This means that categories such as Big/Bigger Bads, Protagonists, Antagonists The Heavy, Right-Hand, Minions, Enforcers, etc. are not acceptable because you cannot have a "Big/Bigger bad" of reality or a "Protagonist" of reality. Ignoring this warning will lead to a ban.
Protagonists: Doesn't apply to real-life Villains.
Big/Bigger Bads: Just like Protagonists above, real life doesn't have main villains.
The Most Powerful Villains in History: Unnecessary category.
Fictional Fictional: Self-explanatory, this is about REAL-LIFE villains, NOT fictional.
911: Just an emergency telephone number in North America and the Philippines that is intended for use in emergency circumstances only, and using it for any other purpose (such as making false or prank calls) which is considered as a crime in certain jurisdictions.
ADX Florence: Just a supermax prison that houses the male inmates in the federal prison system who are deemed the most dangerous and in need of the tightest control, including prisoners whose escape would pose a threat to national security.
Bomb Squad: Just law enforcement officers who specializes on bomb disposal.
Copyright infringement: Just a controversial crime which is a use of works protected by copyright law without permission.
Electric chair: Just a form of execution.
Execution: Just a controversial punishment used in some countries where a criminal is punished by being killed, although Amnesty International considers this practice as barbaric and inhumane and that it must remain in the past.
Hanging: Just a form of execution.
Identified, arrested or detained individuals (anyone who are arrested by law enforcement officers and detained in the holding cell): If the crime is serious wait until there is a conviction. Courts decide if these people are actually guilty. We don't.
Interrogation: Just an action of interrogating or the process of being interrogated unless if it's involved torture and abusing their powers.
Law Enforcement Officers (either police or sheriff): Just civil servants who protect and help people in the community unless if is an individual officer committed a serious crime such as murder or rape. Corrupt officers and officers who break their own laws are considered as villains.
Lethal injection: Just a form of execution.
Prison guards: Just a controversial civil servant who works in prisons or jails. However, just like law enforcement officers, individual officers are capable of qualifying if they’ve severely abused their powers.
File:Charles Ingram.jpgCharles Ingram is one of several accused individuals who no longer qualify to be on this wiki, as a result of Tim's Message.
This part of the list will include any known individuals who have been merely accused of various felonies until they get convicted for their crimes. Only individual felons who are suspected and/or accused of committing serious crimes that they have never gotten convicted of, or individual felons whose crimes are insufficiently heinous are allowed in this section. For notable exceptions, see Specifications for Warranting a Page/Standard of proof and Notable Exceptions.
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, Son of Anwar al-Awlaki who was killed in a drone strike two weeks after his father's killing. He was not linked to any terrorist activity, so he does not deserve a page.
Adrian Pollock, Brother of Diana Ingram who wasn't involved in the scandal, he was just obsessed with the show. During his game, he didn't cheat.
Alex Salmond. Former politician who was found innocent of twelve counts of rape.
Amanda Knox, Individual wrongfully convicted of murdering Meredith Kercher.
Anthony Broadwater, Was convicted of the rape of Alice Sebold, but had his conviction overturned in 2021.
Anthony Peek, Was convicted of the rape and murder of Erna Carlson, but had his conviction overturned in 1987.
Anthony Ray Hinton, Was convicted of a 1985 triple murder, but had his conviction overturned in 2015.
Asia Argento, Actress hit with allegations of sexually assaulting then 17-year-old Jimmy Bennett, but got off scot free.
Ben Roethlisberger. NFL player accused of rape, but wasn't charged due to lack of evidence.
Birmingham Six (John Walker, Patrick Hill, Hugh Callaghan, Richard McIlkenny, Gerry Hunter and William Power). Were wrongly convicted of two bombings by the Irish Republican Army.
Blac Chyna, Model accused by ex-boyfriend Rob Kardashian of abusing him.
Brian Banks, NFL player who spent six years in prison after being falsely accused of rape by Wanetta Gibson.
Bridgewater Four (Patrick Molloy, James Robinson, Michael Hickey and Vincent Hickey). Were convicted of the murder of Carl Bridgewater, but had their convictions overturned in 1997.
Bryan Singer, Film director accused of, but never charged with, sexually abusing children.
Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas man executed for killing his daughters in an arson attack, only for forensic evidence to determine that the fire was accidental.
Central Park Five (Steve Lopez, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise), Were wrongfully convicted of a rape committed by Matias Reyes.
Charles Ingram, Army major who was accused of cheating on the show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" who claims he is innocent. It is considered a ridiculous reason for you to have your site here.
Chicago Seven (Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, and Lee Weiner), A group of activists against the Vietnam War who were accused of committing different crimes, but all ended up being acquitted. Bobby Seale was also one of the defendants but his trial was declared a mistrial.
Clarence Brandley. Was convicted of the rape and murder of Cheryl Dee Fergeson, but had his conviction overturned in 1990.
Claude Jones, Was wrongly convicted of and executed for the murder of Allen Hilzendager.
Clifford Henry Bowen. Was convicted of a 1980 triple murder, but had his conviction overturned in 1986.
Darius Sessoms, American man accused of the murder of Cannon Hinnant. Due to Wiki rules, he can't have a page unless he's convicted.
Darren Wilson, Police officer who shot Michael Brown after Brown attempted to snatch his gun.
David Duckenfield. Police chief who was acquitted of gross negligence following the Hillsborough disaster.
Derek Bentley. Teenager who was executed for murder, but had his conviction posthumously overturned in 1998.
Diana Ingram, Wife of Charles Ingram, who was suspected of helping him cheat. She also clams innocence.
Don Lemon, CNN host accused of sexual assault, but he doesn't deserve a page unless he's found guilty.
Dream/DreamWasTaken, YouTuber who was accused of grooming 2 minors, but is still not yet found guilty of such act yet. Unless these allegations are true, he doesn't deserve a page here.
Elvira Barney, Woman acquitted of shooting her lover during a struggle.
Erika Jayne, Singer and television personality accused of embezzlement. Unless these allegations are true, she does not deserve a page here.
George Kelly, Was executed for murder in 1950, but was posthumously exonerated in 2003.
George Stinney, Was wrongfully convicted at age 14 of the murder of two white girls in 1944 in his hometown of Alcolu, South Carolina.
George Zimmerman. Acquitted of shooting Trayvon Martin on the grounds that whether or not it was self-defense couldn't be proven.
Giuseppe Martelli, Acquitted of spying for the Soviet Union due to no evidence he had ever passed classified material to the Russians.
Groveland Four (Ernest Thomas, Charles Greenlee, Samuel Shepherd and Walter Irvin). African-Americans falsely convicted of rape.
Guildford Four (Paul Hill, Gerald Conlon, Patrick Armstrong and Carole Richardson). Were wrongfully convicted of bombings by the Irish Republican Army.
Irmela Mensah-Schramm. German woman who was fined for covering far-right graffiti with more graffiti.
Jack McCullough, Was wrongfully convicted of the murder of Maria Ridulph, only to have his conviction quashed in 2017.
James Deen, American porn star who has been accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women as well as of domestic abuse by former girlfriend Joanna Angel. He has been called the "Bill Cosby of porn". He has yet to be charged for any of these accusations so he does not yet deserve having a page.
Jason Stokes, Firefighter who was suspected but acquitted of burning his house down and attempting to frame Black Lives Matter.
Jelena Popovic. Deputy Chief magistrate who was accused of hugging two drug traffickers by Andrew Bolt.
John Artis. Was convicted of a 1966 triple murder, only to have his conviction overturned in 1985.
Jonathan Roman Rivera. Man who was wrongly convicted of a murder committed by Alex Pabón Colón.
Kevin Spacey, Actor awaiting trial for sexual and indecent assault who can't have a page unless convicted thereof.
Kyle Rittenhouse. Teenager accused of shooting Black Lives Matter protestors, but did so in self-defense.
Leona Helmsley. Hotelier convicted of tax fraud who is suspected of getting her employees to perform community service.
Leonard Peltier. Human rights activist accused and convicted of aiding and abetting in the murders of two FBI agents. Due to lack of proof, he doesn't warrant a page here.
Leslie Carter. Late model and pop singer speculated by her brother Aaron Carter to have raped him. Due to lack of proof, she doesn't warrant a page here.
Lindy Chamberlain. Was convicted of killing her baby daughter Azaria, only to have her conviction overturned in 1988 due to evidence a dingo killed her.
Lucy Letby. Nurse accused of murdering babies who can't have a page unless convicted thereof.
Maguire Seven (Anne Maguire, Patrick Maguire Sr., Patrick Maguire Jr., Vincent Maguire, Sean Smyth, Patrick O’Neill and Patrick Conlon). Were wrongfully convicted of complicity in bombings by the Irish Republican Army.
Mahmood Hussein Martian. Somali who was wrongfully executed for a murder committed by Taher Gass.
Marlena Karellas. Woman who was acquitted of stabbing her ex.
Martha Stewart, Businesswoman who was convicted of insider trading.
Michael Jackson, Due to the fact that he was found not guilty of all accounts, he doesn't deserve to have his page here.
Nick Hogan, Son of Hulk Hogan who spent time in jail after causing a car crash while drunk and leaving his passenger with severe brain damage
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Italian immigrants wrongfully executed for murder.
Oritsé Williams, Singer who was acquitted of raping a female fan.
Pablo Hasél, A Spanish rapper who was accused of "inciting terrorism" because his songs contained messages against the Spanish monarchy, for which he was convicted of and imprisoned, sparking a wave of protests and riots in Spain, accusing the government of "restriction of freedom of expression"
Roscoe Arbuckle. Actor wrongly convicted of the rape and manslaughter of Virginia Rappe.
Roy Moore, Former Supreme Court justice who has been removed from service, made bigoted comments, and has been accused of child sexual abuse, but was never convicted thereof.
Rubin “Hurricane” Carter. Boxer who was convicted of a 1966 triple murder, only to have his conviction overturned in 1985.
Abraham Lincoln, just a former President of the United States.
Adam Smith, just a controversial economist and inventor of capitalism.
Allan Pinkerton, just a controversial Scottish-American detective and spy who is also a founder of Pinkerton National Detective Agency.
Albert Lebrun, just a former President of France who got defeated by Hitler in World War II.
Alec Douglas-Home, just a former Prime Minister of Britain.
Alexander Dubček, just a controversial politician and former president of Czechoslovakia.
Alexander the Great, just a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty.
Aman Andom, former governor of DERG.
Amircal Cabral, just a hero of the independence of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde.
Anthony Eden, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Britain.
Antonio Gramsci, just a controversial Italian politician and Marxist philosopher.
Antonio Luna, just a Filipino army general and war hero who fought in the Philippine–American War.
Atahualpa, just an Inca ruler.
Augusto César Sandino, just a controversial Nicaraguan revolutionary.
Benedicto Kiwanuka, former first Prime Minister of Uganda.
Benigno Aquino Jr, just a national hero of the Philippines.
Wild Bill Hickok, just a controversial Wild West sheriff.
Buffalo Bill Cody, just a controversial Wild West showman.
Calvin Coolidge, just a controversial former president.
Carlos P. Garcia, just a controversial former President of the Philippines.
Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer (La Quintrala), just a controversial Chilean aristocrat who historically has been portrayed by historians as a cruel and abusive woman, but in more current times it has been discovered that much of these attributes were false or exaggerated.
Charles de Gaulle, just a controversial President of France and leader of the French resistance during World War II.
Cleopatra, Just an Egyptian ruler who was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, nominally survived as pharaoh by her son Caesarion.
Diosdado Macapagal, just a controversial politician and former President of the Philippines.
Douglas Haig, Just a controversial general.
Douglas MacArthur, just a controversial general who allowed Emperor Hirohito to remain on throne after the end of World War II.
Dương Văn Minh, just a controversial South Vietnamese general who surrendered to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong in 1975.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, just a general and former President of the United States.
Dzokhar Dudayev, just a controversial leader of the Chechen resistance killed by Russia.
Eisaku Sato, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Emilio Aguinaldo, just the controversial first President of the Philippines.
Emperor Taisho, just a former Emperor of Japan and father of Hirohito.
Emu War, Just a controversial warfare against emus.
Eva Braun, Just Adolf Hitler's wife.
Farabundo Martí, just a controversial Salvadoran revolutionary.
Francis Drake, just a controversial naval officer.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, just a controversial US president, who oversaw the interment camps of Japanese Americans.
Friedrich Engels, just a controversial philosopher and one of the founders of communism.
Galileo Galilei, just a famous scientist who was put under house arrest for his advocacy for Copernicus' theory of the Sun in the middle of the universe and the Earth in motion about the Sun.
George S. Patton, just a controversial army general who gained criticism for slapping 2 soldiers over combat stress and anti-semitism.George S. Patton.
George Washington, just the controversial first President of the United States.
Gerald Ford, just a controversial US president who pardoned Richard Nixon.
Hans-Heinz Linder, Just a Kriegsmarine officer who took Nazi agents to the USA during World War II.
Harold Macmillan, just a former Prime Minister of Britain.
Harold Wilson, just a former Prime Minister of Britain.
Harry S. Truman, just a controversial politician and former US president who oversaw the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Hayato Ikeda, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Heinz Brandt, Just Adolf Hitler's Chief of Staff, he did not participate in any atrocities.
Henry Ford, Just because he was Anti-Semitic, wrote Anti-Semitic papers and he helped Hitler, not a villain and does not deserve a page here, also had redeeming qualities.
Hiroo Onoda, just an ordinary soldier who refused to surrender in the Philippines.
Hjalmar Schacht, just the German Minister of the Economy in Nazi Germany.
Horatio Nelson, just a controversial admiral remembered for defeating Napoleon Bonaparte.
Inejiro Asanuma. just a Japanese socialist politician who was stabbed to death by Otoya Yamaguchi.
Ishinosuke Uwano, just an ordinary soldier who disappeared but was found in Ukraine in 2006.
Ito Hirobumi, just a controversial politician and first Prime Minister of Japan.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Just a controversial pathologist and euthanasia activist. The topic of euthanasia, like abortion is very heated and up for debate.
Jacobo Árbenz, just a controversial Guatemalan president
Captain James Cook, just a controversial British explorer.
Jimmy Carter, just a controversial politician and former President of the United States.
João Goulart, just a controversial politician and former President of Brazil.
John Adams, just a controversial US president who oversaw the Alien and Sedition Acts.
John F. Kennedy, just a controversial politician and former President of the United States.
John Tyler, just a controversial president who was the only former president to commit an act of treason.
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, just a controversial Colombian socialist politician.
José de San Martín, just a controversial Argentine general and hero of the independence of Argentina, Chile and Peru.
Jose P. Laurel, just a controversial politician and a former President of the Second Philippine Republic during WWII.
Jose Rizal, just one of the Philippine national heroes.
Juscelino Kubitschek, just a controversial politician and former president of Brazil
Karl Marx, just a controversial revolutionary socialist.Karl Marx.
Kigeli V of Rwanda, just a controversial former king of Rwanda.
Kim Gu, just a Korean resistance leader during World War II.
King Edward VIII, just a controversial former King of Britain.
King George VI, just a former King of Britain during World War II.
Konrad Adenauer, just a former West German chancellor.
Kurt Chew-Een Lee, just a controversial soldier and war hero.
Lyndon B. Johnson, just a controversial former US president who sent US troops into Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
Mahatma Gandhi, just a controversial Indian revolutionary.
Manfred von Richthofen/Red Baron, despite being a WWI German ace pilot, his villainous acts are only in fiction but not in real-life.
Manuel L. Quezon, just a controversial politician and a former President of the Philippines.
Marcus Brutus, just a Roman politician who is known for assassinating Julius Caesar, but nobody knows if he should be added here.
Martin Luther King Jr., just an American spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement.
Masayoshi Ohira, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Mikhail Gorbachev, just a controversial former leader of the Soviet Union who was blamed by some for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Montezuma II, just an Aztec ruler.
Mother Teresa, Just a religious leader.
Muawiyah. Just a controversial islamic king who founded the Umayyad Dynasty.
Nelson Mandela, just a controversial heroic politician and former President of South Africa.
Nelson Rockefeller, just a former US vice president.
Neville Chamberlain, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Britain who failed to stop Hitler from starting World War II.
Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, just a controversial general and former Prime Minister of South Vietnam who returned to Vietnam in 2004.
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, just a controversial President of South Vietnam.
Nicolaus Copernicus, just a controversial scientist.
Nikola Tesla, just a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, physicist, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.Patrice Lumumba
Otto Günsche, just a controversial German soldier who helped to burn Adolf Hitler's body, however, he does not deserve a page here since he was released from Bauzen penitentiary on 2 May 1956.
Patrice Lumumba, just a heroic politician and former prime minister of Republic of the Congo and independance's leader.
Pierre Trudeau, just a former Prime Minister of Canada and father of current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Pridi Banomyong, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Thailand.
Queen Victoria, just a former Queen of Britain.
Ramon Magsaysay, just a former President of the Philippines.
Rene Coty, just a controversial former President of France.
Robert E. Lee, Just a controversial commander of the Confederate Army,
Robert Menzies, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Australia.
Robert Walpole, just the first Prime Minister of Britain.
Rosa Luxemburg, just a controversial Polish socialist revolutionary.
Saburo Sakai, just a controversial aviator who never killed any innocents during WWII, despite of being a naval aviator and an ace pilot of the Imperial Japan.
Samuel Shenton, just the founder of the Flat Earth movement.
Seretse Khama, just a controversial Botswana president
Simo Häyhä, just a controversial WWII Finnish sniper who estimated in his diary he killed more than five hundred Red Army soldiers in the Winter War (by both sniper rifle and machine/submachine gun).
Simón Bolívar, just a controversial Venezuelan general who liberated most of South America from the Spanish Empire.
Stephen Hawking, just a scientist.
Stonewall Jackson, just a controversial American Civil War leader.
Sun Yat-sen, just a politician who was the first President of China.
Sweeney Todd, not actually a real person, originated fictionally as a penny dreadful character, however, is thought to have stemmed from some real life serial killers, if information can be found about them, they can be added with trivia of being inspirations for Todd.
Thomas Edison, just a controversial inventor.
Thomas Jefferson, just a controversial president who allegedly raped a slave named Sally Hemings.
Ulysses S. Grant, just a former US president.
Wilhelm Solf, just a German politician who served as governor of German Samoa.
William Patrick Hitler/Stuart-Houston, just a controversial half-nephew of Adolf Hitler who, disgusted with his uncle's ideals, enlisted in the US Army.
William Shakespeare, just a world famous poet, playwright and actor.
Winston Churchill, just a controversial politician and Prime Minister of Britain during World War II.
Yitzhak Rabin, just a controversial Prime Minister of Israel who was involved in peace plans with Palestine.
Yun Posun, just a former South Korean president who was overthrown by Park Chung-hee.
Ageist jokes, just a controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Anime jokes, just a controversial joke genre.
Autism jokes, just a controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Blonde jokes, just a controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Dark humor, just a controversial joke genre.
Der Untergangers, just a controversial YouTube comedy genre involving edited clips from the German biopic Der Untergang (Downfall).
Emo/Goth Jokes, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Fatherless jokes, just a controversial joke genre unless they are actual threats.
Jokes about genocide denial, just an extremely controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Jokes about rape/sexual assault, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Jokes about school shootings, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Jokes with homophobia, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Jokes with suicide, murder or self-harm, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Meme jokes, just a controversial joke genre, involving any Internet memes.
Phone Losers of America, just a controversial hacker group that involves prank calling.
Prank call, just a telephone practical joke unless if it's a threatening call. (Swatting for example.)
Racist jokes, just a controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Sexist jokes, just a controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Terrorist jokes, just a controversial joke genre, unless they are actual threats even though many were arrested for making them as jokes.
Touch-Tone Terrorists, just a controversial series of prank calls.
Yo Mama jokes, just a controversial joke genre and internet drama.
WARNING: Only controversial religious-related thing and people who involved with religion in this section. DO NOT Mention God, Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary and any religious figures who aren't villains in this section. If anyone who adds a page on THEM or mentioned in this list as well as in Pages we need to add will get blocked from this wiki!
Aleister Crowley, just a controversial occultist and Luciferian leader.
Ali Dawah, Just an Islamic preacher and debater.
Ang Dating Daan, just a controversial Filipino religious radio and television program.
Anton LaVey, just a controversial Satanist and religious leader.
Any mythological/religious figures, no matter if they are evil or not they are too controversial and adding them to this wiki can be disrespectful to other people's beliefs.
Any page related to Islam apart from Islamic terrorists, too controversial to create a page on religion or historical figures of Islam as villainous. This also applies to words and phrases that are used by terrorists or radical Islam.
Apostate Prophet/Ridvan Aydemir, just a controversial critic of Islam
Baptist, just a controversial Christian group.
Billy Graham, just a controversial religious leader and televangelist.
Budai or Laughing Buddha, just a religious figure but it's too controversial on religion. Some Christians think that the Laughing Buddha are satanic symbol but for them they are not.
Buddhism, just a controversial religion.
Confucianism, just a controversial religion.
Christianity, just a controversial religion.
David Wood, just a controversial christian preacher and critic of Islam
El Shaddai movement, just a controversial catholic charismatic movement in the Philippines.
Feast of Black Nazarene, just a controversial religious festival in the Philippines that occurred every 9th of January which is also notorious for injuries and even deaths of devotees are brought upon by one or several factors including heat, fatigue, or being trampled upon by the crowd.
Freemasonary, just a religion that many people have claimed operates a Masonic conspiracy or is a front for the Illuminati.
Gautama Buddha, just a religious leader and the founder of Buddhism.
Heathenry, just a controversial branch of paganism.
Hindu deities, just a religious icon but its considered highly disrespectful if someone adds a page on them (Ganesha and Lakshmi are examples).
Hinduism, just a controversial religion.
Idolatry, just a controversial type of worship with the use to praise in the front of either a human being or a non-living thing.
Iglesia ni Cristo, just a controversial independent Christian religious organization that originated in the Philippines.
Islam, just a controversial religion.
Jaime Cardinal Sin, just a Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila.
Jesuits, a Catholic Religious Order.
Jihad, just an Islamic concept meaning "struggle" that is commonly associated with Militant Islam.
Joel Osteen, just a controversial megachurch pastor.
John Hagee, just a controversial megachurch pastor.
Judaism, just a controversial religion.
Kingdom of Jesus Christ, just a controversial restorianist church.
Luciferianism, just a controversial religion.
Members Church of God International, just a controversial religious group.
Mormons, just a controversial Christian group.
Mother Angelica, just a founder of EWTN.
Muhammad Hijab, Just an Islamic preacher and debater.
Orthodox Christians, just a controversial religion.
Paganism, just a group of controversial religions that aren't part of any main religions (such as Christianity) unless it involves very disturbing activities, like human sacrifices.
Pastafarianism, just a controversial parody religion which claims the world was created by Flying Spaghetti Monster
Pope Benedict XVI, just a controversial former pope/leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Pope Francis, just a current pope/leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, just a controversial religious leader.
Richard Dawkins, just a well-known Atheist.
Roman Catholic Church, just a controversial Christian group.
Satanism, just a controversial religion.
Shintoism, just a controversial Japanese religion.
Taoism, just a controversial religion
Martin Luther, Founder of Protestantism and Anti-Catholic Preacher.
John Calvin, Founder of the Controversial Protestant Denomination Calvinism and Anti-Catholic Pastor.
Prophet Muhammad, Founder of Islam and Controversial Religious Figure.
Pope Urban II, Pope of the Catholic Church and Founder of the Crusader Movement.
The Crusades, a Controversial Militant Christian Movement.
The Inquisitions, a Controversial Law Enforcing Christian Movement.
Philip Pullman, An Atheist and Author of the His Dark Materials Fantasy Novels.
Knights Templar, a Christian Military Order.
Teutonic Knights, a German Christian Military Order.
Knights Hospitaller, a Christian Military and Hospital Order.
The Order of Christ, The Successors of the Knights Templar.
Wicca, Just a controversial religion that involves witchcraft.
Animals of any kind, no matter how dangerous or aggressive, or how many attacks against humans have happened, as they ultimately act on instinct and cannot be judged by the same moral standards as humans.
Angelo Quinto, A innocent victim who was victim to police brutality
Any form of weather such as hailstorm, it's just a natural phenomenon.
Any hateful pages towards admins or users of this wiki: this is considered very disrespectful and will be deleted on sight and the person who makes the hateful page will be banned.
All sicknesses, diseases, disorders, and viruses. No matter how many people are killed, injured, or permanently damaged because of these, they are not able to be judged like humans.
Andrew Pierce, just an individual with no evidence of existence.
Bar Refaeli. Model with a history of tax problems
Bohemian Club. Private men's club that's accused of murder & human sacrifice.
Breonna Taylor, A innocent victim who was victim killed by mistake.
Bruce Ismay, Owner of the RMS Titanic who received intense criticism and controversy from both the British and American press for surviving the sinking by boarding one of the last lifeboats to leave the ship while 1500 others drowned or died of hypothermia in the water.
Bruce Pascoe, just a controversial writer who was exposed of historical revisionism and alleged cultural appropriation.
Brexit, A controversial event of Britain leaving the European Union.
Critical Race Theory, just a highly controversial and divisive field of study.
CalArts, A phrase that claims most modern animation is all the same & is used as an excuse to justify some viewers' falling out with more recent shows.
Christine Blasey Ford, a controversial professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape. Millions of people believe the allegations while millions don't, thus it is too controversial to declare her villainous.
Drag Queen Story Hour. Controversial "storytime" in libraries involving drag queens, which has had its fair share of controversies.
Edward Snowden. Whistle-blower who Vladimir Putin granted asylum to.
Erin Heatherton. Model busted for disturbing her neighbors at the Morton Square Condominium for playing her music loud, but is not heinous enough.
Eric Gardner, A innocent victim who was victim to police brutality.
Freedom of Speech, just a controversial human right that allows "offensive" or "dislikeable" opinions to be put out without fear of legal reprisal.
Heela Najibullah, daughter of last president of the last president of the Afghan's Democratic people Mohammad Najibullah
Gerald Bull, controversial nuclear engineer who collaborated with the Iraqi government
George Floyd: Just a innocent man who was victim to police brutality, also just because he was a criminal in the past (being arrested 9 times, infamously arrested for breaking and entering and then holding a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach) he does not deserve a page here.
Gypsy Rose Blanchard: A victim of abuse, while she did aided the murder of her mother, she does not deserved a page here.
Ibram X. Kendi, just a controversial and divisive antiracism scholar.
Ivanka Trump. Controversial person who is the daughter of Donald Trump.
Jared Diamond, just a controversial geographer and historian.
Jonathan Lee Riches. A controversial man who is known for making grossly stupid demands and has been jailed for minor offenses.
Julian Assange, Whistle-blower and founder of Wikileaks.
Lyudmila Putina: Just a former spouse of Vladimir Putin.
Nicholas Godejohn: Just because he killed a abuser, he does not deserve a page here.
Mapuche Ancestral Resistance. An alleged Mapuche terrorist organization in Argentina whose existence has never been proven. It is believed that it could be a setup by the Argentine government to criminalize the Mapuches.
Men's Rights Movement. Controversial political movement which is the male counterpart of feminism and has such been criticized by Radical feminists.
One More Day. Spider-Man comic book storyline by Marvel Comics in 2007 through 2008 that was widely criticized by fans and critics, with a particular sticking point being the decision to end Peter Parker and Mary Jane's relationship.
Remakes/Reboots/Revivals. Movies and/or TV shows trying to bring in new audiences to older properties, despite people complaining about the changes made or the fact they exist, thinking the certain property is unremakeable.
Rodney King, just an African American man who was brutally beaten by members of the Los Angeles Police Department. As a consequence of this, many African Americans were outraged and that would end up causing the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
Samuel Kanyon Doe Jr: the son of dictator Samuel Kanyon Doe ant the president of the Doe's family.
Steve Irwin: A wildlife expert who was criticized for embodying negative Australian stereotypes and for antagonizing the animals he encounters, the latter of which came from PETA only to apologize for saying that.
Victoria Salazar: A innocent Salvadoran woman who was killed in an act of police brutality in Mexico, similar to George Floyd.
Wehraboos: Just trolls don't really warrant a page.
Zoe Quinn. Controversial video game developer, programmer, writer, and artist; notable for being a prominent figure in the GamerGate controversy.
4/20, (April 20): Just a controversial date known for being the international day of cannabis (marijuana) consumption and celebration which also coincides with Adolf Hitler's birthday.
Bella Hadid: Just a controversial model
Cara Delevingne: Just a controversial model.
Carrie Prejean: Just a controversial model and former Miss California USA 2009
Capitalism: Just a controversial economic system
Chelsea Manning: Just a controversial whistleblower.
Chris Kyle: Just a controversial soldier and sniper.
Chrissy Teigen: just a controversial model.
Chuck Wendig, just a controversial author, comic book writer, blogger and screenwriter.
European Union, just a controversial political and economic union of 28 member states.
Fright Fest, just a Six Flags Halloween-oriented event.
Fright Nights, just a Warner Bros. Movie World Halloween-oriented event.
Gary McKinnon, just a controversial hacker
Gigi Hadid, just a controversial model
Gordon Ramsay, just a controversial chef.
Hailey Baldwin, just a controversial model and television personality.
Halloween, just a celebration that is observed in several countries on 31 October. Not to be confused with the film with the same name. If anyone who adds a page on it will get banned immediately!
Halloween Horror Nights, just a Universal Studios Halloween-oriented event.
HTML 5, just a controversial software.
Hustler, just a controversial pornographic magazine.
Iskra Lawrence, just a controversial model.
Jack Ryman, just an individual with no evidence of existence.
Kate Moss, just a controversial model and businesswoman.
Kate Upton, just a controversial model.
Knott's Scary Farm, just a Knott's Berry Farm Halloween-oriented event.
Ludmila Yurivna, just an individual who doesn't exist.
Matthew Basdekis, just an individual with no evidence of existence.
Matthew Buoy, just an individual with no evidence of existence.
Naomi Campbell, just a controversial model with a history of anger problems.
North Star Mall, just a shopping mall with their controversial security services.
Pamela Courson, just a controversial individual and long-time girlfriend of Jim Morrison
Paula Deen, just a controversial chef who made racist remarks.
Santa Claus, just a controversial Christmas character.
Sergei Kuzmenko, just an individual who doesn't exist.
Simon Cowell, just a controversial television judge.
Skeleton(s), just a part of our living body and things. This is NOT a real-life Jason and the Argonauts.
Spoilers, just important plot points that sometimes get put in some trailers with people either looking for them or trying to avoid them, which can be more difficult if the spoilers get leaked.
Trayvon Martin, just a teenager who was fatally shot by George Zimmerman while assaulting him. This isn't heinous enough to be listed.
True Religion, just a clothing brand that features the Laughing Buddha as their corporate logo.
Wayne LaPierre, just a controversial person.
Wayne Hsiung, just a controversial animal rights activist.
NOTE: It is important that you not add ANYONE on this list on this wiki, as any politician, activist, journalist or businessperson can be accused of commiting any crime that many people will claim makes them hypocritical or an automatically bad person, and they can simply be viewed in a gray area as a result. These ones listed below are not heinous enough to have pages on this wiki, so don't add them, unless they have committed a serious crime (or more).
Al Gore.
Adam Schiff, just a controversial Democratic congressman who lead the impeachment of Donald Trump.
Adem Jashari, controversial Kosovar nationalist, founder of the Kosovar Liberation Army
Adly Mansour, just a former interim president of Egypt.
Adolf Hitler Uunona, just a Namibian politician with a controversial name.
Ahed Tamimi, just a controversial Palestinian activist who assaulted an IDF soldier
Al Gore, just a controversial politician and former vice president of the United States.
Alberto Fernandéz, just a controversial politician and current President of Argentina.
Alberto I of Monaco, just a controversial king of Monaco since 2005.
Alejandro Navarro, just a controversial politician and Chilean senator who supports Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro. He is not evil enough.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, just a controversial politician and US Representative.
Alexa Nikolas, just a controversial activist and former actress.
Alexei Navalny, just a controversial politician and one of the main leaders of the Russian opposition against Vladimir Putin.
Alvin Hung, just a controversial businessman, founder, and former CEO of GoAnimate (later known as Vyond).
Anand Panyarachun, just a former Prime Minister of Thailand.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, just a controversial politician and current President of Mexico.
Andrew Klavan, just a controversial activist.
Andrew Yang, just a controversial businessman, philanthropist and candidate during the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries.
Andrew Wilson, just a controversial businessman and current CEO of Electronic Arts.
Andrzej Duda, just a controversial politician and current President of Poland.
Andy Gipson, just a controversial politician and a current Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce.
Angela Davis, just a controversial communist politician
Angela Merkel, just a controversial politician and former Chancellor of Germany.
Ann Coulter, just a controversial political commentator.
Anne Widdecombe, just a controversial politician.
Anthony Fauci, just a controversial former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Antonin Scalia, just a controversial former Supreme Court Justice.
Antonio Trillanes, just a controversial politician and a senator of the Philippines.
Aristides Pereira, just a controversial communist politician and former President of Cape Verde,it is said that his government was one of the best in Africa, like Julius Nyerere.
Arnaldo Otegi, just a controversial politician and a former ETA member. The reason why he is not considered a villain is because he did not carry out or coordinate terrorist attacks, apart from the fact that in recent years he has condemned terrorism and helped put an end to ETA's armed struggle.
Axel Voss, just a controversial politician who's infamous for being the rapporteur of the highly controversial "Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market" which contains the infamous Articles 15 and 17, which got passed.
Barack Obama, just a controversial politician and former President of the United States.
Banharn Silpa-archa, just a former Prime Minister of Thailand.
Barham Salih, just a controversial politician and former President of Iraq.
Bay Buchanan, just a controversial political commentator.
Ben Carson, just a controversial politician and former presidential candidate and neurosurgeon.
Ben Sasse, just a controversial politician
Ben Shapiro, just a controversial political commentator and co-founder of The Daily Wire.
Benigno Aquino III, just a controversial politician and former President of the Philippines.
Bernie Sanders, just a controversial politician
Bhumibol Adulyadej, just a popular former King of Thailand.
Bill Clinton, just a controversial politician and former President of United States.Bill Clinton.
Bill de Blasio, just a controversial mayor.
Bill Gates, just a controversial businessman and a CEO of Microsoft.
Billy Mitchell, just a controversial businessman and former competitive gamer.
Blaire White, just a controversial political commentator.
Bob Chapek, just a controversial former CEO of Disney.
Bob Corker, just a controversial politician.
Bob Iger, just a controversial CEO of Disney.
Bob Hawke, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Australia.
Bob Menendez, just a US Politician who is corrupt.
Bob Packwood, just a US Politician who is corrupt.
Bobby Jindal, just a controversial politician.
Boris Johnson, just an extremely controversial British politician who is a former Prime Minister of Britain.
Brett Kavanaugh, just a controversial judge accused of sexual assault.
Brian Mulroney, just a former Prime Minister of Canada.
Brianna Wu, just a controversial activist, video game developer, computer programmer, and politician.
Calvin Coolidge, just a controversial politician and President of the United States.
Campbell Newman, just a controversial politician.
Candace Owens, just a controversial political commentator and activist.
Carlos Latuff, just a controversial Brazilian cartoonist and pro-Palestinian activist, controversial for his political cartoons criticizing Israel, United States, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He's at least against evil terrorist groups (such as ISIS and FSA).
Carrie Lam, just a controversial politician and current Chief Executive of Hong Kong.
Cesar Virata, just a former Prime Minister of the Philippines who presided over the final years of Ferdinand Marcos' presidency.
Charles Kennedy, just a controversial politician.
Charlie Kirk, just a controversial conservative activist and founder of Turning Point USA.
Chen Shui-bian, just a controversial former President of Taiwan.
Chiang Ching-kuo, just a controversial former President of Taiwan who was the son of Chiang Kai-shek.
Chris Christie, just a controversial politician.
Chris Hansen, just a controversial journalist who was charged with larceny & accused of abusing YouTube's copyright system, but has now gone after Onision, which led to criticism of bringing Onision back into the limelight as well as accusations of only tackling him just to get regain the fame he once had.
Christina Hoff Sommers, just a controversial author and host of The Factual Feminist
Choi Kyu-hah, just a former President of South Korea who oversaw the Chun Doo-hwan's coup and the Gwangju Uprising.
Chuck Grassley, just a controversial politician
Chuck Schumer, just a controversial politician
Clarence Thomas, just a controversial Supreme Court Justice.
Corazon AquinoColonel Harland Sanders, merely just a controversial businessman and founder of KFC.
Corazon Aquino, just a controversial politician and late former President of the Philippines and wife of Ninoy Aquino.
Cyril Ramaphosa, just a controversial politician and a current President of South Africa.
Dan Savage, just a controversial author and journalist.
Daniel Jadue, just a controversial politician and member of the Communist Party of Chile, which has been accused of corruption and Anti-Semitism. Until these accusations are confirmed as true and he is convicted by a court, you cannot create a page about him.
Dave Dahl, just a controversial entrepreneur who is known for Dave's Killer Bread after he served 15 years in prison for multiple offenses including drug distribution, burglary, armed robbery, and assault prior to his business success. The reason why he doesn't deserve to have his page in this wiki because of his good moral character since his release from prison in 2004.
David Cameron, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Britain.
David Clarke, just a controversial sheriff.
David Hogg, just a controversial gun control activist.
David Petraeus, just a controversial U.S. Army general and former CIA director.
David Rockefeller, just a controversial businessman.
David Steel, just a controversial politician.
David Owen, just a controversial politician.
Denis Healey, just a controversial politician.
Dennis Prager, just a controversial political commentator and founder of PragerU.
Dennis Skinner, just a controversial former politician who called David Cameron "Dodgy Dave".
Devin Nunes, just a controversial politician
Dianne Abbott, just a controversial politician
Dick Cheney, just a controversial politician and former US vice president.
Donald Tusk, just a controversial politician and former President of the EU.
Eddie Chu, just a controversial politician.
Ed Miliband, just a controversial politician.
Elizabeth Warren, just a controversial politician.
Emmanuel Macron, just a controversial politician and current President of France accused of Islamophobia over his response to the murder of Samuel Paty.
Emperor Akihito, just a controversial former Emperor of Japan.
Emperor Naruhito, just the current Emperor of Japan.
Enrique Peña Nieto, just a controversial politician and former President of Mexico.
Evo Morales, just a controversial politician and former President of Bolivia.
Felipe González, just a former Prime Minister of Spain.
Fernando Lugo, just a controversial politician and former President of Paraguay.
Fidel Ramos, just a controversial politician and former President of the Philippines.
Francois Mitterrand, just a former President of France.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier, just a controversial politician and current President of Germany.
Fumio Kishida, just a controversial politician and unpopular current Prime Minister of Japan.
Gabe "Gaben" Newell, just the controversial co-founder of Valve Corporation
Gabriel Boric, Just a controversial chilean politican and current president of Chile.
Gary Dehan/Lipkowitz, just a controversial CEO of Vyond and voice actor.
Gary Fan, just a controversial politician.
Gavin Newsom, just a controversial politician and Governor of California.
Geoffrey Berman, just a controversial US prosecutor who was fired by Donald Trump.
George H. W. Bush, just a controversial politician and former President of the United States.
George W. Bush, just a controversial politician and former President of the United States (Disputed).
George McGovern, just a politician and presidential candidate from the 1972 US presidential election.
Gerhard Schroder, just a former Chancellor of Germany.
Giuseppe Conte, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Italy.
Glenn Beck, just a controversial conservative commentator.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, just a controversial politician and former President of the Philippines.
Goh Chok Tong, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Singapore.
Gordon Brown, just a former Prime Minister of Britain.
Greg Abbott, just a controversial politician and current Governor of Texas.
Greta Thunberg.
Greta Thunberg, just a controversial activist.
Gretchen Whitmer, just a controversial politician and governor of Michigan.
Gustavo Petro, just a controversial politician and Colombian presidential candidate multiple times.
Han Kuo-yu, just a controversial Taiwanese presidential candidate who was criticized of being pro-China.
Harold Hamm, just a controversial oil magnate.
Harvey Levin, controversial head of TMZ.
Helmut Kohl, just a controversial politician and former Chancellor of West Germany.
Helmut Schmidt, just a former West German chancellor.
Henry Clay Frick, just a controversial businessman blamed for the Johnstone Flood.
Herman Cain, just a controversial politician.
Hillary Clinton, just a controversial politician and Democratic presidential candidate from the 2016 US presidential election.
Hunter S. Thompson, just a controversial journalist and author.
Iain Duncan Smith, just a controversial politician.
Ike Perlmutter, just the controversial former CEO of Marvel Entertainment who was infamous for being a spiteful penny pincher (but still not enough to qualify to have a page on this wiki) who ended the X-Men & Fantastic Four comics to not give Fox free publicity since they had the rights.
Ilhan Omar, just a controversial US Representative and critic of Israel accused of Anti-Semitism.
Imran Khan, just a controversial Pakistani Prime Minister and former cricketer
Iván Duque Márquez, just a controversial politician and current President of Colombia.
Ivan Silayev, just a former Premier of the Soviet Union.
Jacinda Ardern, just a politician and current Prime Minister of New Zealand.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, just a controversial politician.
Jack Thompson, just a controversial former attorney and activist whose one of the most hated people in the gaming community and was heavily criticized for calling various violent video games "Murder Simulators".
Jacques Chirac, just a controversial politician and former President of France who was featured in the controversial Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn newspapers ads and listed him as one of them even he is not either a dictator and war criminal. However, he is just a politician who approved a completely legal sequence of nuclear tests since France isn't a signatory of the comprehensive test ban treaty.
Jalal Talabani, just a controversial former President of Iraq.
James Callaghan, just a former Prime Minister of Britain.
James Monroe, just a controversial politician and former President of the United States
Janine Wissler, just a controversial politician.
Jean Chretien, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Canada.
Jean-Claude Juncker, just a controversial politician and the former president of the European Union.
Jeb Bush, just a controversial politician.
Jeff Sessions, just a controversial politician and former Attorney General.
Jeffrey Katzenberg, controversial executive, former chairman of Walt Disney Studios, co-founder of DreamWorks.
Jeremy Corbyn, just a controversial politician.
Jerry Brown, just a controversial politician.
Jesse Jackson, just a controversial civil rights activist.
Jim Acosta, just a controversial journalist.
Jo Jorgensen, just a controversial politician.
Joaquim Torra i Pla/Quim Torra, just a controversial politician and Catalan separatist leader.
Joaquín Lavín, just a controversial politician.
Joe Biden, just an extremely controversial President of the United States.
Joe Liebermann, just a controversial US politician who campaigned against violence in video games.
Joe Walsh, just a controversial former congressman and current radio host.
John Boehner, just a controversial politician and former Speaker of the House.
John Bolton, just a former US National Security adviser.
John Edwards, just a controversial politician who had an extramarital affair.
John Hayes, just a British MP who asked parliament to consider re-introducing the death penalty to the UK.
John Howard, just a controversial Australian prime minister who denied that there was ever a genocide against Indigenous Australians.
John Kasich, just a controversial politician.
John Major, just a former Prime Minister of Britain.
John McAfee, just a controversial software pioneer.
John McCain, just a controversial politician, war hero, and former presidential candidate.
John Prescott, just a controversial politician.
John Podesta, just a political consultant who is a frequent target of QAnon.
John Profumo, just a UK war minister who had an affair with a call girl.
John Quincy Adams, just a controversial politician and President of the United States
John Schnatter, just a founder of Papa John's.
John Tyler, just a controversial politician and President of the United States.
Joko Widodo, just a controversial President of Indonesia.
Jordan Peterson, just a controversial professor, author and political commentator.
Jose Sarney, just a former President of Brazil.
José Mujica, just a controversial politician and former Revolutionary,Despite his revolutionary past, he was not corrupted by power and is even critical of his leftist counterparts.
Jon Ossoff, just a controversial US senator.
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Spain, accused of causing an economic crisis in Spain, even though this was not his fault.
José Mujica, just a controversial politician and former president of Uruguay.
Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, just an executive chairman and a former CEO of the LEGO group.
Juan Guaido, just a controversial politician and one of the main leaders of the Venezuelan opposition against Nicolás Maduro.
Juan Manuel Santos, just a controversial politician and former President of Colombia.
Julius Nyerere.Julius Nyerere, controversial former president of Tanzania and peaceful man.
Junichiro Koizumi, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Japan.
Junius Ho, just a controversial politician who praised the Triads for "defending Hong Kong".
Justine Sacco, just a controversial businesswoman.
Justin Amash, just a controversial politician.
Justin Trudeau, just an extremely controversial Prime Minister of Canada.
Kamala Harris, just a controversial US politician and the first Female Vice-President.
Karl Rove, just a controversial politician.
Kate Smurthwaite, just a disliked feminist YouTuber.
Kathleen Kennedy, just a controversial producer and current president of Lucasfilm, a division of Disney.
Kazuo Hirai, just a former businessman and former CEO of Sony.
Kazuo Shii, just a controversial communist politician.
Keir Starmer, just a controversial politician.
Kellyanne Conway, just a controversial US political strategist.
Kevin Feige, just a controversial producer for Marvel Studios, a division of Disney.
Kevin Hinkle, just a controversial former community manager of the LEGO Group.
Kevin McCarthy, just a controversial politician and current Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Kiichi Miyazawa, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Japan.
Kim Dae-jung, just a controversial former President of South Korea.
Kim Yo-jong, just a controversial politician and the sister of current North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.
Kim Kyong-hui, just a controversial politician and an aunt of current North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.
Kim Young-sam, just a controversial former President of South Korea.
Charles III.
King Charles III, just the controversial current King of Britain who cheated on Princess Diana.
Klaus Iohannis, just a controversial politician and current President of Romania.
Kofi Annan, just a Ghanan former UN Secretary-General.
Kriangsak Chamanan, just a former Prime Minister of Thailand.
Lee Baca, just a controversial former Sheriff of Los Angeles County.
Lee Hsien Loong, just a controversial politician and current Prime Minister of Singapore.
Lee Teng-hui, just a former President of Taiwan.
Leni Robredo, just a controversial politician and former Vice President of the Philippines.
Leopoldo López, just a controversial politician and one of the main leaders of the Venezuelan opposition against Nicolás Maduro.
Linda Sarsour, just a controversial politician.
Lindsey Graham, just a controversial politician.
Liz Truss, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Britain.
Louis B. Mayer, just a controversial executive, co-founder of Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
Luis Arce, just a controversial politician and current President of Bolivia.
Luis Cabral, first president of Guinea Bissau whas it deposed by Nino Vieira.
Luis Lacalle Pou, just a respected president of Uruguay.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, just a controversial politician and President of Brazil. His criminal charges for corruption have been dropped after it was discovered that they were fabricated by Jair Bolsonaro.
Ma Ying-jeou, just a controversial politician and former President of Taiwan.
Malala YoufsafzaiMalala Yousfazai, Pakistani activist honored with the Nobel Peace Prize.
Manuela d'Ávila, just a controversial politician.
Marco Enríquez-Ominami, just a controversial politician and former filmmaker.
Marco Rubio, just a controversial politician.
Margaret Thatcher, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Britain.
Maria Ressa, just a controversial journalist and founder of Rappler.
Mariano Rajoy, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Spain.
Mark Field, just a controversial politician.
Mario Draghi, just a italian politician former Prime Minister of Italy.
Martin Bashir, just a controversial BBC journalist who allegedly used some questionable methods to secure an interview with Princess Diana.
Martín Vizcarra, just a controversial politician and former President of Peru.
Mary McAleese, just a controversial politician and former President of Ireland.
Matteo Renzi, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Italy.
Matteo Salvini, just a controversial politician and former Deputy Prime Minister of Italy.
Matt Gaetz, just a controversial US politician.
Maxine Waters, just a controversial politician.
Megawati Sukarnoputri, just a controversial politician, former Indonesian president and daughter of Sukarno.
Meghan Markle, just a controversial Duchess of Sussex and former actress.
Melchior Ndadaye, just the first elected president in Burundi, killed by radical tutsis of Burundi.
Michael Bennet, just a controversial politician.
Michael D. Higgins, just a irish politician and current President of Ireland.
Michael Eisner, just a controversial businessman and former Disney CEO.
Michael Flynn, just a controversial general.
Michael Foot, just a controversial politician.
Michael Knowles, just a controversial political commentator.
Michel Barnier, just a controversial politician and the chief negotiator of the European Union.
Michele Bachmann, just a controversial politician.
Michelle Bachelet, just a chilean politician, former President of Chile and current United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Miguel de la Madrid, just a former President of Mexico.
Mike Huckabee, just a controversial politician.
Mike Pence, just a american politician and former Vice President of the United States.
Mike Pompeo, just a american politician and former US Secretary of State.
Mikhail Kasyanov, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Russia.
Mikhail Mishustin, just a controversial politician and current Prime Minister of Russia. He has never supported the infamous "Special Military Operation" and remains oblivious to it.
Miriam Defensor Santiago, just a controversial politician and lawyer and former presidential candidate.
Mitch McConnell, just a controversial politician.
Mitt Romney, just a controversial politician and a former Presidential candidate.
Morihiro Hosokawa, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Japan who was the grandson of Fumimaro Konoe.
Monica Lewinsky, just a controversial former White House intern who was involved in an alleged affair with Bill Clinton in what is known as the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.
Moon Jae-in, just a controversial politician and former President of South Korea.
Murray Rothbard, just a controversial political theorist and economist.
Nancy Pelosi, just a controversial politician and former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Nadia Murad, just a controversial Iraqi Yazidi activist.
Nana Akufo-Addo, just a ghanan politician and current President of Ghana.
Naomi Seibt, just a controversial climate change denier who is referred to as the "anti Greta Thunberg" by the media.
Naoto Kan, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Japan who oversaw the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Neil Kinnock, just a controversial politician.
Newt Gingrich, just a controversial politician, former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate.
Nicola Sturgeon, just a controversial politician and leader of the Scottish National Party.
Nikolai Ryzhkov, just a former Premier of the Soviet Union.
Ninian Stephen, just a former Governor-General of Australia.
Olaf Scholz, just a controversial politician and current Chancellor of Germany.
Oriol Junqueras, just a controversial politician and Catalan separatist leader.
Orrin Hatch, just a controversial politician.
Olusegun Obasanjo, just a former President of Nigeria.
Pablo Iglesias, just a controversial politician.
Panfilo Lacson, just a controversial politician.
Paul Crowther, just a controversial activist who threw a milkshake at Nigel Farage.
Paul Ryan, just a controversial politician and former Speaker of the House.
Paul Wolfowitz, just a controversial former politician and former president of the World Bank
Pauline Hanson, just a controversial politician.
Pedro Castillo, just a controversial politician and former President of Peru who was recently impeached and removed from office. He has been accused of homophobia, corruption and having links to Shining Path, however, he is too controversial to add it and it could generate drama. If something truly evil is discovered that he has done, the administrators will discuss the possibility of him having a page.
Peter Slipper, just a controversial politician.
Prem Tinsulanonda, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Thailand.
Elizabeth II.
Queen Elizabeth II, just a respected Queen of United Kingdom. I never encourages villainous acts.
Rachel Dolezal, just a controversial civil rights activist.
Rafael Correa, just a controversial politician and former President of Ecuador.
Rashida Tlaib, just a controversial politician.
Raphael Warnock, a controversial politician also just because he defended a preacher who said "God damn America", he does not deserve a page here.
Raúl Castro, just a controversial politician and former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba who was Fidel Castro's brother.
Ray Kroc, just a controversial businessman and founder of McDonald's.
Raul Alfonsin, just a Argentina politician former President of Argentina.
Rex Tillerson, just a controversial businessman and former Secretary of State.
Rick Perry, just a controversial politician and former Governor of Texas.
Rick Santorum, just a controversial politician.
Rishi Sunak, just a controversial Prime Minister of Britain.
Robert Mueller, just a controversial politician and attorney.
Roh Moo-hyun, just a former President of South Korea who committed suicide.
Roh Tae-woo, just a controversial former President of South Korea who was put on trial along side Chun Doo-hwan.
Romano Prodi, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Italy.
Ron and Rand Paul, just controversial politicians.
Roy Jenkins, just a controversial politician.
R. Rex Parris, just a controversial mayor.
Rupert Murdoch, just a controversial businessman.
Rush Limbaugh, just a controversial political commentator
Rutherford B. Hayes, just a controversial politician and President of the United States
Ryutaro Hashimoto, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Salih Muslimm, just a controversial politician and former co-chairman of Rojava.
Salvador Allende.
Salvador Allende, just a controversial socialist politician and former President of Chile.
Sam Nujoma, father of the independance of Namibia.
Samora Machel, father of the independance of Madagascar.
Sanna Marin, just a controversial Prime Minister of Finland.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, just a controversial politician and former White House Press Secretary.
Sarah Palin, just a controversial politician.
Scott Pruitt, just a controversial businessman.
Scott Walker, just a controversial politician and former governor of Wisconsin.
Sean Murray, just a gaming mogul who mislead gamers about the content of No Man's Sky.
Sebastián Piñera, just a controversial politician and current President of Chile.
Sergio Mattarella, just a italian politician and current President of Italy.
Shintaro Abe, just a former Japanese Foreign Minister who was the father of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Shintaro Ishihara, just a controversial Japanese politician and author.
Stephen Harper, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Canada.
Steve Jobs, just a controversial businessman and late CEO of Apple.
Steve Knight, just a controversial politician.
Steven Crowder, just a controversial political commentator and owner of Louder with Crowder.
Subcomandante Marcos, just a controversial Mexican revolutionary and leader of the EZLN.
Susan Wojcicki, just an extremely controversial businesswoman and current CEO of YouTube.
Susanne Hennig-Wellsow, just a controversial politician.
Su Tseng-chang, just a controversial politician and current Prime Minister of Taiwan.
Taro Aso, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Japan.
Ted Cruz, just a controversial politician.
Thaksin Shinawatra, just a controversial businessman, politician and former Prime Minister of Thailand.
Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, just a controversial activist, businessman who just don't support Prayuth Chan-o-cha and another junta.
Theresa May, just a controversial politician and Prime Minister of Britain.
Thomas Remengesau Jr., just a controversial politician and former president of Palau.
Tim Cook, just a controvesial CEO of Apple.
Tim Pool, Just a controversial political commentator.
Timo Soini, just a controversial Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs who has been criticized for denying the bigotry accusations against his party's members and was accused by Stephen Sackur of breaking his promise to fire racist members of the party.
Tom Rothman, controversial executive of Fox and Sony.
Tomas Osmeña, controversial three-time mayor of Cebu City.
Tomiichi Murayama, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Japan.
Tony Abbott, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Australia.
Tony Blair, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Britain.
Toshiki Kaifu, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Trần Thiện Khiêm, just a former Prime Minister of South Vietnam.
Tsai Ing-wen, just a controversial politician and current President of Taiwan.
Tulsi Gabbard, juat a controversial politician.
Ursula von der Leyen, just a controversial politican and current President of the Europea Comission.
Vajiralongkorn, just a controversial King of Thailand.
Vincente Fox, just a controversial former President of Mexico.
Violeta Chamorros, just a controversial politician and former President of Nicaragua.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian president freely chosen who gained international recognition for leading Ukraine through the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Walter Mondale, just a former US vice president and presidential candidate from the 1984 US presidential election.
William Barr, just a controversial politician and former Attorney General of the United States.
William Howard Taft, just a controversial President of the United States.
William Sitwell, just a controversial person and former magazine editor.
Xavier Becerra, just a controversial politician.
Yasuhiro Nakasone, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Yen Chia-kan, just a former President of Taiwan.
Yingluck Shinawatra, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Thailand who was overthrown by Prayut Chan-o-cha.
Yoon Suk-yeol, just a controversial politician, former lawyer and current President of South Korea.
Yoshihide Suga, just a controversial former Prime Minister of Japan.
Yoshihiko Noda, just a former Prime Minister of Japan.
Yoshiro Mori, just a controversial politician and former Prime Minister of Japan who was criticized for making sexist remarks.
Zachary Taylor, just a controversial politician and President of the United States.
NOTE: Countries as a whole are forbidden from being added on this Wiki. The only exceptions to this rule are governments such as (but not limited to) the Italian Social Republic, the Hellenic State, Manchukuo and the Confederate States of America, as these did not or do not currently have any international recognition as countries, and are simply governments or organizations that consider themselves countries but are not internationally recognized as such by any international authority (such as the United Nations.)
NOTE: Do not add ANYONE on this list onto this wiki, as ANY celebrity can be accused of doing many heinous things (like supporting heinous people or organizations, causing political bias for spiteful and egotistical reasons etc.), or are simply criticized for their political or religious views (even if it's something heinous, this is only a milder case). This can cause controversy so, unless they have committed SERIOUS crimes (like O.J. Simpson, Roman Polanski, Bill Cosby, Amber Heard or Harvey Weinstein, for example), then they cannot have a page here.
Aaron Horvath, Just one of the creators of the controversial animated series Teen Titans Go!.
Adam Baldwin, Controversial actor responsible for starting the GamerGate movement.
Adam Sandler, actor and comedian that appeared on poorly received films.
Akira Toriyama, just a controversial mangaka and character designer.
Al Jolson, Actor notorious for performing in blackface in the film "The Jazz Singer".
Alfred Hitchcock. Filmmaker accused of sexual impropriety toward Tippi Hedren.
Alec Baldwin, just a controversial actor who accidentally killed someone on the set of "Rust".
Alicia Silverstone. Actress who, similar to Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey, has been criticized for her anti-vaxxer views.
Alyssa Milano, just a controversial actress, activist, and former singer.
Amy Schumer. Comedian who was criticized for stealing jokes from other comedians, complaining about only $11,000,000 for Amy Schumer: The Leather Special when compared to Dave Chapelle & Chris Rock, which lead to a pay boost, calling those who didn't like it Alt-Right trolls, which lead her to get accused of not being able to take criticism & calling out a fan that took a selfie with her on Twitter and was accused of raping a drunk guy while she was in college as well as getting a pass for it.
Andy Dick, Just a controversial comedian.
Andy Kaufman, Comedian who controversially had an old lady come up on stage and pretend to have a fatal heart attack as a joke.
Anne Robinson. Television presenter, journalist and game show host who has made controversial remarks.
Ansel Elgort. Actor and singer who has been accused of sexual misconduct.
Aries Spears, Comedian and actor who, along with Tiffany Haddish, was accused of pedophilia. The suit was dropped.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, just a controversial actor and former governor of California accused of Xenophobia against African-American people.
Ben Affleck, just a controversial actor who was accused for groping Hilarie Burton during a recording of the MTV show and an actor who currently played as Batman/Bruce Wayne for DC Extended Universe.
Ben Stiller, just a controversial actor and comedian.
Bill Burr, just a controversial stand-up comedian
Billy Connolly, just a controversial Scottish comedian
Billy Eichner, just a controversial comedian for claiming people of homophobia for not seeing Bros, a gay romantic-comedy movie he made.
Bob Camp, just a animator who claimed that the Ren and Stimpy reboot on Comedy Central was shelved.
Brie Larson, Just a controversial actress who portrayed Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Bruno Ganz, Just an actor who portrayed Adolf Hitler in the 2004 film Downfall, which spawned the "Downfall parody/Hitler parody" Memes.
Butch Hartman, just a controversial animator. His Oaxis Kickstarter campaign was derided as a scam.
Bryan Singer, just a controversial film director accused of pedophilia, until it is determined if he is guilty or not, you can not create a page about him.
Candace Cameron Bure. An actress who became hated for her conservative values.
Cameron Boyce, just a late actor who had done heroic things, so no, not a villain.
Carla Gugino, just a controversial actress.
Charles M. Blow. A columnist for The New York Times said Pepe Le Pew normalized rape.
Charlie Sheen, just a controversial actor, drug addict, and who in 2011 was fired from "Two and a Half Men" for making an anti-semetic rant against Chuck Lorre.
Charlize Theron, just a controversial South African actress with American citizenship who wanted to raise her adopted "son" Jackson, as a female after Jackson discovered that "he" was female. Also, would a real-life villain want to stop AIDS in their homeland?
Chevy Chase, just a controversial actor who is infamously hard to work with and said racist remarks to Donald Glover on the set of "Community".
Chris Chibnall. Show-runner of the TV show "Doctor Who", because no matter how much he butchered it, ruining a show does not warrant a page.
Chris Evans, Just a controversial actor who portrayed Steve Rogers/Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Chris Pratt, Just a controversial actor who portrayed Peter Quill/Star-Lord in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Chris Rock, just a controversial comedian and actor who got slapped by Will Smith for making a joke about Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith.
Christian Tremblay. Co-creator of Mega Babies.
Christopher Nolan. Film maker who created the Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, and Interstellar.
Chuck Woolery, Game show host hit with allegations of anti-Semitism.
Daisy Ridley, just a controversial actress who portrayed Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
Dan Schneider, Actor, television writer, and producer. Accusations of pedophilia/foot fetishism leveled at him have neither been proven nor disproven.
Daniel Tosh, Comedian who made an offensive comment about gang rape, which he later apologized for.
Dave Chappelle, just a controversial comedian and actor.
David Zaslav, controversial executive responsible for Warner Bros Discovery merger
Derek Savage, YouTuber and "film" maker who attempted to shut down at least two or three largely innocent people's YouTube channels as punishment for said people criticizing Cool Cat Saves The Kids, despite the fact that said movie was an anti-bullying film.
Duane Chapman/Dog the Bounty Hunter, Bounty hunter who was previously convicted of first-degree murder.
Dustin Hoffman, Actor who has been accused of sexual assault.
Ed Wood, just a filmmaker who is notorious for his poorly received films considered to be one of the worst filmmakers in film history.
Elizabeth Banks, just a controversial actress and filmmaker who directed and co-starred in the polarizing and controversial 2019 Charlie's Angels movie, but not heinous enough.
Ellen DeGeneres, Comedian, actress, television host, writer, and producer accused by former workers of on-set bullying and creating a toxic work environment on the set of her former talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Elliot Page, just a controversial actor.
Emily Ratajkowski, Actress and model who got arrested alongside Amy Schumer for protesting Brett Kavanaugh as well as getting hit by paparazzi with allegations of copyright infringement.
Emma Roberts, Actress who got arrested for domestic abuse against then-boyfriend Evan Peters.
Emma Watson, just a controversial actress and activist.
Eric Robles - Just a controversial producer, animator and TV writer who created the infamous animated series Famboy and ChumChum, but not heinous enough.
Evan Rachel Wood, just a controversial actress who came under fire for her tweet about Kobe Bryant, which caused her to delete her Twitter account.
Faye Dunaway, Actress accused by former workers of homophobia.
Francis Ford Coppola, Filmmaker whose close friends with Victor Salva.
Fred Silverman. TV executive who was blamed for screwing over NBC between 1979 and 1980.
Gal Gadot. Just a controversial actress who portrayed Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe.
George Carlin. A comedian who controversially swore repeatedly back when swearing was unacceptable.
George Lucas. Filmmaker - was frequently a source of ire among Star Wars fans for the prequel trilogy, as well as the special edition releases of the original trilogy, which replaced the original versions in active distribution.
Gilbert Gottfried. A comedian who has made jokes about 9/11 and the 2011 Japan tsunami.
Gina Carano. Just a controversial actress and former mixed martial artist.
Go Nagai, Just a controversial mangaka.
Greg Sestero. Just an actor who worked with Tommy Wiseau in the movies "The Room" and "Best F(r)iends".
Guillermo Aponte Mille (Memo Aponte). Latin American dubbing actor who has been accused of sexual abuse.
Gwyneth Paltrow. Actress and founder of Goop.
Hajime Isayama, Just a controversial mangaka.
Hartley Sawyer. Actor who got fired from his role as Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man on The CW series The Flash after racist and misogynistic tweets he made from 2009 to 2014 resurfaced on Twitter, though he apologized a week prior to being fired.
Heather Morris. Actress, dancer, singer, and model who was criticized for her tweets defending her late Glee co-star Mark Salling after a fan posted a photo of the cast with Salling's face covered with a vomit emoji, for which she later apologized.
Henry Cavill. Just a controversial actor who portrayed Superman in the DC Extended Universe.
Hideaki Anno, Just a controversial film and anime director who created the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Ivan Puopolo. Radio and TV host whose views on patriarchy, women's studies, biology and genes have angered feminists; complained about a rule in the Miss Suomi competition that allowed only native Finns to compete in it which earned him a warning and resulted in him being moved to night shift.
J.J. Abrams, Just a controversial film director.
Jack Kirby, Just an comic book artist and writer who worked for DC Comics and Marvel Comics.
Jack Dylan Grazer, Actor who was criticized over a leaked video of him smoking marijuana when he was only 14, which he apologized for, as well as getting hit with domestic abuse and cheating allegations.
Jackie Chan. Actor and martial artist who has been criticized for his positions in favor of the Communist Party of China.
Jada Pinkett Smith. Actress, musician, and businesswoman who admitted she was once a drug dealer, but is not heinous enough.
Jake Goldman. Writer and actor who was criticized for voicing the character Jared Shapiro (who shares a resemblance to Goldman) in the controversial 2016 reboot of The Powerpuff Girls, as Blossom's love interest, and was also accused of pedophilia, being a romantic stand-in for Blossom (an underage character), and creating Jared, when Jared was actually created by series writer Haley Mancini and co-executive producer Bob Boyle, and Goldman wasn't responsible for Jared.
James Cameron. just a controversial Canadian filmmaker.
James Corden, just a controversial actor, comedian, singer, and television host.
James Franco. Actor accused of sexual harassment, but never convicted thereof.
James Gunn. Filmmaker, actor, novelist, and musician. Old Twitter posts where he joked about subjects like pedophilia and rape were dug up in a campaign led by conservative personalities due to an anti-Trump post he made and thus does not merit inclusion here.
James and Robert Romine, just controversial video game developers that founded Digital Homicide Studios and were criticized for going after everyone who hated their games and for filing a lawsuit against Jim Sterling for badmouthing their most notorious game, The Slaughtering Grounds, which led to Steam defiling all of their games.
Jamie Kellner. Former TV executive that was criticized for accusing TiVo of stealing from other networks; was responsible for canceling WCW (which he considered too Neanderthal for the Turner Network) and Animaniacs.
Jamie Spears, controversial conservator and father of Britney Spears
Jay Leno, just a controversial talk show host.
Jeff Dunham. Stand-up comedian and ventriloqist who has made controversial jokes.
Jeff Garlin, comedian who had allegedly made inappropriate jokes on the set of The Goldbergs.
Jeffrey Jacob Abrams. Controversial film maker who gave the Star Wars series a painfully obvious liberal agenda.
Jeffrey Tambor, actor accused but not convicted of sexual harassment.
Jennifer Lawrence. Actress who has made controversial remarks.
Jenny McCarthy. Celebrity who became hated for her anti-vaxxer views.
Jim Carrey. Actor and comedian who, like Jenny McCarthy, has been criticized for his anti-vaxxer views.
Jim Cummings. Voice actor accused of sexual misconduct by his ex-wife in a custody battle
Jimmy Fallon, Comedian actor and television host accused of black face
Jimmy Kimmel, Comedian, actor, television host, writer, and producer who made a joke about Chris Benoit on his show and was accused of using Blackface
J.K. Rowling: Just a controversial author who made transphobic comments.
Jodie Whittaker. Just a controversial actress who portrayed the Thirteenth Doctor in Doctor Who.
Joel Schumacher. Controversial film maker who was very hated by Batman fans for creating the movies "Batman Forever" and "Batman & Robin".
John Boyega, just a controversial actor who starred in the Star Wars sequel trilogy and went from being excited about being Star Wars to not wanting to be in Star Wars again.
John Lasseter. Animator who left Pixar after being accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward female coworkers.
John Oliver, just a controversial comedian with a progressive viewpoint.
Johnny Depp, American actor, producer, and musician who has been accused of beating women. He largely won his lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard.
Jonathon Ros, Comedian who, along with Russel Brand, engaged in low-level harassment of fellow comedian Andrew Sachs, which they later apologized for.
Joss Whedon, A controversial director accused of misogyny and to be abuser with the actors, mainly women.
Juan Andrés Salfate, Just a chilean film critic who once consumed cocaine, but not heinous enough.
Juice Leskinen, Musician who faced scrutiny during his lifetime for his abuse of intoxicants and being considered self-centered.
Juliette Danielle - Just an acrtess who starred in the 2003 movie The Room which was directed by Tommy Wiseau.
Kate del Castillo. Actress who was reported to be involved with Joaquín Guzmán.
Kathleen Kennedy, just a controversial film producer and current president of Lucasfilm who, much like George Lucas with the prequel trilogy, is a source of ire among Star Wars fans for the sequel trilogy, as well as how she currently runs the Star Wars franchise in general, but is not heinous enough.
Kathy Griffin. Comedian and actress who, in 2017, had a photo-shoot with a fake Donald Trump severed head, which led to her getting fired from CNN.
Kelly Marie Tran, just a controversial actress who was cyberbullied because she portrayed of Rose Tico in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
Ken Akamatsu, Just a controversial mangaka.
Kevin Bacon, just a controversial actor.
Kevin Hart, just a controversial actor and comedian who was fired as host of the 2019 Oscars after homophobic tweets resurfaced on Twitter.
Kevin Smith, just a controversial filmmaker, actor, comedian, comic book writer, author, YouTuber, and podcaster.
Kristen Stewart. Actress who admitted to cheating on Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, but is not heinous enough.
Lara Spencer. Television personality who gained criticism, and later apologized, for her remarks about Prince George doing ballet.
Laura Bailey, Just a controversial voice actress who was cyberbullied because she voiced the character Abby in the controversial video game The Last of Us: Part II.
Lauri Törhönen. Director who has been subjected to unconfirmed accusations of sexual harassment.
Lea Michele, just a controversial actress and singer who was hit with allegations of on-set bullying, racism, and transphobia.
Leslie Jones, just a controversial comedian and actress.
Liam Neeson. Actor who made disparaging remarks about wanting to kill a "black bastard".
Lindsay Lohan, just a controversial actress and singer.
Liu Yifei. Actor who was criticized for supporting police brutality in Hong Kong.
Lou Diamond Phillips. Actor hit with domestic abuse allegations as well as getting busted for driving while intoxicated, but is not heinous enough.
Louis C.K. Comedian accused, but never convicted of, sexual misconduct.
Luis Daniel Ramirez, just a Mexican voice actor who was accused of sexual harassment.
Mark Cuban, just a controversial American Entrepreneur
Mark Hamill, just a controversial actor who portrayed Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise.
Mark Ruffalo, just a controversial actor who portrayed Bruce Banner/the Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Matt Groening. Just the controversial creator of animated series like The Simpsons, Futurama and Disenchantment.
Matt Furie, cartoonist creator of the controversial character Pepe the Frog.
Matt Stone, Just one of the creators of the controversial animated series South Park.
Matthew Broderick. Actor accused of causing a fatal car crash.
Masami Kurumada, just a controversial mangaka and creator of Saint Seiya.
Masashi Kishimoto - just a contoversial mangaka and creator of Naruto.
Megan Fox. Actress who once compared Michael Bay to Adolf Hitler as well as shoplifting lipstick at the age of 15, but is not heinous enough.
Michael Bay. Filmmaker who is criticized for using special effects and explosions in an exaggerated way in his films as well as his allegedly mistreatment of cast
Michael Richards. Actor and comedian who went on a racist tirade towards perceived hecklers during a stand-up routine at The Laugh Factory.
Michael Jelenic, Just one of the creators of the controversial animated series Teen Titans Go!.
Millie Bobby Brown, just a controversial actress who was falsely accused of racism and homophobia by trolls on Twitter who made false claims and fake memes about her that went viral, which caused Millie to delete her Twitter account.
Miranda Cosgrove. Actress and singer who was falsely claimed to have been arrested for prostitution.
Morgan Spurlock. Celebrity and filmmaker whose film Super Size Me had Jared Fogle interviewed as well as admitting to sexual abuse he himself committed.
Morgan Freeman - Just an actor who was falsely accused of rape.
Naya Rivera. Actress who got arrested for domestic abuse against then-husband Ryan Dorsey.
Noelle Stevenson. Creator of the graphic novels Nimona and Lumberjanes and the animated series She-Ra and The Princesses of Power.
Olivia Wilde. Actress and filmmaker who has made controversial remarks.
Oprah Winfrey. Celebrity, talk show host and actress who is friends with Harvey Weinstein.
Paul Feig, Insufficiently heinous actor and filmmaker who is known for the 2016 female-led Ghostbusters reboot, his polarizing and most controversial work.
Paul Reubens. Actor and comedian arrested for indecent exposure at an adult theater in 1991.
Pedro Pascal. just a controversial American-Chilean actor, known for acting in series like Game of Thrones, Narcos and The Mandalorian.
Pertti Jarla. Comic book artist whose comic strip, Fingerpori, has stirred controversy with strips related to religion and a strip that depicted a Nazi soldier buying "a free jew's soap".
Pete Davidson, just a controversial comedian and actor.
Peter Ramsey. Filmmaker who was revealed to be an Antifa supporter.
Quentin Tarantino. Filmmaker that was criticized for knowing what Harvey Weinstein did and not exposing him sooner.
Rachel Zegler, just a controversial actress and singer.
Rebecca Gayheart. Actress busted for causing a fatal car accident.
Rebecca Sugar, creator of Steven Universe.
Rian Johnson. Filmmaker who was heavily criticized for his execution of subverting expections in Star Wars: The Last Jedi all to decrease the positive reception of the film, which he brought up in an old video of his & for lashing out at the film's haters.
Richard Hatch. Reality TV show personality who got arrested and sentenced for tax evasion.
Ricky Gervais, just a controversial actor and comedian.
Rosario Dawson. Actress who has been hit by a former employee with allegations of transphobic abuse, but has since been cleared of all counts because they were proven false.
Rose McGowan. Actress hit with accusations of making homophobic and transphobic remarks, both of which she denied, as well as being busted for cocaine possession.
Robert Downey Jr. actor known for portraying Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, He used to be a drug addict in the past but that's not heinous enough.
Robert Pattinson, just a controversial actor.
Roland Emmerich. Controversial filmmaker who is hated for the many mistakes and negligence he made when filming the 1998 Godzilla movie.
Roseanne Barr. Actress, comedian, and writer who was fired for an allegedly racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett, though that can be hard to tell for some.
Russell Brand. Comedian who, along with Jonathon Ross, engaged in low-level harassment of fellow comedian Andrew Sachs, which they later apologized for.
Rumiko Takahashi, just a controversial mangaka.
Sam Raimi, just a controversial filmmaker.
Samuel L. Jackson, just a controversial actor.
Sean Connery, just a controversial Scottish actor
Seth Meyers, just a controversial talk show host
Seth Rogen, just a controversial actor and comedian.
Scarlett Johansson. Actress known as Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who became the center of backlash over being cast as a trans man (which led her to drop out of her role), as well as Major Killian in the live-action Ghost in the Shell film.
Scott Baio. Actor accused of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and on-set bullying, but never convicted thereof.
Seth MacFarlane -just a creator of controversial shows Family Guy and American Dad.
Sui Ishida, just a controversial mangaka.
Shuntaro Furukawa. Current president of Nintendo, who is hated by some fans for converting Free Online to Paid Online and canceling game tournaments.
Skai Jackson, just a controversial actress.
Skyler Page. Animator and creator of "Clarence"; groped a female coworker.
Spike Lee. Filmmaker who made a movie about Malcolm X and made a controversial comment about Charlton Heston.
Srdjan Spasojevic, Just a controversial film director which directed the controversial 2010 film A Serbian Film.
Stacey Dash. Actress and former talk show host who was hit with domestic abuse allegations.
Stephen Hillenburg. Animator and late creator of SpongeBob SquarePants.
Steven Spielberg, Just a controversial filmmaker.
Taika Waititi, just a controversial film director and actor who portrayed a parodic version of Adolf Hitler in the 2019 film Jojo Rabbit.
Takahiro Sakurai, voice actor who admitted to cheating on his wife for over 10 years, but has never been convicted of any crimes on the Page Warrant Specifications list.
Tiffany Haddish. Comedian and actress who, along with Aries Spears, was accused of pedophilia as well as getting busted for driving while intoxicated. The pedophilia suit was dropped.
Tite Kubo, Just a controversial mangaka who created the manga series Bleach.
Tim Long. Controversial comedy writer who is hated for writing some of the worst episodes of The Simpsons.
T.J. Miller, Actor and comedian who got arrested for assaulting an Uber driver and making a fake bomb threat on an Amtrak train, as well as getting hit with allegations of transphobia, on-set bullying, and sexual assault.
Tom Cruise, Just a controversial actor and member of the Church of Scientology. He'd be more of a real life anti-villain at best, but he certainly hasn't done anything outstandingly villainous to qualify for a page here (despite following his religion).
Tom Holland (actor), Just an actor who portrayed Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not to be confused with the film director of the same name.
Tom Holland (film director), just a controversial film director.
Tommy Wiseau - Just a controversial actor and filmmaker who is known for directing the 2003 movie The Room (which is considered by many critics to be one of the worst movies of all time) and because he is considered to be one of the worst actors in film history, his actions make him very dislikable but he is not evil enough to have an article on this wiki.
Tony Leondis - Filmmaker, animator, and voice actor who is known for directing the infamous 2017 animated movie, The Emoji Movie, but is not heinous enough.
Tracy Morgan. Comedian who made a homophobic joke about his son coming out and being killed, which he later apologized for.
Trey Parker, Just one of the creators of the controversial animated series South Park.
Uwe Boll. Boxer, and former filmmaker turned restaurateur whose most hated works include Alone in the Dark, BloodRayne. and House of the Dead; became controversial due to his complete inability to handle criticism.
Vanessa Hudgens. Actress criticized for her comments on COVID-19 deaths.
Vic Mignogna. Voice actor accused of homophobia and sexual harassment, but never convicted thereof.
Wendy Williams. Actress and television personality accused of homophobia with regards to her remarks about gay men wearing skirts and heels, for which she later apologized.
Whoopi Goldberg. Actress, comedian, author, and television personality accused of antisemitism with regards to her remarks about the Holocaust being about man's inhumanity to man and not about race, for which she later apologized.
William Hurt, controversial actor who was accused of physical and sexual abuse
Will Smith, just a controversial actor, rapper, and producer who received public backlash for slapping and shouting at Oscar presenter Chris Rock during the 2022 annual Academy Awards ceremony, after Rock made a joke referencing Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, which led to Smith subsequently resigning from the Academy and being banned from attending Academy functions, including the Oscars, for ten years.
Woody Allen, just a controversial film director and actor.
Zack Snyder. Just a controversial filmmaker.
Zsa Zsa Gabor. Actress and socialite who made headlines for slapping an officer.
4Kids Entertainment/4Licensing Corporation. A now-defunct dubbing company that is infamous for censoring anime.
ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation. Controversial Philippine media company accused of bias.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). A controversial organization that organizes the Academy Awards (or Oscars) annually and has been accused of unfair awards.
Adult Swim. A adult-oriented nighttime programming block of Cartoon Network
Al Jazeera. A controversial Qatari television channel.
American Broadcasting Company (ABC). A television channel.
American Psychological Association. A psychology company that was criticized for classified "toxic masculinity" as a mental illness.
Activision Blizzard. Controversial video game company with a horrifying work culture. Just like Electronic Arts, while it is very dislikable and greedy, it isn't villainous enough for a page.
Action Synthese. Defunct animation studio that was responsible for the The Magic Roundabout film, which was dubbed in the United States as Doogal.
A.D. Vision/ADV Films, An anime distributing company.
Air Koryo. Controversial North Korean airline company.
Alibaba Group. Controversial e-commerce group.
Amazon. Controversial e-commerce and online shopping company that made Toys R Us fall.
AMD, Just a controversial company which makes and sells computers and components for computers.
Anonymous. Controversial hacktivist group which did a lot of heroic things.
The Asylum. Film company famous for mockbusting popular films such as War of the Worlds.
AT&T. Controversial telecommunications and entertainment company.
Atari, just a controversial game company that fell into debt in 1983
Atlus, just a contrversial video game company and the creators of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise.
Autism Speaks, just a controversial organization who has allegedly harmed the reputation of people with autism.
Avast. A cybersecurity software company and famous antivirus.
Ben & Jerry's. Controversial ice cream company.
Bethesda Studios. Video game company that ended up on a lot of gamers & critics' blacklists after releasing Fallout 76.
Big Hit Entertainment. Controversial South Korean agency
Bones Animation Studios. Animation studio where one of the nightmare fuel versions of Misaki Suzuhara's illustration came from.
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), a controversial organization opposed to Israeli policy
Brightspark Productions Ltd. UK's version of Video Brinquedo
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Just the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom.
Buzzfeed. Controversial company that was criticized for threatening to dox Capre Donktum.
Capcom. just a controversial video game company.
Cartoon Network. A television channel.
Cable News Network (CNN). Controversial television channel that is accused of liberal bias after the election, making up stories because of low ratings as well as false information about Operation Tailwind, withholding information on Saddam Hussein's human right violations to not alienate the Iraqi side of the company and for blackmailing a person who made a photo-shopped GIF of them being defeated by Trump to delete it or they'll dox them.
CD Projekt. A controversial Polish video game company that made the infamous video game Cyberpunk 2077.
China Central Television (CCTV). A Controversial state television broadcaster of China accused of propaganda.
Club of Rome. Controversial think tank.
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). A television channel, radio network, and entertainment company (latter was re-merged with Viacom to form ViacomCBS, now Paramount Global).
Comcast. A telecommunications and entertainment company with controversial business practices.
Comedy Central. Controversial television channel which is a target of parental groups and the animation industry.
Common Sense Media. Controversial organization.
Council on Foreign Relations. Controversial foreign affairs think tank
DC Entertainment. a controversial company where Gerard Jones worked at.
Defy Media. A now-defunct company with controversial business practices that formerly owned Smosh and Screen Junkies
Dentsu, just controversial advertising agency in Japan.
Deutsche Welle (DW). A controversial German television channel.
Digital Homicide Studios. A defunct video game company with a controversial name.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), controversial US copyright law company
Dingo Pictures. A controversial animation studio.
DirecTV. A controversial satellite TV provider.
Dish Network. A controversial satellite TV provider.
Disney. Only a controversial entertainment company.
Disney Channel. A television channel.
Disney XD, Just a kids' television channel.
DreamWorks Animation. A animation studio.
Electronic Arts. A video game company with controversial business practices, though some like Haedox considered them evil. Although very dis-likable and greedy, it's actions aren't villainous enough to warrant a page.
Epic Games. A controversial video game company
ESPN. A television sports channel
FOX Entertainment Group. A defunct entertainment company now acquired by the Walt Disney Company in 2019 that was accused of conservative bias after the election and twisting the truth of many stories involving the border, killings etc.
Fox News. Controversial television channel that has been accused of giving ultra-conservative opinions and being a propaganda medium for the Republican Party, and more precisely, Donald Trump, apart from the fact that some villains worked at Fox News such as Oliver North and Tucker Carlson.
Foxconn. Just a controversial technology company criticized for it’s business practices.
FromSoftware. Just a controversial video game company that is known for making difficult video games.
Funimation. Just a controversial anime distributing and dubbing company that is criticized for its current business practices and where Scott Freeman previously worked.
Gainax. Just a japanese animation studio of which Tomohiro Maki was president of.
Game Freak. Just a controversial gaming company, known for Pokémon franchise.
Gillette. A brand company of safety razors and personal care products that became controversial for its infamous "The Best Men Can Be" commercial, which caused many people to stop buying their projects and which eventually caused them to lose money.
Goldman Sachs. Controversial banking corporation.
Hasbro, just a controversial toy manufacturing and entertainment company.
Huawei. A controversial Chinese tech company.
Id Software, just a video game developing company responsible for the controversial video game DOOM.
Illumination. A controversial animation studio that created the Minions.
Intel. A controversial technology company.
International Criminal Court. Just a controversial international tribunal accused of being prejudiced against Africa.
International Monetary Fund. International financial institution
Interpol. Controversial international law enforcement organization
JetBlue Airways. Controversial airline company.
Jetix, a defunct TV block/channel.
Kellogg's. Just a controversial cereal company that has been accused of misleading advertising.
Konami. A video game company who was criticized for their business practices in the 2010s.
Kyoto Animation/KyoAni. Just a japanese animation studio which was the target of an arson attack.
Lantis. A Japanese music publishing company.
LJN. A defunct toy and video game company.
Lionsgate. An entertainment company.
Little Baby's Ice Cream. An ice cream franchise which is famous for its controversial commercial.
Litton Entertainment/Hearst Media Production Group. A controversial media and production company that has been criticized for supposedly ruining Saturday morning programming, mainly Saturday morning cartoons.
Lucasfilm. A film and television production company that is famous for creating Star Wars and Indiana Jones
The National Inquirer. A controversial tabloid site
Mattel. Just a controversial toy manufacturing and entertainment company.
Marvel Entertainment. Just a controversial entertainment company, known for Spiderman, Ironman and Thor.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). An entertainment company.
Me Too movement (#MeToo movement). Controversial organization of people (mostly women) against sexual harassment and sexual assault against women that started with the Harvey Weinstein allegations, but has since been criticized for coming off like a witch hunt.
Microsoft. Just a controversial electronics company.
miHoYo, just a controversial Chinese video game company.
Naughty Dog. Just a controversial video game developer.
Nestlé. A controversial Swiss multinational company infamous for its baby milk and bottled water issues.
Netflix. just a controversial streaming service
Nicalis. Just a controversial video game company.
Nickelodeon. A television channel which is a target of controversy in the animation circle, known for creating SpongeBob SquarePants.
NVIDIA. A controversial technology company.
Paramount Global, a entertainment company with controversial business practices.
Peabody Energy. A controversial coal company accused of being climate damaging.
PFFR Productions. A production company that is known for its infamous logo.
Pfizer. A controversial American pharmaceutical company.
Planned Parenthood, a highly controversial abortion and reproductive medicine provider
Penthouse, just a controversial men's magazine.
Playboy, just a controversial men's magazine.
Playgirl, just a controversial magazine.
Rappler, Just a controversial Philippine media company that is vocal against Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte.
Rednecks, just a controversial group of people.
Rockstar Games, a video game company which developed controversial video games.
Running With Scissors, video game developing studio which created the controversial video game series "Postal".
Russia Today (RT). A controversial Russian television channel that has been accused of promoting pro-Putinpropaganda.
Ryder. Just a truck rental company where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols rented their trucks to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995.
Sanrio. Just a company that licenses and produces products focusing on cute characters like Hello Kitty, My Melody, etc.
SEGA, just a recognized video game company, famous for Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
Sentai Filmworks, Just a company that distributes anime.
Sinclair Broadcast Group. Just a controversial telecommunications company.
SNK, just a video game company.
Sony, just a recognized electronics and entertainment company that got hacked.
Soviet Central Television. A former state television broadcaster of the Soviet Union.
Square Enix, Just a controversial entertainment company.
Televisa. Just a multimedia company allegedly involved in money laundering and drug trafficking.
The Weinstein Company. A defunct entertainment company which Harvey Weinstein previously co-owned and worked before he was fired for various sexual harassment, assault, and rape charges.
Tide. A laundry detergent company that became controversial due to their Tide Pods being mistaken by some people (including children and teenagers) as "candy", as well as used in an infamous internet challenge of the same name.
Tokyo Electric Power Company, A controversial holding company that caused many problems (including relations of Yakuza) on 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
United Airlines. Controversial airline company infamous for a flight in which a passenger is forcibly dragged off the plane.
WikiLeaks. A controversial organization that has leaked classified documents from different governments around the world.
YG Entertainment. Just a controversial South Korean entertainment company
Yleisradio OY/Yle. Just a controversial Finnish public broadcaster that has faced controversies related to their media's independence, tax and resources compared to other media, FST and language, Slovenia and the selling of Patria as well as the deconstruction of Radiohouse grand production branch.
ZTE. Just a controversial telecommunications equipment and systems company.
African National Congress, just a controversial political party in South Africa.
Anti-Trump coalition, just a controversial activist group opposed to US president Donald Trump.
Black Lives Matter, just a controversial organization of African-American activists, some of its most extreme members participated in the Floyd Rioters.
Black Panther Party, just a controversial black nationalist organization that was labeled a terrorist by the United States but never committed acts of terrorism. It should not be confused with the New Black Panther Party or the Black Liberation Army.
Brexit Party, just a right-wing party from the UK that won the European election to the EU.
Communist Party of Brazil, just a controversial political party in Brazil.
Communist Party of Chile, just a controversial political party in Chile.
Communist Party of Indonesia, just a controversial former political party in Indonesia that was violently eradicated by the Suharto dictatorship.
Communist Party of Sudan, just a controversial political party in the Vietnam harassment by Omar al-Bashir's goverment.
Communist Party USA, just a controversial political party in the United States.
Conservative and Unionist Party, just a controversial political party in the United Kingdom.
Democratic Party, just a controversial political party in the United States. To see villains who are members of this party go to the Democatic Party villains.
Forward Party, just a controversial political party in the United States.
Green Party, just a controversial political party in the United States.
Italian Communist Party, just a controversial communist party in Italy that existed from 1921 to 1991.
Japanese Communist Party, just a controversial political party in Japan.
Labour Party, just a controversial political party in the United Kingdom.
Liberal Democratic Party, just a controversial political party in Japan.
Libertarian Party, just a controversial political party in the United States.
Partido dos Trabalhadores, just a controversial political party in Brazil.
Podemos, just a controversial political party in Spain.
Republican Party, just a controversial political party in the United States. To see villains who are members of this party go to the Republican Party villains.
Scottish National Party, just a controversial political party that wants Scottish independence
Sinn Féin, just a controversial political party in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, just a controversial political party in Spain.
Government Agencies/International Organizationsedit
African Union (AU), just a controversial organization of African countries, a individual officer can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Any Countries military forces or Armed Forces of different Nations, just a controversial military organization that defend it's own citizens, a individual officer can have a page if it has severely abused his or her power.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), just controversial government officials, an individual agent can have a page if it has severely abused his or her powers.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just a controversial group government officials, an individual official can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), just a controversial government officials, an individual agent can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Chicago Police Department (CPD), just a controversial law enforcement officials, an individual officer can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Department of Defense (DOD), just a controversial group of government officials, an individual agent can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Department of Homeland Security, just a controversial group of government officials that enforcing and deportation of illegal immigrants from the US soil especially those people from Mexico. However, just like with the FBI, CIA, and NSA, individual agents are capable of qualifying if they have severely abused their powers.
Department of Justice (DOJ), just a controversial group of government officials, unless an individual agent has severely abused his or her powers.
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), just a controversial group of government officials, unless an individual agent has severely abused his or her powers.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), just a controversial group of government officials, unless an individual agent has severely abused his or her powers.
European Union (EU), just a controversial organization of European countries, an individual officer can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), just a controversial government officials. However, individual agents are capable of qualifying as villains if they’ve severely abused their powers.
Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), just a controversial law enforcement officials, an individual officer can have a page if he or she has severely abused his or her power.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), just a controversial government officials who worked with the Homeland Security. However, individual agents are capable of qualifying as villains if they’ve severely abused their powers.
Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo), just a controversial Indonesian communication, information affairs and internet censorship ministry.
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), just a controversial law enforcement officials, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD), just a controversial law enforcement officials, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
Military Intelligence, Section 5 (MI5), just a UK intelligence services, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
National Security Agency (NSA), just a controversial government officials. However, just like with the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security, individual agents can qualify as villains if they’ve abused their powers.
New York Police Department (NYPD), just a controversial law enforcement officials, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), just a controversial military alliance of western countries, unless any individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), just a controversial government officials who worked with the Homeland Security. However, individual agents are capable of qualifying as villains if they’ve severely abused their powers.
United Nations (UN), just a controversial international organization of countries, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
US Air Force, just controversial government officials, unless an individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
US Army, just controversial government officials, unless any individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
US Coast Guard, just controversial military divison
US Marine Corps, just controversial government officials, unless any individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
US National Guard, just controversial government officials, unless any individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
US Navy, just controversial government officials, unless any individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
Warsaw Pact Organization/Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, just a controversial military alliance of communist countries, unless any individual officer has severely abused his or her power.
Buca di Beppo, just a casual Italian restaurant that is known for its vintage photographs hung closely spaced throughout the entire restaurant and having a Pope table—the largest single table, round, in a room by itself, with a bust of the Pope as centerpiece.
Burger King, just a fast food restaurant that's been criticized for throwing shade at McDonald's with their mental illness ad campaign.
Carl's Jr/Hardee's., just a fast food restaurant.
Chicago Pizza, just a pizza restaurant in Jacksonville, FL where the mass shooting occurred.
Chick-fil-A, just a controversial fast food restaurant known for giving money to Anti-LGBT Christian groups, but has since been criticized by conservatives for stopping & for giving money to the Southern Poverty Law Center, thinking they finally caved to liberals.
Chuck E. Cheese's, just a controversial restaurant
Comet Ping Pong, just a pizza restaurant that was targeted by an infamous Pizzagate conspiracy theory.
Cook Out, just a fast food restaurant with 35 milkshakes that are too thick.
Cracker Barrel, just a controversial restaurant chain.
Dairy Queen, just a fast food restaurant.
Del Taco, just a fast food restaurant.
Domino's, just a pizza restaurant.
Heart Attack Grill, just a controversial restaurant in Las Vegas that is known for serving food that is high in fat, sugar and cholesterol.
In-N-Out Burger, just a fast food restaurant that has limited menu.
Jack in the Box, just a fast food restaurant known for its 1993 E. coli outbreak.
Jollibee, just a Filipino-based fast food chain that went international.
KFC, just a fast food chain that's targeted by PETA.
Luby's, just a controversial cafeteria buffet where George Hennard committed a mass shooting in Killeen, TX.
McDonalds, just a controversial fast food chain that went globally and where James Huberty committed a mass shooting in San Diego, CA.
Panda Express, just a fast food restaurant that offers American-Chinese cuisine.
Papa John's, just a pizza restaurant.
Pizza Hut, just a pizza restaurant.
Pyongyang, just a controversial restaurant chain that's named after the capital of North Korea with the same name.
ShowBiz Pizza Place, just a controversial defunct restaurant that imitated Chuck E. Cheese's.
Starbucks, just a controversial coffee shop chain that went globally.
Subway, just a fast food restaurant where Jared Fogle was a spokesman for.
Taco Bell, just a fast food restaurant that offers Mexican cuisine.
Voodoo Donut, just a donut shop that is famous for it's controversial donuts (No explanation needed on the donuts that they offer) and their pink boxes with it's company logo and some illustrations of Voodoo priests. It is also known for infamous two donuts that are controversial (NyQuil Glazed and Vanilla Pepto Crushed Tums doughnuts) which are no longer available due to order of local health officials.
Asos, just a online fashion and cosmetics retailer.
Avon, just a cosmetics brand.
Bath & Body Works, just a cosmetics brand.
Bershka, just a clothing brand.
Best Buy, just an electronics and appliance retail store.
Costco, just an American membership-only warehouse store.
Dollar General, just a controversial dollar store.
Dollar Tree, just a dollar store.
Forever 21, just a clothing brand.
Gamestop, just a video game store where it suffered controversies from opened copies of game titles to their coronavirus response.
Gucci, just a clothing brand.
H&M, just a clothing brand.
H-E-B, just a retail store.
Hobby Lobby, just a controversial arts and crafts store.
Hollister, just a clothing brand.
Hot Topic, just a store that sells a lot of pop-culture graphic T-shirts and merchandise but it doesn't sell anything that contains inappropriate and adult content merchandise unlike Spencer's and Zumiez.
L'Oreal Paris, just a cosmetics brand.
LEGO Brand Store, just a store that sells only LEGO toys that aren't available in other retail stores like Target and Walmart such as exclusive sets, keychains, and other non-brick merchandise like tumblers and role play toys as well as Minifigure battle packs.
Macy's, just a retail store.
Mango, just a clothing brand.
Miniso, just a controversial Asian low-cost retailer and variety store chain.
Nike, just a controversial clothing brand.
Pull And Bear, just a clothing brand.
PUMA, just a clothing brand.
Rocket Fizz, just a specialty store that is famous for it's controversial sodas with their images of dictators and terrorists such as Seal Ya Later, Cream My People, and Nuclear Orange Bomb.
Romwe, just a online clothing retailer.
The Salvation Army Family Store, just a controversial thrift store.
Sam's Club, just an American membership-only warehouse store.
Sephora, just a cosmetics retail store.
Shein, just a online clothing retailer.
Spencer’s, just a store that sells a lot of controversial t-shirts and merchandise mostly stuff that contains inappropriate and adult content such as sex toys and any clothing with swearing words.
Stradivarius, just a clothing brand.
Target, just a retail store where it suffered controversies such as animal abuse towards chickens for its eggs to its refusal to allow AEDs.
Toys "R" Us, just a controversial now-defunct toy store.
Ulta Beauty, just a cosmetics retail store.
Uniqlo, just a Japanese clothing brand.
Victoria's Secret, just a swimsuit brand.
Victoria's Secret PINK, just a clothing brand.
Walmart, just a controversial retail store where Patrick Crusius committed a mass shooting at a location in El Paso, TX.
Zara, just a clothing brand.
Zumiez, just a store that sells anything related to skateboarding as well as offensive and inappropriate graphic T-shirts and merchandise.
NOTE: Only controversial internet-related things and people who are involved (such as Social Justice Warriors and Anti-SJWs) only in this section. DO NOT include random people you see in every social networking sites which is in the rules at the top as well as any names of admins and other wiki members.
2cash, internet drama
2 gryphon, internet drama
Aaron McCluske, internet drama
Adam Blampied, just a controversial former member of WhatCulture Wrestling who was accused of sexual assault
Adrian Lamo, just a controversial computer hacker
Adrián Maximiliano Nario Pérez (El Bananero), just a controversial internet phenomenon and youtuber, controversial for his videos with rude and obscene humor
Adf-fuensalida/Ahuviya Harel, internet drama
AKnotholeResident/Sonmanic/Richard Kuta, internet drama
Alexander4488/Game Dude/Alexander Badr, internet drama
Alex Kimble/Alex the TD Guy, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, DeviantArt user, and internet drama
Alex Leal, internet drama
Alexownsyuhrfacex3, internet drama
Alison Rapp, internet drama
Alix Henriol, internet drama
Amazing Lucas. Internet Drama
Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, just the controversial founders of Amy's Baking Company, who were notorious for their appearance in Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares.
AniMat, just a contorversial YouTuber who's been criticized for calling anyone that voted for Trump racist & for supporting KickVic & MarzGurl.
Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto, internet drama
Antony Aguilar, internet drama
Antonio Lievano/SoFloAntonio, internet drama
Applemilk1988, internet drama
Arab Andy, internet drama
Armake21, internet drama
Atarster, internet drama
Asalieri/Eric Gaede, internet drama
AzumangaDiohFan101, internet drama
Benny the Snake, internet drama
Big Claudia, internet drama
BLACKB0ND, internet drama
BLACKbusterCritic, just a controversial commentator, internet personality, and internet drama.
Blaze The Movie Fan, internet drama.
Boomstick545, internet drama.
Bourg Productions/Edray1416, internet drama.
Bowlestrek, controversial Anti-SJW who was accused of being racist and internet drama.
Bruno Hikikomori, just a controversial Brazilian YouTuber, Twitch streamer and Facebook user who has been falsely accused of being an anarcho-capitalist, a racist neo-Nazi and a pedophile after his arrest in 2019 and internet drama
C00lkidd, internet drama
Caidin Johnson, internet drama
The Cartoon Hero/TheHeroOfTomorrow, internet drama
Cary Huang (carykh), brother of Michael Huang. He is nothing like his brother and has denounced his xenophobic views.
Caleb Elbourn (CaybyJ), internet drama
Chadwardenn, internet drama
ChristianU2uber/Angry Homo Kid, internet drama
Cindybin2001, internet drama
Clay Claymore, internet drama
CopperCab, internet drama
Confused Matthew, internet drama
ConicteamTV, internet drama
Dakari-King Mykan, internet drama
Daniel Songer, internet drama
DarksydePhil, internet drama
David J. Stewart, internet drama
David Tanny, internet drama
Deeker, internet drama
Diaper Boy, internet drama
Dillon the Hacker, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
DLAbaoaqu, internet drama.
Domenica Laspinas Niala Martin, just a person who is the wife of WeatherManKevin and the sister-in-law of LifeInATent
Doodletones, internet drama.
DoopieDoOver, internet drama
Dorian Thorn, internet drama
DustinU2uber, internet drama
DWÆY, internet drama
Edd00Chan/Edd00Taster, Just a controversial artist and youtuber.
Eddie Dzial, internet drama
Encyclopedia Dramatica, just an extremely controversial website that Luka Magnotta was an editor for.
ericDouglace, internet drama
Eric July (Otherwise known as Youngrippa59), just an African libretarian who is also a critic of Marvel Comics
FanFic Critic, internet drama
Felipe Neto, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
The Fine Brothers, internet drama
Flardox, internet drama
Filthy Frank/Joji, just a controversial singer, former YouTuber and internet drama
FoxtrotDeltaLima497, internet drama, inactive user/dead horse.
Girlvinyl, internet drama
Gonzalo Dumrauf, just a controversial creator of the webcomics "Gonza Ilustrado" and internet drama
Goronchev/Intellectual Checkmate, internet drama
GrantM/Invisible Crane, internet drama
Greg Mazujian, internet drama
Guptill89, internet drama
GurigorloX, internet drama
GyroHedgie453, internet drama
Hardcore Kid, internet drama
Hamoude Ajam (VHSDVDS&CDSyes badwordsno VGCP EDCP), internet drama
Harry Partridge, internet drama.
HeavyBassX/Tarosan, internet drama
Hellsing920/Emer Prevost, just a controversial late YouTuber and internet drama.
Iconoclast, internet drama
I Dislike Cis People, internet drama
I Hate Everything, internet drama.
Inkster, former administrator of some wikis in Miraheze and internet drama.
Inuboy1000, internet drama
Invalid Nickname, internet drama
Isvaffel, internet drama
Jace Connoors/ParkourDude91, internet drama
Jacob Nadeau-Bisson, internet drama
Jake Rapp, internet drama who is also the husband of Alison Rapp
Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared, internet drama
Jared Milton, internet drama
Jeffree Star, just a YouTuber accused of racism
Jen Selter, just a controversial internet personality and fitness model who was removed from an American Airlines flight for disruptive behavior.
Jeremycrispovideo, internet drama
Jerry/Lily Peet/Lily Orchard, internet drama
JesuswithBazookaz79, internet drama
Jfreedan/Carey Martell, internet drama
JohnOfE, internet drama
Joseph8276, internet drama
Joshua8428, internet drama
Joshua Buraczewski, internet drama
Joshua Burner/Joshscorcher, just a YouTuber that became hated by those who sided with Lily after their falling out.
JoshU2uber, internet drama
Juniorfan, internet drama.
Katiethesinger123, internet drama
Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, internet drama
Kevin Havens, internet drama
Kim Dotcom/Kim Schmitz, internet drama
Kimmo Johan Alm, internet drama
KingMasterReview, internet drama
Konex Entertainment, just a controversial user who is a friend of Matias Oyarzo, but she cannot be considered a villain because she has not participated in Matias's criminal acts.
Laurelai, internet drama
Leon, internet drama
Leonard F. Shaner Jr., internet drama
Libs of TikTok, just a controversial Twitter account and internet drama.
LifeInATent/FuturisticHub/Brian Martin, internet drama
LightSpeedBlast, internet drama
LiveJournal, internet drama
Lolcows, internet drama
Luccas Neto, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Luisito Comunica, just a YouTuber who was falsely accused of crimes that he never did.
Nora, just a controversial Instagram user and internet drama.
MagicalPockyUsagi, internet drama.
Markiplier, just a controversial YouTuber
Manlytears/Dominic Vanner, internet drama
MarginalMedia, internet drama
Marjan Siklic, internet drama
Matthew Davis Media, internet drama.
Marzgurl, internet drama
Maxmoefoe, just a controversial YouTuber
MegaDoopTV/Professor Kuhtoons, internet drama
MeganLeeHeart/MeganSpeaks/Chrissie L. Barmore, internet drama
Memy9909/MemyComedian, internet drama
MichaelDragon800, internet drama
Mister Metokur, internet drama.
MovieBob/Bob Chipman, just a controversial YouTuber who was criticized for defending Anita Sarkeesian, comparing GamerGate to ISIS and Stormfront and for tweeting "E3 exhibitors: NOW probably a good time to go through your shooter presentation and ask "is any of these going to be in poor taste?"" after the Orlando Nightclub Shooting to further his hatred to shooter games.
MrDiablolord, internet drama.
MrSirRaven, internet drama.
MSkull01, internet drama.
MylarBalloonFan, internet drama
The Mysterious Mr. Enter, just an extremely controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Nate Spidgewood, internet drama
Nikocado Avocado, just an extremely controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Nochesco-biohazar, internet drama
Nuttymadam3575, internet drama
OmniverseGirl, internet drama
Onideus Mad Hatter, internet drama
OutbackZack, internet drama
Pamperchu, internet drama
PewDiePie, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
PhantomStrider, internet drama
PimpinMasterDX, internet drama
PissedOffAngryGamer/PissedOffVideoGamer/Eric Abramov, internet drama
Pixyteri, internet drama
Pikachu0Z, internet drama.
RationalWiki, internet drama
RebelTaxi, internet drama
ReviewTechUSA, internet drama
RezendeEvil, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
RiceGum, just a controversial YouTuber who is also a massively stereotypical "rich and spoiled Asian brat"
Ricky Femia, internet drama
RJ Bandsma, internet drama
Robert Storms, controversial anti-SJW user who complained about Parasite winning Best Picture and internet drama
Robert Wayne Stiles, internet drama
Rootbrian, internet drama
Roushutsu, internet drama.
Russell Greer, internet drama
Ryan Kinel, controversial anti-SJW user and internet drama
Ryan Vo, internet drama
Sailormoonred1, internet drama
ShadowStar1224, internet drama
Shmorky/Dave Kelly, internet drama who spawned Zalgo.
Shoe0nHead, internet drama.
Smartmass Birb, internet drama.
SnackyCakes2008, internet drama
Sons of Kojima, internet drama
SpaceGuru5, internet drama.
Spax3/Alexander Prinston-Stairs, internet drama
Stariaat, just a controversial Brazilian furry YouTuber and artist known for making "Animation Memes" and internet drama
SunaDaHedgehog, internet drama
Supermariofan682, internet drama
Super Minecraft Kid, internet drama
Sushi654, internet drama
Tana Mongeau, internet drama and "N Word privilege" hypocrisy
Tara Gilesbie, internet drama
Taxman/Kyle Hawkins, internet drama
The Critical Drinker, controversial anti-SJW user and Internet Drama.
The Quartering, controversial anti-SJW user and Internet Drama.
Timbox, internet drama
TOGProfessor, internet drama.
Tommy Parky, creator of the UTubeTrollPolice/UTTP and internet drama
ToonEGuy, internet drama
Trainboy54, internet drama
Trisha Paytas, just a controversial Internet personality, recording artist, actress, and internet drama
TurboJUSA, internet drama
Undertakerfreak1127, internet drama.
The Unknown Autobot, internet drama
Vade, internet drama
VampiricSpektor, internet drama
Vanilla Hodge, internet drama
Vaush. Internet Drama
VenomFangX, internet drama
VonHelton, internet drama
Vyond YouTuber Squad (formally known as GoAnimate YouTuber Squad), internet drama.
Waymuu, internet drama.
WaynoPercy06, internet drama
WeatherManKevin/Kevin Martin, internet drama
Weegeeisgoingtokillm, internet drama
Xanderhal, internet drama
Youngbloodfantasy91, internet drama.
Your Highness Qiao Biluo, controversial Douyu user and internet drama
Zach Mourar, member of the YouTube channel RAZZLE who had made jokes about wanting to commit Zoophilia.
DO NOT add any non-controversial dA and Pixiv members in this list as well as their works that they made because they might get offended mostly.
102sasusaku, just a controversial DeviantArt user and an art commission scammer.
707Fangirl/TammyTheRanger, just a controversial DeviantArt user
Adam Ellis, just a controversial webcomic author and artist
Adobe Flash, just a graphic editing software.
Adobe Illustrator, just a graphic editing software.
Adobe Photoshop, just a graphic editing software.
AkaiDalia, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Alex Muholland/FrankiesAngel, just a controversial DeviantArt user, former YouTuber, and internet drama.
alexeigribanov, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
ANASTASIYAANDREEVA, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
AnimatedJames, just a controversial DeviantArt user, animator, and internet drama
AntiRex3000, just a controversial DeviantArt user, YouTuber and internet drama
Anthonytoney, just a controversial DeviantArt user who's known for his infamous journals that telling people to "kill themselves" which is a joke.
Art4Love, just a controversial art gallery website that was accused of plagiarism and art theft which they usually steal artwork from different dA artists and selling them.
Art commission, just a controversial form of selling art online by request which is merely used to scam people.
AudiomachineForLife, just a DeviantArt user who is also known as one of the most toxic Pop Music Hater ever who has no knowledge on trolls.
AutisticArtist97, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Bandettos, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Bart-Toons, just a controversial DeviantArt user who acts like a racist manchild because he has a full hatred towards Japan and anime.
Bean, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
BeeWinter55, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Blaze-Banjoper, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Blazesonic, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Bleedman, just a controversial webcomic author, DeviantArt user and internet drama
BlueCatRiolu, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Branca, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
ButLova, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
bunpunk/StaticEmbers/Jack/SINNERIOT: Just a controversial Roblox artist and internet drama. Also former DeviantArt user.
Caseydecker, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Chad Love Lieberman, just a controversial owner of Art4Love who was accused of plagiarism.
Chasethehedgehog, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Christian80s2nd, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Citytoon, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Cjrules10576, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
ClaireAimee, just a DeviantArt user.
Crinklemon, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
CLIP STUDIO PAINT, just a graphic editing software.
ComiPo!, just a manga making software
Coolbeanz-Kakashi, just a controversial DeviantArt user, kisekae artist, and internet drama
CottonCatTailToony, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Curtsibling, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Cutiesaurs, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Cyndilovespiccolo, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
David Gonterman, just a controversial DeviantArt user, webcomic author, artist and internet drama
DestinyMew, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Dev-catscratch/Bryce Cherry, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Diana177Cp, just a controversial DeviantArt user who lies about Ethan Davis.
DisneyFan01, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
DivineAngel, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Drago-dracini, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
EC-707, just a controversial banned DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Erik "Tazman" Mokracek, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Friendlymrguy, just a controversial DeviantArt user who is known for cyberbullying other users and making fake accounts to evade his ban and block.
Fists The Echidna, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Freezing Empress (FreezingFlameSaint64/FFS64), just a controversial former DeviantArt user, YouTuber, Plotagon user, and internet drama.
Gacha Studios, just a controversial multimedia franchise.
GoddessMillenia, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
The Golden Knight/Jay Geis, just a controversial DeviantArt user, artist, and internet drama
Gruntchovski, just a controversial DeviantArt user who is known for his black comedy works.
HolyJustice/Lucas Gonzalez, just a controversial DeviantArt user.
HollowPaintbrush, Just a controversial Roblox artist and internet drama. Also former DeviantArt user.
Hozupindahows00s, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Inkling Maker, just an Inkling character creator that mostly used by some users in DeviantArt and other Social media websites.
Ibis Paint X: Just a mobile drawing software.
InSaNe-REYNARD, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Jamesgang100, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
JekyllAndHydeChannel, just a controversial DeviantArt user who redeemed himself and he did apologized to the people he harassed for his actions.
JeffyJeffyUHUHUH, just a controversial DeviantArt user who is known for threatening DrewPicklesisSwell1957, Son Goto, and Ayden Mowry.
jordanriver89, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Justicesquad, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
JustinRPG, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Karamatsugirllover92, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Kisekae 2, just a controversial virtual dress up system that consist of various licensed characters as presets (such as Miku, Yoko Littner, and Love Live characters) as well as to make hentai scenes or other grotesque content.
KisekaeArtist, just a controversial DeviantArt user and Kisekae artist who is known for stealing export codes from other users without crediting.
LadyALT69/Manda-Tee/Hu-Manda-Tee, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Lord Foxworth, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
LoganRock305, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Luigipro47, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Lygiamidori, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
MarcosPower1996, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
MasterColonel, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Matrooko11, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
MatthewDaAnimeFanboy, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Mebrouk, just a controversial DeviantArt user who used to be a homophobe and niche audience shows hater, but has now redeemed, acting mature, and now even against homophobia. Also against other extremely toxic users like WubbaWankStain69 and PablotheCailloufan24.
Microsoft Paint/MS Paint: Just a graphic editing software.
Midnighttoker1, just a controversial DeviantArt user who oftenly spamming offensive comments on every DA users just for fun.
Miigz03, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
MikoChatta, just a controversial DeviantArt user.
M1ssRa1nb0w, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Mjeddy, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Mr. A.T Andrei Thomas, just a controversial DeviantArt user and YouTuber who is known for his infamous show called MobeBuds (formally called London Mobile Buddies) which is a rip-off of Happy Tree Friends.
Murrlogic1/Wonder Bread Guy, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
M Ф R D O: Internet drama who is yet to be arrested.
Nascar221, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Nayzak, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
NemaoHTF, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Jose Erick Garcia AKA NiceGuyErick, just a controversial DeviantArt user who makes death threats against Ethan Davis, AlaskionIsUrBoi, etc.
Nicochi, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Nitropunkarts/Screampunkarts/Rin Satsu: A controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama, who is known for her affiliation with Yanderedev.
NuggetTheBalloonGirl, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
OC/Original Character, just an art-related term for made-up character.
Onigojirakaiju, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Paint Tool SAI: Just a graphic editing software.
Paint.NET: Just a graphic editing software.
Pinkiepony, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
ThePirateCoveMan, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
PokeGirlsRULES/Stephanie Ladd, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Preachingthegospel, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
PrincessElizabeth013, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Princess-Josie-Riki, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Realmrsoptimusprime, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Recoloring, art-related drama.
RedeKamafa, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
RosesStella, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
RyanRoberts, just a controversial DeviantArt user who can't handle criticism too well without taking it as an insult and also responds equally negatively to actual insults.
Ryan Sohmer, just a controversial webcomic author and artist.
Sammir-the-BearDA2K4, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Sapphydracases, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
SaturnDOS, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Skyline19, just a controversial DeviantArt user and an art commission scammer who is accused of stealing other people's money.
Snivyshylover/DJMasterghost/MikeShadowXYZ, just a controversial DeviantArt user who cyberbullies other innocent users by creating fake accounts in order to just continue his behavior actions.
SolidMario, just a controversial ex-DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Sonicrocksmysocks/Kylee Henke, just a controversial DeviantArt user.
Sony-Mae, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Sophie Labelle, just a controversial webcomic author and artist.
Snapesnogger, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Strawberry Milk, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
SweetPrincessBGaming (Formerly known as PinkGemPrincess/AquaGemPrincess/AmazonPrincess5000/KittyGemAmazon23/TheSweetRosePrincess), just a DeviantArt user who is a former toxic Dora hater until she changed her behavior in November 2018.
TanimationLLC/Tanner Simonson, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
taylorne, just a controversial DeviantArt user and a Kisekae artist.
TerminatorJackKnife, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Theresnoname2004, just a controversial DeviantArt user who is a founder of both Atrocious and Talented Deviants wiki and internet drama.
TheCartoonWizard, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Tim Buckley, just a controversial webcomic author and artist.
TimLegionFederationa, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Tom Preston/Andrew Dobson, just a controversial DeviantArt user, webcomic author, artist, and internet drama
ToonEGuy, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Toragzan, just a controversial DeviantArt user who is known for his hell-like artworks.
ToriTheWolfy, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Trisha611, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Truth-Lely-Gaia, just a controversial DeviantArt user who is known for art theft and plagiarism.
TVsKyle, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama
Tyler Bowie, just a controversial DeviantArt user who was known for requesting pictures of female characters being tied up in a sexual manner as well as he went multiple accounts on DeviantArt (i.e. MickeyTheDisneyFan01, MickeyMouse000024, MickeyMouse0024, MickeyFan24, etc.).
Vaati Rants, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Vahki6, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Waluigis-girl, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Wolfychu: Just a controversial DeviantArt user and YouTuber accused of using misleading tags.
XOMizzEggManOx, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
YazGalToonFan, (Formerly known as PinkYazFlyChan) just a DeviantArt user.
YoshiWii1, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Zamii070, just a controversial DeviantART and Tumblr user who has been harrassed by the SJWs because of her Steven Universe art. Not a villain and Internet drama.
Zeriara, just a controversial DeviantArt user and internet drama.
Alec Holowka: Just a video game developer who was accused of rape, but never convicted thereof.
Cishshato: Just a controversial Roblox video game developer and internet drama.
Dan Salvato: Internet drama and video game developer who made the game Doki Doki Literature Club, not a villain.
Deep Sea Prisoner: Just a controversial video game developer and internet drama.
Freefall Softworks: Just a controversial Roblox game studio and internet drama.
Graion Dilach/Zimmermann Gyula: Just a controversial video game coder, voice artist, graphics editor at Attacque Supérior and internet drama. Also he is an SJW who against various fanboys or fangirls of great mods (like Mental Omega and Twisted Insurrection) doesn't deal with opinions, but instead he just mocked and telling them to stop in a mean way.
Hideki Kamiya: Just a controversial video game developer, internet drama.
Hidetaka Miyazaki. Just a controversial video game developer from FromSoftware whom is known for creating very hard video games.
Katsuhiro Harada: Just a controversial video game director/producer.
Masahiro Sakurai: Just a controversial video game developer and creator of Kirby.
Mentalmeisters: Just a developers and creators of Mental Omega mod.
Mishambo: Just a controversial Roblox video game developer and internet drama, who was blamed for making a Entry Point fan game.
Billy Mitchell: Just a controversial video game champion accused of cheating
OmegaBolt: Just a creator of Red Resurrection and Project Phantom mods.
OMOCAT: Just a controversial game developer known for the game OMORI and accused of pedophilia.
Red Dagger: Just a controversial GTAForums moderator.
Scott Cawthon: Just a controversial video game developer known for the game Five Nights at Freddy's, who was forced into early retirement by SJWs because of alleged political donations.
sivispacem: Just a controversial GTAForums moderator.
TheMeatly: Just a controversial video game developer who made the game Bendy.
Toby Fox: Just a controversial video game developer who made the video games Undertale and Deltarune.
Yandere Dev/Alex Mahan: Just a controversial video game developer, Internet drama and maker of Yandere Simulator. Not only that, he also harassed Watashi No Mono's developer and also harassed many people, including his own fans, along with making fake promises and lies, and he even defended pedophiles by thinking pedophilia is a "sexual orientation", just because of these things he did, he doesn't deserve to have his page here.
1989 Tiananmen Square Protests/Massacre denial memes, just controversial internet memes that are meant to mock/criticize the Chinese government unless they are actual threats.
9/11 humor, just controversial internet memes and jokes based on the events of the September 11 attacks unless they are actual threats.
21st century humor, just a controversial type of meme.
Animemes, just a controversial obnoxious type of memes that became cringe as they kept getting repeated so many times.
Anti-Anime humor, just a controversial type of memes and jokes that are meant to criticize anime as a joke.
Anti-LGBT humor, just a controversial type of memes and jokes that are meant to be homophobic, transphobic, biphobic or other forms of anti-LGBT as a joke unless they are actual threats.
Amogus, just a controversial meme related to the video game Among Us.
Average Fan vs. Average Enjoyer, just a controversial meme.
Big Chungus, just a controversial meme featuring a fat Bugs Bunny that sparked controversy because of how the meme was used as fat shaming.
Cats That Look Like Hitler, just a controversial website and internet meme that features photographs of cats resembling Adolf Hitler.
Dank Memes, just a controversial kind of memes.
Hitler/Nazi memes, Just a controversial type of memes about Adolf Hitler and Nazism unless they are actual threats.
It's OK to be White, just a controversial meme.
Memes about Communism, Just a controversial type of memes.
School Shooting memes, just a controversial type of memes unless they are actual threats.
Pepe the Frog, just a controversial meme that has been used by the Alt-Right as a symbol of hate, but the meme was not originally a symbol of hate.
Polandball, just a controversial meme.
Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition, just a meme comparing the earlier version of something as superior compared to the modern one.
Rickrolling, just a controversial meme involving baiting into links and redirecting them to Rick Astley's song Never Gonna Give You Up.
/r/arabfunny, just a controversial meme subreddit that parodies memes made in the Arab world.
SDLG (Seguidores de la Grasa), just a controversial group of Hispanic Facebook users who make memes.
Shitposting, just a controversial kind of meme.
Ugandan Knuckles, just a controversial internet meme featuring a poorly drawn depiction of Knuckles from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise that has a repeated catchphrase "Do you know the way?" in an African accent. This has generated controversy from many sources; Polygon's Julia Alexander labelled it "blatantly racist" and a "problematic meme", comparing it to Habbo Hotel raids, and Jay Hathaway of The Daily Dot called it a "racist caricature".
Virgin vs. Chad, just a controversial meme.
YouTube Poops (YTPs), just a controversial type of meme.
Anime and Manga, just controversial cartoons that originated from Japan and internet drama.
Anitwitter, just a controversial anime community on Twitter that has a lot of weeaboos.
Anti-Bronies, just a controversial group of people against bronies.
Anti-Emos, just a controversial group of people against emos.
Anti-Feminists, just a controversial group of people against feminists.
Anti-Furries, just a controversial group of people against furries.
Anti-Goths, just a controversial group of people against goths.
Anti-Hentai, just a controversial group of people against hentai.
Anti-Hipsters, just a controversial group of people against hipsters.
Anti-Social Justice Warriors, just a controversial group of people against social justice warriors.
Anti-Waifus, just a controversial group of people against waifus
Anti-Weebs, just a controversial group of people against weeaboos.
Anti-GoAnimate/Anti-Vyond: Just a controversial group of people against GoAnimate/Vyond and internet drama.
Aquors, just a controversial Love Live! idol group.
Autism, just a controversial developmental disorder that is mostly used as an unethical insult and that Autism Speaks tried to "cure" from people.
Bara, just a controversial anime/manga genre.
Bronies, just a fanbase of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Cancer, just a controversial disease that is mostly used as an unethical insult.
Cartoon Community/Groups, just fanbases of cartoons (either old or new), just one of the most controversial communities and internet drama.
Character bashing, just a controversial action against fictional characters that fans hated or mostly disliked with a use of offensive and inappropriate content that lead to discouragement against fans and the people who created it all because they didn't like how they were written or characterized.
Character insulting, just a controversial action against fictional characters that fans hated or mostly disliked except they don't include any violence and other inappropriate content. Otherwise, it's just a non-violent insult or disgrace to the characters that fans liked which could be get offended.
Closing Logo Communities/Groups (ex. Powerhouse of Entertainment (POE)), just fanbases of any production logo, vanity card, vanity plate, or vanity logo from movie studios and television production/distribution companies, restaurants, etc.
Emos, just a controversial subculture.
Emojis, just controversial ideograms and smileys that are often used in electronic messages and web pages. These would later be featured in a controversial animated feature film, The Emoji Movie, in 2017.
Ecchi, Just a controversial genre of anime and manga.
Fortnite, just a shooting game.
Furries, just a controversial subculture.
GamerGate, just a controversial online campaign that received backlash against perceived breaches of journalistic integrity on video game news sites which occurred as a result of the Quinnspiracy, an online controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn's alleged affairs with a number of men working in the video game industry, including Kotaku staff writer Nathan Grayson. The term has also since been used to describe the group of internet users, based mainly on Twitter, who claim that there is a lack of transparency within the video game journalism industry. These same people have also been accused of practicing misogyny and sexism by many, through harassment and trolling, referring to their opposition as social justice warriors, though some can be considered try hards.
GreenyFans, just a fanbase of Greeny Phatom.
Grounded Videos: Just a controversial trend of GoAnimate/Vyond and Plotagon videos that details the misadventures of various kids, popular and unpopular cartoon characters (mostly kids' show characters like Caillou for example), and real life people as they cause or get themselves into trouble in all manner of ways, followed by them getting busted and grounded by their parents for mostly bizarre or absurd lengths of time, which are/were made for entertainment purposes only, despite people who hate these videos claiming that the creators of these videos promote child or domestic abuse.
Goths, just a controversial subculture.
Hentai, just a controversial anime/manga genre.
Hipsters, just a controversial subculture.
Jessica Nigri, just a controversial cosplayer.
Kek, just a controversial term
Koreaboo, just a controversial subculture that is related to any South Korean culture.
Lady Zero, just a controversial cosplayer.
Lolicon/shotacon, just an extremely controversial anime/manga/cartoon genre and internet drama unless they are based on real people.
Love Livers, just a fanbase of Love Live! School Idol Project and it's sequel Love Live! Sunshine! along with it's mobile game called Love Live! School Idol Festival.
Middle Finger/The finger, just a controversial vulgar gesture.
MikuMikuDance/MMD: Just a controversial software.
Minstrel shows, just a controversial 19th century theater genre used to portray African-Americans.
Mordentards, internet drama.
M.U.G.E.N: Just a 2D fighting game engine.
Muse, just a controversial Love Live! idol group.
Normie, just a controversial term.
Nostalgiatards, internet drama.
Otaku, anime/manga related drama.
Perfect Dream Project!, just a controversial Love Live! idol group.
Plagiarism, just a controversial activity that is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work.
Pokémon, just a controversial Nintendo and GameFreak franchise.
Punks, just a controversial subculture.
Roblox: Just a controversial video game and internet drama.
Shipping/Relationshipping, just a controversial action that puts 2 or more people (either real-life or fictional) in a relationship by fans of a piece of media, in which some ships going as far as to commit pedophilia and incest. Also, internet drama.
Spoiler, internet drama that is related to any print and other media.
Skinheads, just a controversial subculture.
Twerk, just a controversial dance move.
Waifu, just a fanbase of any female anime characters who treated them as wives by various members especially weeaboos.
Weeaboo/Weeb, just a controversial subculture that is related to anime/manga and Japanese culture.
Womanchildren, just women who don't act their age.
Banhammer, just an internet related term that is used by admins or moderators to permanently ban users who breaks the rules.
Blocking, just an internet related term that is used by anyone to block people (usually trolls or dislikable people) from communicating with them online and/or viewing their information or profile.
CAP-Raging, internet drama involving people shouting on the internet.
Dislike-bombing, just an internet related term that is used by a mass amount of people (or one person using multiple accounts) to down-vote or dislike a post, reply, comment, blog, video (etc) in a short amount of time, with the result most often leading to more dislikes than likes. Also, internet drama.
e-begging, internet drama
Exposing, internet drama involving people exposing other people for their bad actions.
Forum ban, internet drama
Forum spamming, internet drama
Hacking, internet drama
Internet archives, just old revisions of web pages used by detractors as evidence that a user committed something that is considered embarrassing, stupid or transgressive where they deleted or updated it to prevent anyone knowing.
Mark Zuckerberg, just the controversial founder of Facebook
Screenshotting, internet drama
Godwin's Law, Just a type of comparisons that involve Adolf Hitler and Internet drama.
Raiding, internet drama
Sockpuppetry, internet drama involving people who evading ban by creating new accounts after their original account got banned for their behavior.
Spamming, internet drama.
Streisand effect, internet drama
Toxic people, just a controversial group of people who are rude and can't be nice over the internet.
Trolling, internet drama
Trollshielding, internet drama
Video mirroring, internet drama
Wayback Machine, just a digital archive of the World Wide Web used by detractors as evidence that a user committed something that is considered embarrassing, stupid or transgressive where they deleted or updated it to prevent anyone knowing it.
Weening, internet drama
White knighting, internet drama
Wikipedia vandalism, internet-related controversy.
Amino Apps, just a controversial social networking website and application
Bitchute, Just a controversial video sharing site known for videos of mass shootings, just a controversial website and internet drama.
Conservapedia, internet drama
Crunchyroll, just an anime streaming website.
Cuánto Cabrón, just a controversial website.
DeviantArt, just a controversial art sharing website.
Discord, just a social networking website.
DomoAnimate, just a defunct animation software website and a former subsidiary of GoAnimate/Vyond that used characters, such as the titular character Domo-Kun, from NHK/Japan Broadcasting Corporation.
Duolingo, just a controversial website and application
Encyclopedia Dramatica, just internet drama which as its name suggests, and a troll site that was edited by Luka Magnotta and William Atchison.
Facebook, just a social networking website.
FANDOM/Wikia, just a wiki hosting service that hosted this wiki until 2020.
Friendster, just a defunct social networking website.
GoAnimate/Vyond, just a controversial animation software website and internet drama.
GoAnimate For Schools, just a defunct school version of GoAnimate/Vyond.
Google Plus/Google+, just a defunct social networking website., just a Chinese nationalism news website that promotes questionable policies in China and alternative narratives of domestic and foreign news. The website is approved by Chinese authority to interview and edit foreign news.
Hentai Haven, just a controversial video sharing website that exclusively consists of hentai; sexual content based on anime.
Hispachan, just a controversial website and Spanish-speaking version of 4chan
IGN, internet drama
IMDb, just a controversial website
Imgflip, just a controversial website
Indiegogo, just a controversial crowdfunding website.
Instagram, just a photo and video-sharing social networking website.
iReady, just an educational website.
JW.ORG, just a website that is run by Jehovah's Witnesses., just a controversial shock site and internet drama
Kickstarter, just a controversial website people use for funding films, music, stage shows, comics, journalism, video games, technology, publishing, and food-related projects, although some other people used the site for scamming.
Kiwi Farms, just a controversial website.
Kotaku, just a controversial gaming website.
Krautchan, just a controversial website.
Liberapedia, internet drama
Memedroid, just a controversial website.
MediaFire, just a controversial file sharing site.
Miraheze, just a wiki hosting service that hosts this wiki., just a controversial video-sharing social networking website
MyAnimeList, just a controversial website
Napster, just a controversial music file sharing service
Newgrounds, just a controversial website
Niconico, just a video sharing website.
Parler, just a controversial social media platform
Patreon, just a controversial website used by people to pledge from their creators to become their patrons.
Pixiv, just an art sharing website.
Plotagon, just a controversial animation software website and internet drama. Also the CGI equivalent to GoAnimate/Vyond.
Pornhub, just a controversial video sharing website which as its name suggests, contains pornographic and sexual content.
RationalWiki, just a controversial website and internet drama.
Reception wikis/Qualitipedia, just a controversial series of websites that were criticized by many internet users for its problems ranging from the toxicity of the users (especially its admins) to their controversial and extremely biased articles. Examples of these websites included, but not limited to, Awful Movies Wiki, Greatest Movies Wiki, Terrible Shows & Episodes Wiki, Best Shows & Episodes Wiki, Crappy Games Wiki, Awesome Games Wiki, Loathsome Characters Wiki, and Rotten Websites Wiki.
Reddit, internet drama.
Rotten Tomatoes, just a controversial website and internet drama.
Rule 34, just a controversial website and internet drama.
Scratch, just a programming website that is used for animations, art, and games.
Sociopath Community, just a website which as its name suggests, is for people who are sociopaths and where Joshua Buraczewski is a regular user
Soompi, just a website that contains Korean news
Something Awful, just a controversial website.
Steam, just a controversial website and digital video game store.
Taringa!, just a controversial website.
TheTopTens, just a controversial website and internet drama.
Tumblr, just a social networking website
TV Tropes, just a pop culture website
Twitter, just a controversial social networking website and internet drama.
Uncyclopedia, internet drama
Urban Dictionary, just an online dictionary where most of its user-made definitions are satire and internet drama.
Vine, just a defunct video sharing website.
Vinesauce, just a video game streaming website.
Wikipedia, just a controversial website and internet drama. (The Hungarian Wikipedia, which has made a user commit suicide, is not disallowed.), just a website that faced a controversy regarding its use of Wordpress GLP-licensed code
You Are An Idiot, just a controversial computer virus and internet drama.
03bgood/Blake Good: Just a controversial YouTuber who doesn't play violent video games out of fear he'll end up like Adam Lanza as well as wanting Anita Sarkeesian to be killed by ISIS and internet drama.
Abi Talent: Just a controversial Romanian YouTuber who was aganist with popular Romanian singer Alex Velea and internet drama.
ADoseofBuckley: Just a controversial YouTuber
Adam Kleinschmidt/Adamkleinschmidt2003: Just a controversial former YouTuber and Vyonder who is well known for creating the trend of grounded videos on GoAnimate/Vyond, beginning with his Brian Gets In Trouble At School video in 2011, but is not heinous enough.
Aeris Akamatsu, just a controversial YouTuber who was criticized for forcing people to accept their headcanons of certain Danganronpa characters being gay, lesbian, ace, trans or nonbinary to spite Butch Hartman, despite lack of evidence & willing to claim they're advocating queer erasure if they don't headcanon them as such, for claiming that Kaito x Maki is forced heterosexuality & Kaede getting killed off was misogynisitc due to the bait-and-switch, despite not hating Shuichi, for calling those who ship Kokichi x Himiko homophobic because the former is supposed to be gay as well as calling PewDiePie & Notch racist & anti-Semitic, saying that Christianity is the only religion that should be made fun of as doing so with other religions is racist, going after Bjuu Mike for saying Nagito is psychotic as well as calling Genocide Jack crazy, referencing Toko X Byakuya & his uneasy laughing at certain points in his Let's Play & told someone who was arguing with them to pretend they're a donut & go roll into a nearby lake if they weren’t a trans ally, which was seen as a suicide threat & they did apologize for, despite brushing off the other complaints as overexaggerated.
Agamemnon Counterpart, just a controversial internet video found on YouTube
Alex Rosen, just internet drama.
Almir Velovic, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, Plotagon user, DeviantArt user, and internet drama.
TheAmazingAtheist/TJ Kirk, just a controversial YouTuber
Amanda Andrea Rose/PikaPikaGirl/Sierra, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
AmorAltra/Amor Altra Putratama: While he did what was villainous and is a pedophile, he's way too controversial and just internet drama.
Angel David Revilla Lenoci (Better known as DrossRotzank or simply Dross) merely a controversial YouTuber and writer, needs to be convicted first.
Angry Joe/Joe Vargas, internet drama
Angry Video Game Nerd/Cinemassacre/James Rolfe: Internet drama, Not a villain.
Antonio Balzano/Hyper Wolf Studios/TheMasterCreative: While he's a pedophile, he's too controversial and just internet drama. Not to be confused with the soccer player of the same name, who is also Italian.
A.D.L./Anti Duncan League, just a controversial group against the controversial YouTuber Duncan Burden/McNinja and internet drama.
Austin Alexander, just a controversial YouTuber who was criticized for his massive hatred against the TV shows Family Guy and Futurama, and the company RatPac-Dune Entertainment/Access Entertainment, as well as stealing logos on the CLG Wiki (which he is now banned from), and harassing users on Wikipedia.
AuronPlay, internet drama
AwesomeRobloxians/MisterObvious/Julian Kurk: While he's a pedophile, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
BadEmpanada, just a controversial YouTuber who is critical of American exceptionalism, capitalism, colonialism and Zionism. He was also defamed by ethnonationalist YouTuber and Twitch streamer Eristocracy, who used weaponized Antisemitism allegations against him and falsely accused him of being a wanted rapist for criticizing her for her Zionist views.
Bart Baker, just a controversial YouTuber who is a bad knock-off of Weird Al.
Bea(triz) Koretkii, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyonder, and internet drama.
Bearing, just a YouTuber who is critical of veganism, radical feminism and Antifa.
Beluga, just a controversial YouTuber.
Brendan Barney, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyonder, and DeviantArt user who was accused of negrophobia with regards to his rant on The Wiggles where he called the band the n-word.
Birdman, internet drama
BreadTube, just a controversial group of leftist youtubers and internet drama.
brentalfloss/Brent Black, internet drama
Bubba Dunk Funkin, just a controversial YouTuber with some sexist and homophobic comments.
Caleb J. Elbourn/Cayby J/C-E-Studio, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyonder, and DeviantArt user who is known for his 2013 film Go!Animate: The Movie (based off of GoAnimate/Vyond), which has been criticized for copying elements from Greeny Phatom: The Movie and South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, and despite saying it was made in 2006, GoAnimate/Vyond was founded in 2007. Cayby J has since disowned the film and pretty much wants nothing to do with GoAnimate/Vyond anymore.
Caleb Logan LeBlanc, just a late member of Bratayley and brother of Annie and Hayley LeBlanc.
Carson King/CallMeCarson, Just because he has allegations, he doesn't deserve to have his page here, just internet drama.
Calobi Productions, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Canadian Scout/Kaneedian, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyonder, and internet drama.
Chae Cook, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Chills/Top15s, just a controversial Youtuber and internet drama.
Cianan Irvine/Ancient Styled Cartoons, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyonder, and animator who was accused (but never convicted) of pedophilia.
Christina Mistretta, just a YouTuber with a bizarre lifestyle. Vyond user, and internet drama.
Choche007/ChileGamer2010/ChileGamer V8/Jorge Andree Gilbert Espinoza, Just a controversial YouTuber which was cyberbullied and was accused (but never convicted) of child rape.
The Cinema Snob/Brad Jones, just a controversial YouTuber who was criticized for telling everyone to get over the Channel Awesome controversy.
Clã dos Pandas, controversial Brazilian channel known for its 3 AM challenge videos and internet drama
Cobanermani456, just a controversial Youtuber and internet drama
CoolSuperMarioBros, just a controversial YouTuber who is known for copying SuperMarioLogan.
Conor Dooley/Conor The Angry Beavers Kiwi, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Cosmodore: While he's a pedophile, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
Count Dankula, just a controversial YouTuber who Alex Jones had on Infowars & is accused of being Alt-Right when he's actually a libertarian and internet drama
Courtney Springer, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Cosmonaut Variety Hour, just a film YouTuber who criticized Sam Raimi's Spider-Man
craftnation, just a controversial YouTuber
Dalas Review, just controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Danann, just a controversial YouTuber, political commentator and comedian, and Internet Drama.
Daneboe/Dane Boedigheimer, just a controversial YouTuber.
Dan Paul Lyons/DLE: While he did what was villainous and is a pedophile, he's way too controversial and just internet drama.
Darren Alexander Nichols/Pip2010/Darren Pipster: While he did what was villainous and is a pedophile, he's way too controversial and just internet drama.
David Axel Cazares Casanova/Sr Pelo, just a YouTuber who is known for making satirical animated videos as well as his loud screams.
DCIGS, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Dicktor Von Doomcock/Overlord DVD, just a controversial YouTuber who just acts like a supervillain that wants to be the future ruler of Earth.
DJ Keemstar/Killer Keemstar/DramaAlert/Daniel Keem, just a controversial YouTuber accused of swatting others or accusing other YouTubers for being terrible people as well as revealing Pyrocynical's face, doxxing and mistaking an 62 year old man of being a pedophile who was in prison and got swatted himself, as well for shouting out the a racist word to a person, he doesn't deserve a page here.
Doomentio/Perezoso Doom, just a controversial YouTuber who is hated for being egotistical and accused of supporting Fascism. He might be annoying, but not a villain.
Doug West, just a controversial Youtuber who was the friend of Angry Grandpa, in which he was falsely defamed by Angry Grandpa's son Michael. He was antagonized by Michael when he came to his house to the point where Michael got pushed by a now angered Doug, who also beat up Jeff Saxton for filming when he said no camera to Michael and Bridgette.
Dream/DreamWasTaken, just an extremely controversial YouTuber who cheated in a Minecraft speedrun, rigged the 2020 Minecraft Mob Vote to make Glow Squid win, accused of flirting with 2 minors, and internet drama in general.
Dreamcast Guy, internet drama
DrewPicklesisSwell1957, just a controversial YouTuber, known for making rant videos on many people on this page, most notably TheMysteriousMrEnter and Erik "Tazman" Mokracek.
Dr Shaym, just a controversial YouTuber who is critical of religion, feminism and Black Lives Matter
Durv, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
EdukayFUN, just a troll YouTube channel that was meant to mock YouTube Kids videos.
E;R, internet drama
Eric Folk/Fundir Broe UTTP/gay scrub, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and a former internet troll who was infamous for harassing various users (mainly GoAnimate/Vyond users) on YouTube and the now-defunct Google+. He is currently a member of The Wuzzer Buzz Allies.
Elias D, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Eli J. Brony, just a controversial YouTuber, DeviantArt user, and internet drama.
ELANTICRISTO2007, juast a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Elisocray, just a controversial YouTuber
Eliluminado7, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Ellie Stevenson, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Epic face dude/:D, just a YouTuber and Vyond user who is also neighborhood animations/TehGoanimatorPerson's brother and who also had a past dispute with Stephan Swaby back in July 2018.
Etika/Desmond Amofah, just a late YouTuber and Twitch streamer who suffered from mental illness.
Film Brain/Mathew Buck, internet drama
FISTROMAN, just a controversial YouTuber
Fzst, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Gabriel Garcia/Geoshea/FanonMaker, just a controversial former YouTuber.
GBB5171/THENEWANIMANIACSFAN2001, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Geekdom101, just a controversial Dragon Ball YouTuber (DBTuber) criticized for doxxing, narcissism, possibly slander, among other things.
Germán Garmendia (HolaSoyGermán/JuegaGerman), just a controversial Chilean youtuber, accused of using bots to increase his number of subscribers.
Gigi Gorgeous, just a controversial YouTuber, socialite, actress, model, and internet drama
Girla PurpleHeart Sucks UTTP, just a controversial YouTuber and an internet troll who is raging in all caps on everything.
Gligar13Vids, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama known for his series titled "BAD GAMES".
GradeAUnderA, just a controversial YouTuber
Greenstar/Greenstar Emily/GreenstarEmily02, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Guru Larry/Larry Bundy Jr., internet drama, not a villian.
Hi Top Films. Just a film YouTuber who hates MCU Spider-Man to the point that he thinks Spider-Man: Far From Home broke his heart.
Horror Version, just a YouTuber who makes "horror version" meme videos of popular songs and movie sequences and making them seem evil with a "G Major" type of effect.
Hunter Avallone, just a controversial YouTuber
iDubbbz, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
I Feel Fantastic, just a controversial YouTube video.
ImJayStation, just a controversial former Youtuber, criticized for fake 3AM challenges and contacting dead celebrities.
Inez Thomas/Grimka Butterfly/GrimkaLoonka/LilKittySpy, just a controversial former YouTuber, former Vyond user, DeviantArt user, and internet drama.
Ivan Tsapaev, just a controversial YouTuber and Vyond user who is well known for creating the trend of the PlayKids Gets Grounded videos
Irate Gamer/Chris Bores, just a controversial YouTuber, video game reviewer and internet drama
Issac Anderson/Issac Anderson Animations/IT-Saac/IT-Saac Studios, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
IssacMedia, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
iJustine, just a controversial YouTuber
iTownGamePlay, just a controversial youtuber who was accused of pedophilia.
Jacksfilms, just and controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Jacksepticeye, just a controversial YouTuber.
Jaiden Diffach (JaidenAnimations): Just a controversial Youtuber.
Jake Paul, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
JaMich/Jam Sebastian, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Jaelynn Watterson/SweetToadette01, just a controversial former YouTuber and DeviantArt user who was criticized for tricking people into thinking she was dying from a terminal illness when she wasn't. Even though she apologized, she received a lot of backlash for her actions, which led her to depart from social media by deleting her YouTube and DeviantArt accounts and abandoning her Twitter, Instagram, and Patreon pages.
James Charles, just a controversial YouTuber and make-up artist who was accused of pedophilia.
James Parker, just a controversial former YouTuber and Vyonder who became hated for creating fake YouTube accounts out of Caillou (from the TV show of the same name) and his family members, including fanmade ones such as Lily, and using subbots for those accounts, as well as starting up internet drama with various people.
Jazz Jennings, just a controversial YouTuber, television personality, and activist
Jeffrey Ridgway Sr., just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Jenna Marbles, just a controversial YouTuber.
Jesuotaku/Hope/Jacob Chapman, internet drama
Jizzy Bizzy, just a controversial YouTuber and Discord user
Joel Armstrong, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama. Needs to be convicted first.
Joey Salads, just a controversial YouTuber
JoJo Siwa, just a controversial YouTuber, singer, dancer, actress, and internet drama
Joshua Chomik, just a controversial YouTuber
Jon Gandee, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
JonTron, just a controversial YouTuber and comedian.
Juju O, just a controversial YouTuber who has been attacked by a lot of internet trolls which caused him to close his account on March 30, 2019, leading to his death on November 8, 2019 due to a heart attack.
Julius Cole: Just a controversial YouTuber and Robloxian, who made threats, he does not deserve a page here.
Julian3535, just a controversial YouTuber and former Vyonder who was falsely believed to have committed suicide, which was actually made up by his brother.
Just a Robot, just a controversial YouTuber who has made several videos on people in this page & mentioned Onision, Jared Fogle & Jussie Smollett in some of his videos.
Kaylyn Saucedo/MarzGurl, just a controversial YouTuber who called for Vic Mignogna to be sacked over unproven accusations of sexual harassment & got criticized back for getting him sacked without fact-checking the person she got the claim from.
Kiara Billings, just a controversial YouTuber and former Vyond user who was the very first victim of Trent Morrison after the latter tried to date the former online; due to that fact and she's been fetishized by him, she left the internet forever.
KIDS Global/Ruckerzz, just a controversial YouTuber.
KingRay/KingRay157/Raycynical, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
kNIGHTWING01, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Kyle Rangel/LDF Enterprises/The Cartoonist Kid, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Kenny Animate, Controversial Vyond user
La Botella de Kandor/Javier Olivares, just a controversial YouTuber and film critic who makes videos about superhero films and toys.
Lamont Meeks/SLN! Media Group: Despite his pedophilia allegations, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
Lance Stewart - Just a controversial YouTuber
LeafyisHere, just a controversial YouTuber and Streamer.
LegalEagle, just a controversial YouTuber and lawyer who was criticized for defending Captain Marvel.
Liam Ryan/L Ryan/Liam The New Yorker/ParadeMan1986 Studios, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Lindsay Amer/Queer Kid Stuff, just a controversial YouTuber
Lilly Singh/IISuperwomanII, just a controversial YouTuber, actress, and internet drama.
Linkara/Lewis Lovhaug, internet drama
Lisa Gaming ROBLOX, just an extremely controverisal YouTuber and internet drama.
Logan Bray, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Logan Paul, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Logan Swan, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Logan Thirtyacre, just a controversial YouTuber and creator of SML, who had been accused of Domestic abuse by his ex-girlfriends.
lonelygirl15, just a so-called YouTuber who eventually became controversial when it was revealed that it was all just a hoax
Lovell Stanton, just a controversial member of SML, who had gotten arrested for weed possession and for threatening a child for disliking the channel.
Lynn Ann: Just a mentally ill controversial YouTuber who is just obsessed with Eric Harris,
M Ф R D O/MordecaiFinnLoquendero/Mordo Alt/Lionel Messi Te Jode, controversial YouTuber who was falsely acussed of pedophilia
Madison Farr, just a controversial former YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Maingout Land, just a controversial YouTube channel and internet drama.
Mariotehplumber/John Burris, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Mark Dice, just a controversial YouTuber
Mason Velez/DylanYesKumiNo/Mason Velez The Protagonist/Plotagonist/MV39440 Home Video, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, Plotagon user, DeviantArt user, and internet drama.
MatPat (Game Theory), just a controversial YouTuber who makes bizarre fan theories about video games.
MaximillianMus, just a controversial Youtuber who has been accused of bullying.
Meme-tastic!, just a controversial YouTuber who made extremely offensive SpongeBob videos and steals memes from other people.
Memehog/1-6, just a controversial YouTuber who steals clips from other YouTube videos and he uses titles like "I push Evan Bovo into the sand." and also bullies a lot of other innocent small users just for his own amusement as well as he made another account after he got terminated until he apologized to his fellow users that he hated.
Michael Gonzalez/Michael The GoAnimate/Vyond Guy, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Mike Matei, internet drama
Mikecrack, just a controversial Spanish youtuber
Michael Volk/MikeTheKoopaWarrior, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, DeviantArt user and internet drama.
MisAnthro Pony/Zaid Magenta, just a controversial Brony who let the divided state of the Brony fandom eat away at him, causing him to make rant videos on some of them, stopping after getting heavily criticized for his GoldenFox rant because of how harsh it was as well as uploading it around the time that GoldenFox was more focused on helping Keyframe get out of her abusive household, which got him called a cyberbully by Joshscorcher & AnY & was also criticized for going after the Nostalgia Critic & using the #ChangeTheChannel controversy as an excuse to complain about him as well as for implying Cuphead had Fake Difficulty, treating people who didn't hate the live-action Disney remakes or didn't stop watching Family Guy awfully & his negative review of the Samurai Jack episode C.
Mischovy/Misha Silenosti, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
MonkeyGameGuides, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama who's notoriously known for his "Guess what sucks today!?" catchphrase.
MrBeast: Just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Mr. Dapperton, just a controversial YouTuber who got harassed by Antifa.
MrGranbomba, just a controversial ex-Youtuber heavily criticized for making a bad joke
MrRepzion, just a controversial YouTuber
MTN Productions/HomeoftheGoodGuys/Chris, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Mumkey Jones/Simian Jimmy/Tyler Millard: Just a controversial YouTuber who is known for his crass and unceremonious style of comedy as well his content having Elliot Rodger.
Muqri The Video Animator 2006/BlueZett, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
N&A productions/Amir Fotoohi, just a controverisal YouTuber infamous for making clickbait 3AM videos and internet drama.
NathanWin7587/NathanTDA, just a controversial YouTuber and Vyond user who was criticized for copying Panimated/ThatBluePandaGuy/TBPG Studios. He was also criticized (mainly by Sam Da Vlogger and his friends) for attempting to make a so-called GoAnimate/Vyond clone called Go!Animate Rewritten.
Necrotemante, just a controversial troll who has made several videos against the aforementioned controversial YouTuber DrossRotzank, ironically being possibly worse than Dross is.
N.Brio Da Zuera, just a controversial YouTuber and Discord user who is infamous for his hatedom and stalking people over the internet as well as he disrespects opinions.
Nice Peter and EpicLloyd, just controversial YouTubers and creators of ERB who were criticized for perceived bias in Bruce Banner vs. Bruce Jenner and Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton.
Nikita Dragun, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Nikocado Avocado: Just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama. Highly controversial for putting her health and that of her husband at risk.
No Bulls**t/Brooks Heatherly, just a controversial YouTuber.
NoAnalise, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Nora, internet drama
Nostalgia Chick/Lindsay Ellis, internet drama
Nostalgia Critic/Doug Walker, just a controversial YouTuber, film critic, comedian, actor, filmmaker, and internet drama.
Obeydawalrus, just a controversial YouTuber who created the disturbing video "Obedece a la Morsa" (Obey the Walrus)
OfficerMidnight Chopper, just a controversial YouTuber and former Vyond user, who is the leader of the Holocord group (founded since March 2020 as a response to the Muqri vs. DiegoIsHere drama, although Muqri was eventually axed from the team as of May/June 2020 and Diego joined as of Summer 2020).
OfficerPoop247/Go!Thug247/AnthonyTheVyonder/The VCR King/Mass Animate, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Oh Shiitake Mushrooms, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Olivia Jade, just a controversial YouTuber and daughter of Lori Loughlin
Oxhorn, just a controversial youtuber and internet drama
Pauls Vids, internet drama
Rainer Winkler/Drachenlord, internet drama and controversial YouTuber
Phelous/Phelan Porteous, internet drama
Philip DeFranco/sxephil, just a controversial YouTuber who did some videos on DaddyOFive.
PilotRedSun, just a controversial YouTuber
PrinceDarkStar06, just a controversial YouTuber, and too hated by Devin's stans
PS5MasterRaceforlife/God hates you PS5Masterrace/Shitendrone Hater/Shitendrone Destroyer, just an Internet Troll who admitted he trolls just to get attention, not out of any malicious intentions
Pyrocynical, just a controversial YouTuber
RainBoy107/Jamal Lawrence: While he's a pedophile, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
Ray William Johnson, just a controversial YouTuber.
ReSet, just a controversial YouTuber accused of Cat´s abuse and give an tooth paste filled Oreos to a homeless man.
RebelYelliex, just a controversial YouTuber whose main Twitter account was suspended over a copyright strike.
Robert Stainton/greenyphatom2009, just a controversial YouTuber and animator, notorious for creating the franchise Greeny Phatom.
RocketPowerGal24/Kristin Konkle, just a controversial YouTuber and former Vyonder who had been accused of pedophilia due to SolarChroniclesXII once dating her (the former was 20 while the latter was 14 at the time that event happened).
Rucka Rucka Ali, just a controversial YouTuber
Rxl the Nitendrone, just an internet troll
Ryan's World, internet drama
Sam Pepper, just a controversial YouTuber.
samster5677, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyonder, and internet drama. Not to be confused with Team Samsters, a fanbase of Team Meme (which was then ran by Sam The Mountain Bike Beast, formerly known as SamuelPlotagon).
SammyClassicSonicFan/Sammy Harbors, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Sam Da Vlogger, just a controversial former YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Sara Braeutigam/African Vulture, just a controversial YouTuber and Vyond user who is well known for creating the trend of the Caillou Gets Grounded videos.
Satomi Hinatsu, former member of Jacknjellify falsely accused of being an Antifa member for being a lesbian.
Savox, just a YouTuber who has made several videos on people in this page & doesn't consider Chris Benoit evil, saying that he had no idea what he was doing due to his head trauma & that he committed suicide out of grief after realizing what he did.
Sebee, just a controversial YouTuber.
Second Thought/J. T. Chapman, just a controversial YouTuber
Sergindsegasonic, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Shane Dawson, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Share My Story: Just a controversial YouTube channel and internet drama.
Sinatra Says, just a conservative YouTuber who had a debate with Hasan Piker
SkyXD Network (Sky Media/Sky Storm/Sky Entertainment Inc.), just a controversial former YouTuber and internet drama.
Skyler Hawkins, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
SMG4/SuperMarioGlitchy4, just a controversial YouTube animator.
Smosh, just controversial YouTubers and internet drama, not villians.
SolarChroniclesXII, just a controversial ex-YouTuber and wiki contributor who made a page out of himself as DaTenthGate on this Wikia and whose notable page is the Seven Deadly Sins. His infamous side was his opposition with Trent Morrison/PervertedStoner69 after their friendship ended in 2015 and his threats towards the Walt Disney Company.
Spechie, just a controversial YouTuber
Spoony/Noah Antwiler, internet drama
SSSniperwolf, just internet drama
Stef Sanjati, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
StefieB, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Stephan Swaby/StephanTheAnimator just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Steven Crowder, just a controversial YouTuber and one-time comedian who got demonetized once.
Steven Nguyen, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Super Cassettes Industries Private Limited/T-Series, just a controversial entertainment company that's been "criticized for trying to beat PewDiePie" in terms of subscribers.
SuperMarioLogan/SML, just an extremely controversial Plushtuber/Puppetuber who has made racist jokes and got into drama with his girlfriend in Early 2020
Super Minecraft Kid, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama infamous for his videos about.
SuperWarioMan/Latin American Chris-Chan, internet drama
SweetoTOONS/Jordan Sweeto: Just a controversial YouTuber.
T-SERIES MAPPING, just a controversial YouTuber, Mapper and internet drama.
Taylor Jolicoeur, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
Taylor Leslie/Taylor The Vyond Video Maker 2006/KawaiiTaylor2006, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
TechRax, just a controversial YouTuber accused of Animal cruelty
TheBitBlock/Josh Thomas, Just a Nintendo Youtuber who is disliked by many Nintendo fans due to his views and controversial comments about Asians, Muslims, and African-Americans.
TheGamerBrony/Nick Fischer, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
TheSariaFan, just a controversial YouTuber and internet troll who is infamous for harassing BeastBoyYesLeviNo and his friends for absurd reasons, as well as making imposter accounts to troll people.
TheMysteriousMrEnter, just a controversial YouTuber.
ThatKidDouglas, just a controversial YouTuber.
Three Arrows, just a controversial leftist history channel that Tim Pool stated he was part of Antifa.
Tim Pool, just a controversial YouTuber.
Tobuscus/Toby Turner, just a controversial YouTuber who was accused of rape
Todd in the Shadows/Todd Nathanson, internet drama.
TomTosname TV, internet drama.
Toony the Loon’s Toon, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Tourettes Guy, internet drama
Toysandfunnykids, just a controversial YouTube channel
TransfatylvaniaFilms/Gruntchovski, just a controversial YouTube and DeviantArt user who is known for his black comedy films and puppetry.
Trent Morrison/Trent Morrison EDCP/SouthParkSatanFan2015 VGCP/DeviousDieselFan1999 VGCP/PervertedStoner69, merely a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, Kisekae user, and a former DeviantArt user who was both known and criticized for making inflammatory and fetish videos and posts out of various users and fictional characters, harassing and cyberbullying users, and not handling criticism. He needs to be convicted first before having his page here.
Trinity Hayes, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
TTGMinecraftBoy37 (TeenTitansGo!MinecraftBoy37), just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
TuxToons2K2/TUXEDO64, just a controversial former YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Ulillillia, just a YouTuber with severe OCD and a bizarre lifestyle.
UltraRetroLoquendero/Steven Mega Sandwich/UltraRetro Toons, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Un Juan Cualquiera, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama
Unofficial/Unofficial Guide to Entry Point/FearTigerleap: Despite his pedophilia allegations, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
UTubeTrollPolice/UTTP, just a controversial YouTube, Vyond, and Google+ trolling group known for raiding fandoms and make inflammatory videos out of users.
Vailskibum94, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Vidren Frigate/EuroTruckSimulator2Gamer7000/Tron Aqua/Brandon Eckert: Despite his pedophilia allegations, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
Vince Tolentino Matias, just a controversial YouTuber, former Vyond user, and internet drama.
Victor Swim The Senate, just a controversial user and internet drama
ViralTop5TH, just a controversial YouTuber who is known for making weird top 5 videos that think it is real, but most of all they are fake and claiming itself as a real-sightings by using stolen videos from other people., just a company that's been criticized for its monotone voice-overs, the amount of videos they uploaded daily, the topics, despite them being requests or how gullible they seem act, relying on critic scores when doing video game top 10s, not mentioning some of the entries they have at the beginning of their videos, crediting the wrong people, getting comments from people who weren't happy that certain entries were included while others didn't get mentioned, being predictable or having entries too high or too low for viewers' liking as well as accusing them for not doing enough research. ThatCreepyReading & others went after them for Top 10 Cameos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe accusing them for exploiting Stan Lee & not caring about him and was even accused of copying other people such as Larry Bundy Jr. and DreamcastGuy with two of their lists. Not to mention, bias opinions, especially over-glorifying Nintendo as well as liberal bias on some of their videos, though that does depend on the video.
Vegan Gains, internet drama.
Webdriver Torso, just a controversial YouTube channel.
Weatherstar4000video, just a controversial YouTuber, Vyond user, and internet drama.
WindyGirkTV, just a controversial YouTuber and internet drama.
Wismichu, Internet drama.
Wolfychu, Just a controversial YouTuber.
Woomitex/Ethan Davis, Just a controversial YouTuber and Vyond user who is known for his massive hatred towards Caillou, Cocomelon, etc. Since the Robb Elementary School shooting happened in 2022, His hatred towards violent video games has elevated and wants the ESRB to rise the minium age to buy a Mature rated game from 17 to 21.
X-Cella (formerly PeckcellaVonPeter), just a controversial YouTuber.
YankieDude5000: Despite his pedophilia allegations, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
Zechariah The Litten Lover/PopsicleAddict/LolliSwirlPop455: Despite his pedophilia allegations, he's too controversial and just internet drama.
Zeducation, just a conservative YouTuber.
Zerodragon243, just a controversial youtuber who died of cancer.
Adam Lambert, just a controversial singer, and actor
Adam Levine, just a controversial singer and a member of Maroon 5
Adele, just a controversial singer.
Aerosmith, just a controversial band
Aespa, just a controversial KPop group.
Alberto Plaza, just a controversial Chilean singer and musician that criticized transgender people and feminism.
Alice Cooper, just a controversial rock singer
Alice in Chains, just a controversial band
Alison Gold, just a controversial singer
Amanda Palmer, just a controversial singer, and musician
Amy Winehouse, just a controversial singer.
Anthony Kiedis, just a controversial singer, rapper, and a member of Red Hot Chili Peppers confessed to knowingly having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl while he was 23 at the time.
Anthrax, just a controversial band. Not to be confused with the 2001 anthrax attacks that was perpetrated by a man who sent letters containing anthrax spores which were mailed to US media outlets and politicians.
Aphex Twin, just a controversial musician
Aretha Franklin, just a controversial singer
Ariana Grande, just a controversial singer and actress who became hated for claiming that she hated America and plagiarism in regards for her song 7 Rings.
Arnel Pineda, just a controversial singer.
Art Garfunkel, just a controversial singer, musician, and one half of Simon & Garfunkel.
A$AP Rocky, just a controversial rapper
Atomic Kitten, just a controversial group
Audioslave, just a controversial band
Avril Lavigne, just a controversial singer
Axl Rose, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Guns N' Roses
Azealia Banks, just a controversial rapper
Backstreet Boys, just a controversial group
Barry Gibb, just a controversial singer
Basshunter, just a controversial singer
Beastie Boys, just a controversial rap group
The Beatles, just a controversial band who worked with Phil Spector.
Bebe Rexha, just a controversial singer
Beck, just a controversial singer
Becky G, just a controversial singer and actress
Bee Gees, just a controversial group
Beyonce, just a controversial singer, actress, and a former member of Destiny's Child
Big Time Rush, just a controversial band for their 2012 song Windows Down which samples Song 2 by Blur.
Billie Eilish, just a controversial singer accused of homophobia with regards to her song "Wish You Were Gay"
Billie Joe Armstrong, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Green Day
Billy Corgan, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of The Smashing Pumpkins
Bing Crosby, just a controversial singer and actor hit with allegations of child abuse
The Birthday Party, just a controversial band
Black Eyed Peas, just a controversial rap and pop group
BLACKPINK, just a controversial group
Black Sabbath, just a controversial band
Black Veil Brides, just a controversial band
Blake Shelton, just a controversial singer
Blondie, just a controversial band
Blur, just a controversial band
Bob Dylan, just a controversial singer
Bob Marley, just a controversial singer
Bobby Brown, just a controversial singer
Bow Wow, just a controversial rapper
Boy George, just a controversial musician and a member of Culture Club
Boyzone, just a controversial group
Brandy, just a controversial singer who got off scot-free for causing a fatal car accident
Brian Connolly, just a controversial singer and a late member of The Sweet
Brian McFadden, just a controversial singer and television presenter
Britney Spears, just a controversial singer who suffered from a mental breakdown in 2007.
Bruno Mars, just a controversial singer
Bryan Adams, just a controversial singer who made a racist rant on Chinese people over COVID-19
Bryan Ferry, just a controversial singer and a former member of Roxy Music
BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan/Bangtan Boys), just a controversial band.
Camila Cabello, just a controversial singer and a former member of Fifth Harmony who has been accused of racisms allegations towards fellow group member Normani.
Camilo Sesto, just a controversial singer
Cannibal Corpse, just a controversial death metal band
Cardi B, just a controversial rapper
Carlos Vives, just a controversial singer and actor who, alongside Shakira, got hit with allegations of plagiarism with regards to their song "La Bicicleta" illegally using elements of "Yo Te Quiero Tanto" by Livam, which was later settled.
Carrie Underwood, just a controversial singer
The Chainsmokers, just a controversial band
Charles Hamilton, just a controversial rapper
Charli XCX, just a controversial singer
The Cheeky Girls, just a controversial duo
Cher, just a controversial singer, actress, and one half of Sonny & Cher
Cheryl, just a controversial singer and a former member of Girls Aloud who assaulted a nightclub toilet attendant, but had since learned her lesson
Chester Bennington, just a controversial singer and a late member of Linkin Park and Stone Temple Pilots
The Chicks (formerly Dixie Chicks), just a controversial band who became hated for their criticism of the George W. Bush administration
Chris Cornell, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of Soundgarden, Temple Of The Dog, and Audioslave
Chris Martin, just a controversial singer and a member of Coldplay
Christina Aguilera, just a controversial singer and actress
Chuck Berry, just a controversial singer and musician
Chuck D, just a controversial rapper and a member of Public Enemy and Prophets Of Rage
Chumbawamba, just a controversial band
Ciara, just a controversial singer
The Clash, just a controversial band
Coldplay, just a controversial band
Corey Taylor, just a controversial singer, and a member of Slipknot and Stone Sour
Courtney Love, just a controversial singer, wife of Kurt Cobain, and a member of Hole
Creed, just a controversial band
Culture Club, just a controversial band
Cypress Hill, just a controversial rap group
Daft Punk, just a controversial duo
Daler Mehndi. just a controversial singer
Damon Albarn, just a controversial musician
Dannii Minogue, just a singer who has made controversial remarks
Daphne and Celeste, just a controversial duo
D'arcy Wretzky, just a controversial musician and a former member of The Smashing Pumpkins.
Darkthrone, just a controversial band
Dave Mustaine, just a controversial musician, a member of Megadeth, and a former member of Metallica
David Allan Coe, just a controversial musician
David Ruffin, just a controversial singer and a late member of The Temptations
Dead or Alive, just a controversial band
Debbie Harry, just a controversial singer and a member of Blondie
Def Leppard, just a controversial band
Delfín Quishpe, just a controversial Ecuadorian singer
Demi Lovato, just a controversial singer and actress
Design the Skyline, just a controversial band
Destiny's Child, just a controversial group
Devo, just a controversial band
Dimebag Darrell, just a controversial musician who was killed by Nathan Gale
Dinah Jane Hansen, just a singer and a former member of Fifth Harmony who has made controversial remarks
Dire Straits, just a controversial band
Dissection, just a controversial band that had villainous members
DJ Lethal, just a controversial musician and a former member of House Of Pain and Limp Bizkit
DMX, just a late controversial rapper
Doja Cat, just a controversial rapper and singer accused of homophobia with regards to her past remarks, and even after apologizing, was hit with more criticism, but is not heinous enough.
Donna Summer, just a singer who made controversial remarks
Double Take, just a controversial duo
Dr. Dre, just a controversial rapper, record producer, and a former member of N.W.A.
Drake, just a controversial rapper and singer
Dua Lipa, just a controversial singer accused of plagiarism with regards to her song "Levitating" illegally using elements of Artikal Sound System's song "Live Your Life" and Cory Daye's song "Wiggle and Giggle All Night"
Eazy-E, just a controversial rapper and a late member of N.W.A.
Ed Sheeran, just a controversial singer accused of plagiarism with regards to his song "Thinking Out Loud" illegally using elements of Marvin Gaye's song "Let's Get It On"
Édith Piaf, just a controversial singer
El DeBarge, just a controversial singer
Ellie Goulding, just a controversial singer
Elton John, just a controversial singer
Elvis Presley, just a controversial singer and musician
Emily Robison, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of The Chicks.
Eminem, just a controversial rapper who got his own cartoon called the Slim Shady Show.
Emma Bunton, just a controversial singer and member of Spice Girls
Emperor, just a controversial band that involved Faust, a killer of a man in Lillehammer, and Samoth, a member who participated in church burnings.
Enrique Iglesias, just a controversial singer
Eoghan Quigg, just a controversial singer
Ethan Davis, just a controversial musician, former Vyond user, YouTube user.
Eurythmics, just a controversial duo.
Everlast, just a controversial rapper, singer, musician, and a former member of House Of Pain
EXO, just a controversial band.
Fergie, just a controversial singer, rapper, and a former member of Black Eyed Peas and Wild Orchid
Finger Eleven, just a controversial band, who made a song about Chris Benoit
Fifth Harmony, just a controversial group
Flavor Flav, just a controversial rapper and a former member of Public Enemy
Flea, just a controversial musician and a member of Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Flo Rida, just a controversial rapper
Foo Fighters, just a controversial band
Foster The People, Just a music band that made a song inspired by the Columbine High School Massacre.
Francis Magalona, just a controversial rapper.
Frank Farian, just a controversial record producer
Fred Durst, just a controversial singer, rapper, and a member of Limp Bizkit
Freddie Mercury, just a controversial singer
The Fugees, just a controversial rap group
Future, just a controversial rapper
G-Eazy, just a controversial rapper
Gary Barlow, just a controversial singer and X Factor judge
Gene Simmons, just a controversial singer and a member of KISS
George Harrison, just a controversial singer, musician and a late member of The Beatles.
George Michael, just a controversial musician and a late member of Wham!
George Strait, just a controversial singer and musician
Geri Halliwell, just a controversial singer and a member of Spice Girls
GG Allin, just a controversial singer
Ghost, just a controversial Swedish band.
Girls Aloud, just a controversial group
Gloria Estefan, just a controversial singer, actress, and businesswoman
Gloria Jones, just a controversial singer, musician, and a former member of T. Rex
Godsmack, just a controversial band.
Gorgoroth, just a controversial black metal band.
Gretchen Wilson, just a controversial singer
Guns N' Roses, just a controversial band
Gwen Stefani, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of No Doubt
Halsey, just a controversial singer
Hank Williams Jr., just a controversial singer and musician
Harry Styles, just a controversial singer, actor, and a former member of One Direction.
Hi-5, just a controversial band.
Hole, just a controversial band.
House Of Pain, just a controversial rap group
Ice Cube, just a controversial rapper and a former member of N.W.A.
Iggy Azalea, just a controversial rapper
Iggy Pop, just a controversial singer, musician, and a former member of The Stooges. Although he supports PETA, he is not a villain.
Ike & Tina Turner, just a controversial duo
Ike Turner, just a controversial singer and one half of Ike & Tina Turner
Immortal Technique, just a controversial rapper
INNA, just a controversial singer
Insane Clown Posse, just a controversial rap group that has a fan base (Juggalos) that stirs up controversy
Iron Maiden, just a controversial band, not to be confused with Iron Maiden, the medieval torture device.
Jack White, just a controversial singer, musician, and one half of The White Stripes
The Jackson 5, just a controversial band
Jade Thirlwall, just a controversial singer and a member of Little Mix
James Brown, just a controversial singer
James Hetfield, just a controversial singer and a member of Metallica.
James Iha, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of The Smashing Pumpkins
Jamie Lynn Spears, just a controversial singer, and actress
Janet Jackson, just a controversial singer, actress, and dancer.
Jared Leto, just a controversial singer and actor who is the lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars
Ja Rule, just a controversial rapper
Jay-Z, just a controversial rapper
Jason Matthew Ethier/ImJayStation, a controversial ex-YouTuber.
Jenni Rivera, just a controversial singer
Jennifer Lopez, just a controversial singer and actress who, alongside Shakira, gained criticism for her performance at the Super Bowl LIV halftime show.
Jerry Cantrell, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Alice In Chains
Jerry Lee Lewis, just a controversial singer and musician
Jessica Simpson, just a controversial singer
Jesy Nelson, just a controversial singer and a former member of Little Mix
Jim Morrison, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of The Doors who swore repeatedly back when swearing was unacceptable
Jimi Hendrix, just a controversial singer and musician
Jimmy Page, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Led Zeppelin
Joe Strummer, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of The Clash
Johann Sebastian Bach, just a classical composer.
John Lennon, just a controversial singer, musician, and late member of The Beatles. Although he was a domestic abuser, he has done several heroic acts and cared for world peace.
John Mayer, just a controversial singer
Johnny Borrell, just a controversial singer
Johnny Cash, just a controversial musician
Judas Priest, just a controversial band
Justin Bieber, just a controversial musician.
Justin Timberlake, just a controversial musician, actor, and a former member of NSYNC
Kacey Musgraves, just a controversial singer.
Karina, just a controversial singer, rapper, dancer, and member of the Korean girl group Aespa who in the past has been allegedly accused of hate speech over various male KPop groups including EXO, NCT, and BTS.
Katy Perry, just a controversial singer busted for plagiarism with regards to her song "Dark Horse" illegally using elements of Flame's song "Joyful Noise", as well as getting hit with sexual misconduct allegations by co-star Josh Kloss with regards to the music video for "Teenage Dream".
Keith Flint, just a controversial musician
Kelis, just a controversial singer
Kelly Clarkson, just a controversial singer and television personality
Kenny Rogers, just a controversial singer.
Kerry Katona, just a controversial singer and a former member of Atomic Kitten
Kesha, just a controversial singer
Kid Rock, just a controversial singer, musician, and rapper
Kim Jae-joong, just a controversial singer and former member of K-Pop band TVXQ who was criticized for tricking people on Instagram into thinking he had COVID-19 when he didn't.
Kim Petras, just a controversial singer.
KISS, just a controversial band.
The Kooks, just a controversial band
Korn, just a controversial band
K-pop, just a controversial music genre in which the genre's fandom is infamous for being very toxic and committing various crimes, but that doesn't make the genre necessarily bad.
Kurt Cobain, just a controversial singer, musician, late husband of Courtney Love, and a late member of Nirvana
Lady Gaga, just a controversial singer and actress
Lama Doodle, just an annoying troll artist from SoundCloud.
Lamb of God, just a controversial band banned from Malaysia.
Lana Del Rey, just a controversial singer
Lars Ulrich, just a controversial musician and a member of Metallica.
Lauren Jauregui, just a controversial singer and a former member of Fifth Harmony.
Lauryn Hill, just a controversial singer, rapper and a former member of The Fugees busted for tax evasion as well as getting hit with allegations of homophobia with regards to her song "Neurotic Society"
Layne Staley, just a controversial singer and a late member of Alice in Chains.
Led Zeppelin, just a controversial band
Leigh-Anne Pinnock, just a controversial singer and a member of Little Mix
Lele Pons, just a controversial singer accused of donating fake hair
Liam Gallagher, just a controversial singer and a former member of Oasis
Lil Dicky, just a controversial rapper
Lil Kim, just a controversial rapper
Lil Mama, just a controversial rapper
Lil Nas X, just a controversial rapper and singer
Lil Wayne, just a controversial rapper
Lil Windex, just a satirical/joke rapper.
Lily Allen, just a controversial singer
Limp Bizkit, just a controversial band
Linkin Park, just a controversial band
Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes, just a controversial singer, rapper, and a late member of TLC
Little Mix, just a controversial group
Little Richard, just a controversial singer and musician
Lizzo, just a controversial singer and rapper hit with multiple accusations of plagiarism
Lorde, just a controversial singer
Lordi, just a controversial band
Lostprophets, Just a music band of which Ian Watkins was part of.
Luciano Pavarotti, just a controversial singer
Ludacris, just a controversial rapper.
Ludwig van Beethoven, just a classical composer.
Luis Fonsi, just a controversial singer.
Luke Pritchard, just a controversial singer
Lynn Anderson, just a controversial singer
Lynyrd Skynyrd, just a controversial band
Mac Miller, just a controversial rapper
Machine Gun Fellatio, just a controversial band
Machine Gun Kelly, just a controversial rapper and actor. Not to be confused with the infamous gangster with the same name due to his favorite weapon.
Madison Beer, just a controversial singer
Madonna, just a controversial singer and actress. Additionally she made controversial statements during the Woman's March including wanting to "blow up" the White House which she got off scot free.
Maggie Lindemann, just a controversial singer who got arrested in Malaysia for performing without a permit.
Maluma, just a controversial singer
Marc Anthony, just a controversial singer
Marc Bolan, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of T. Rex
Mariah Carey, just a controversial singer
Marianne Faithfull, just a controversial singer
Marilyn Manson, just a controversial singer/band whose music was infamously but falsely blamed by politicians, the media, religious organizations as well as the general public for allegedly influencing Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to commit the Columbine massacre. Although he has been accused of sexual assault, he has not been incarcerated or convicted yet.
Mark Feehily, just a controversial singer
Maroon 5, just a controversial band
Marshmello/Chris Comstock, just a controversial electronic music producer and DJ who unintentionally came off as a stalker towards Anne Marie in one of their music videos for the song "Friends" and is actually a great person.
Mary J. Blige, just a controversial singer
Mason Ramsey, just a controversial singer who became famous for yodeling the song "Lovesick Blues" in a Walmart store, which started his career in singing and music.
Master P, just a controversial rapper and businessman
Mayhem, just the black metal band that Euronymous and Varg Vikernes was members, Dead, Maniac and Hellhammer are controversial members but they didn´t make crimes.
MC Hammer, just a controversial rapper.
Megadeth, just a controversial band
Megan Thee Stallion, just a controversial rapper
Meghan Trainor, just a controversial singer
Mel B, just a controversial singer, musician, rapper, and a former member of Spice Girls
Melanie Chisolm, just a controversial singer and member of Spice Girls
Melanie Martinez, just a controversial singer accused of sexual misconduct
Men At Work, just a controversial band and the center of plagiarism accusations with regards to their song "Down Under" illegally using elements of the popular Australian children's song, "Kookaburra"
Men Without Hats, just a controversial band.
Merle Allin, just a controversial singer and an older brother of the late GG Allin.
Merle Haggard, just a controversial singer
Metallica, just a controversial band
M.I.A., just a controversial rapper who gained criticism for her performance at the Super Bowl XLVI halftime show
Michael Jackson, just a controversial singer, dancer, actor, and a late member of The Jackson 5 who was falsely accused of pedophilia.Michael Jackson.
Mick Jagger, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of The Rolling Stones
Mick Jones (born 1944), just a controversial musician and a member of Foreigner
Mick Jones (born 1955), just a controversial musician, singer, and a former member of The Clash
Mike Starr, just a controversial musician and a late member of Alice in Chains
Miley Cyrus, just a controversial singer and actress.
Milli Vanilli, just a controversial duo who were caught not actually singing their songs and were involved in scandals in the early 1990s.
Miranda Lambert, just a controversial singer and musician who got off scot free for dumping salad on another woman at a restaurant, but is not heinous enough.
Misfits, just a controversial band
Molotov, just a controversial mexican band
Mon Laferte, Just a controversial singer.
Morgan Wallen, just a controversial singer
Morrissey, just a controversial musician
Mötley Crüe, just a controversial band
Motörhead, just a controversial band
Mudvayne, just a controversial band
Mystikal, just a controversial rapper
Nancy Sinatra, just a controversial singer.
Nas, just a controversial rapper
Naughty By Nature, just a controversial rap group.
Natalia Kills, just a controversial singer
Nattramn, just a controversial singer of the band Silencer, known by his rumors of schizophrenia and attacks of a little girl.
Natalie Maines, just a controversial singer and a member of Dixie Chicks
Neil Diamond, just a controversial singer
Neil Sedaka, just a controversial singer
Nick Cave, just a controversial singer, musician, a former member of The Birthday Party, and a member of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, just a controversial band
Nickelback, just a controversial band
Nicki Minaj, just a controversial rapper hit with criticism for marrying a sex offender.
Nine Inch Nails, just a controversial band
Nirvana, just a controversial band
No Doubt, just a controversial band
Noel Coward, just a controversial singer
Noel Gallagher, just a controversial singer, musician and a former member of Oasis
The Notorious B.I.G., just a controversial rapper who used to be a drug trafficker, but not heinous enough.
NSYNC, just a controversial group
N.W.A, just a controversial rap group
Oasis, just a controversial band
Odd Future, just a controversial rap group
Olivia Rodrigo, just a controversial singer and actress
One Direction, just a controversial band
Ozzy Osbourne, just a controversial singer and a member of Black Sabbath
P!nk, just a controversial singer and musician
Pantera, just a controversial band
Paula Abdul, just a controversial singer and dancer
Paul McCartney, just a controversial singer, musician and a former member of The Beatles who's part of PETA.
Paul Simon, just a controversial singer, musician, and one half of Simon & Garfunkel
Paul Simonon, just a controversial musician and a former member of The Clash
Perrie Edwards, just a controversial singer and a member of Little Mix
Pete Burns, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of Dead or Alive
Pete Seeger, just a controversial singer-songwriter.
Peter, Paul and Mary, just a controversial trio
Peter Yarrow, just a controversial singer, musician, and one third of Peter, Paul and Mary busted for sexual misconduct with a minor, but had since learned his lesson.
Pharrell Williams, just a controversial singer, rapper, record producer, a member of N.E.R.D. and one half of The Neptunes
Pierre Taki, Just a controversial singer and actor who was arrested for consuming cocaine, but not heinous enough.
Phil Anselmo, just a controversial singer and former member of Pantera who made a racist comment after a concert, but later apologized about it.
Phil Collins, just a controversial singer, musician, and a former member of Genesis
Phil Rudd, just a controversial musician and a member of AC/DC who was hit with allegations of threatening to kill
Pitbull, just a controversial rapper
Prince, just a controversial singer and musician.
The Prodigy, just a controversial band
Prophets Of Rage, just a controversial band
Public Enemy, just a controversial rap group
Puddle Of Mudd, just a controversial band
Queen, just a controversial band
Queen Latifah, just a controversial rapper, singer, and actress
Radiohead, just a highly pretentious band that massively jumped the shark after its "OK Computer" album
Rage Against the Machine, just a controversial band with far-left views.
Rammstein, just a controversial band
Ramones, just a controversial band
Randy Blythe, just a controversial singer.
Randy Travis, just a controversial singer
Ray Charles, just a controversial singer and musician
Razorlight, just a controversial band
Rebecca Black, just a controversial singer and YouTuber who was hated for her song "Friday", which is often considered the "worst song ever."
Red Hot Chili Peppers, just a controversial band
Regurgitator, just a controversial band
Ricardo Arjona, Just a controversial singer.
Richard Ashcroft, just a controversial singer
Richard Wagner, just a controversial German composer, notorious for his anti-Semitic and ultranationalistic views
Rick Astley, just a typical pop singer whose music vieo "Never Gonna Give You Up" is the basis of the meme Rickrolling.
Rick James, just a controversial singer
Rihanna, just a controversial singer and diplomat
Ringo Starr, just a controversial singer, musician, and a former member of The Beatles.
Rise Against, just a controversial band with often political themes and leftist views.
Rita Ora, just a controversial singer
Rivers Cuomo, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Weezer
RM (Kim Namjoon/Real Me/Rap Monster), just a controversial rapper and a member of BTS.
Robbie Williams, just a controversial singer
Robert Plant, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Led Zeppelin
Robin Gibb, just a controversial singer
Roger Daltrey, just a controversial singer
Roger Waters, controversial singer, musician and former member of Pink Floyd
The Rolling Stones, just a controversial band
Romeo Miller, just a controversial rapper and actor
Ronan Keating, just a controversial singer and X Factor judge
The Ronettes, just a controversial group who worked with Phil Spector
Ronnie Spector, just a controversial singer, a member of the Ronettes, and the ex-wife of Phil Spector
Sabrina Carpenter, just a controversial singer and actress
Salbakuta, just a controversial rapper group.
Sam Hunt, just a controversial singer busted for drunk driving, but is not heinous enough.
Sarah Harding, just a controversial singer, model, actress, and a former member of Girls Aloud
Scooter, just a controversial band
Scott Stapp, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Creed
Scott Weiland, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver
Sean Combs, just a controversial rapper and businessman
Seether, just a controversial band
Selena Gomez, just a controversial singer and actress.
Sex Pistols, just a controversial band
Shakira, just a controversial singer, musician, dancer, and businesswoman busted for tax evasion as well as getting hit with multiple accusations of plagiarism and, alongside Jennifer Lopez, gained criticism for her performance at the Super Bowl LIV halftime show, but is not heinous enough.
Shane Filan, just a controversial singer
Shawn Mendes, just a controversial singer.
Sheryl Crow, just a controversial singer and musician.
Sia, just a controversial singer, musician, actress, and director who became hated by the autistic community with regards to her film Music, which stars non-disabled actress Maddie Ziegler as an autistic character.
Sid Vicious, just a controversial singer, musician, and a late member of Sex Pistols who was accused of murdering Nancy Spungen
Silencer, just a controversial band
Simon & Garfunkel, just a controversial duo whose cause of breakup is a debated subject
Sinead O'Connor, just a controversial singer.
Slash, just a controversial musician, a member of Guns N' Roses, and a former member of Velvet Revolver
Slayer, just a controversial band
Slipknot, just a controversial band
The Smashing Pumpkins, just a controversial band
Snoop Dogg, just a controversial rapper
Soft Cell, just a controversial duo.
Solange Knowles, just a controversial singer who got off scot-free for assaulting Jay-Z during a fight in an elevator
Sonny & Cher, just a controversial duo
Soulja Boy, just a controversial rapper
Soundgarden, just a controversial band
Spice Girls, just a controversial group
Stephen Gately, just a controversial singer
Stone Temple Pilots, just a controversial band
The Stooges, just a controversial band
Submarine Man, just an annoying troll artist from SoundCloud.
Susan Boyle, just a controversial singer
The Sweet, just a controversial band
Syd Barrett, controversial singer who became infamous for his drug problems, a former member of Pink Floyd
System Of A Down, just a controversial band
Tamar Braxton, just a singer, actress, and television personality who has made controversial remarks
Take That, just a controversial group
Taylor Swift, just a controversial singer who was accused of exploiting the LGBTQ by the left & the right criticized her for the execution of the depiction of the anti-LGBT protestors as well as caving into leftists in the song "You Need to Calm Down".
Ted Nugent, just a controversial singer, and musician
Thom Yorke, just a controversial Radiohead singer
Tina Turner, just a controversial singer, actress, and one half of Ike & Tina Turner.
TLC, just a controversial group
Tom Morello, just a controversial guitarist/musician and a member of Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, and Prophets Of Rage.
Topper Headon, just a controversial musician and a former member of The Clash
T-Pain, just a controversial singer
T. Rex, just a controversial band
Travis Scott, just a controversial rapper.
Tre Cosby, just a controversial YouTuber
Trent Reznor, just a controversial singer, musician, record producer, and a member of Nine Inch Nails
Tulisa Contostavlos, just a controversial singer, actress, dancer, and television personality.
Tupac Shakur, just a controversial rapper and actor
Twenty One Pilots, just a controversial duo.
Tyler the Creator, just a controversial rapper and a member of Odd Future
Vanessa Williams, just a controversial singer, actress, and fashion designer.
Vanilla Ice, just a controversial rapper
Velvet Revolver, just a controversial band
Venom, just a controversial band considered to be the pioneers of black metal
The Verve, just a controversial band
Víctor Jara, just a controversial Chilean musician.
Victoria Beckham, just a controversial singer, businesswoman, and a former member of Spice Girls
Wham!, just a controversial duo
Waylon Jennings, just a controversial musician
Weezer, just a controversial band
Weird Al Yankovic, just a controversial singer, musician, and comedian.
Westlife, just a controversial group
Wes Scantlin, just a controversial singer, musician, and a member of Puddle Of Mudd
The White Stripes, just a controversial duo
Whitney Houston, just a controversial singer and actress.
The Who, just a controversial band
The Wiggles, just a controversial band that collaborated with Rolf Harris
William Hung, just a controversial former singer
Willie Nelson, just a controversial musician.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, just a classical composer.
Woody Guthrie, just a controversial singer-songwriter.
Wu-Tang Clan, just a controversial rap group
Wynonna Judd, just a controversial singer and one-half of The Judds busted for drunk driving.
XXXTentacion, just a controversial rapper. He donated a lot to charity.
Yoko Ono, just a controversial singer and peace advocate who was wrongfully accused of breaking up The Beatles.
Zack de la Rocha, just a controversial rapper, musician, and a member of Rage Against the Machine.
Zara Larsson, just a controversial singer
Zladko "Zlad!" Vladcik, just a satirical singer who is the persona of Santo Cilauro.
Adam Goodes, just a controversial former AFL player
Adebowale Ogungbure, just a controversial Nigerian footballer who was accused and reported by German police for making Nazi gestures.
Al Davis, just a controversial former owner of the Oakland Raiders.
Alex Morgan, just a controversial soccer player.
Alex Ovechkin, just a controversial Russian ice hockey player.
Allen Iverson, just a controversial NBA player.
Andraya Yearwood, just a controversial transgender track athlete.
Andrew Johns, just a controversial former NRL player
Anthony Mundine, just a controversial boxer and former NRL player.
Antonio Balzano (footballer), just a Italian footballer who happens to share the same name as the YouTuber and pedophile, who is also Italian, so no, not a villain.
Barry Bonds, just a controversial former baseball player.
Ben Cousins, just a controversial AFL player.
Boston Celtics, just a controversial NBA Team.
Bubba Wallace, just a controversial racing driver.
Bubba Watson, just a controversial LIV golfer.
Bud Selig, just a controversial former MLB commissioner.
Bryce Harper, just a controversial MLB player. Not to be confused with the NFL player Bryce Harper of the New York Jets.
Bryce Harper, just a controversial NFL player. Not to be confused with the MLB player Bryce Harper of the Washington Nationals and Philadelphia Phillies.
Bryson DeChambeau, just a controversial LIV golfer who won the 2021 US Open.
Cam Newton, just a controversial NFL player
Carmelo Anthony, just a controversial NBA player
Colin Kaepernick, just a controversial ex-NFL player who became infamous for starting the National Anthem kneel and becoming Nike's new spokesperson.
Conor McGregor, just a controversial boxer and mixed martial arts fighter.
Cristiano Ronaldo, just a controversial association football (soccer) player.
Curt Schilling, just a controversial former MLB pitcher and former broadcaster who was dismissed due to insensitive remarks while on ESPN.
Dale Hunter, just a controversial former NHL player and head coach who deliberately struck Pierre Turgeon and was suspended for the hit.
Dallas Cowboys, just a controversial NFL team.
Danica Patrick, just a controversial former racing driver.
Dave Hakstol, just an NHL head coach who has received criticism for his job performance.
Dave Roberts, just a controversial MLB manager.
David Beckham, just a controversial former association football (soccer) player.
David Stern, just a controversial former commissioner of the NBA.
Dennis Rodman, just a controversial former NBA player who's friends with Kim Jong-un.
Demar DeRozan, just a controversial basketball player.
Deshaun Watson, just a controversial NFL player who was accused of sexual assault.
Diego Costa, just a controversial association football (soccer) player
Diego Maradona, just a former association football (soccer) player who caused controversy with his "Hand of God" goal in the 1986 World Cup.
Donald Sterling, just a controversial businessman and former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers who got banned for life from the NBA for racist remarks.
Draymond Green, just a controversial NBA player.
Dustin Johnson, just a controversial LIV golfer who has a history of marijuana and cocaine use.
Eden Hazard, just a controversial association football (soccer) player
Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pelé), just a controversial former association football (soccer) player
Eric Reid, just a controversial NFL player.
Floyd Mayweather Jr., just a controversial boxer
Gary Bettman, just a controversial commissioner of the NHL.
Gerard Pique, just a controversial association football (soccer) player
Green Bay Packers, just a controversial NFL team
Hope Solo, just a controversial former association football (soccer) player who got arrested for assaulting her sister and nephew
Ian Poulter, just a controversial LIV golfer.
Jack Tatum, just a controversial former NFL player who paralyzed Darrell Stingley in a preseason game in 1978.
Jake LaMotta, just a controversial boxer with his story being told in the film Raging Bull.
Jerry Jones, just a controversial businessman and owner of the Dallas Cowboys
Jimmy Snyder, just a sports commentator who got fired for racist remarks
John Daly, just a controversial PGA Tour golfer.
John Hopoate, just a controversial former NRL player
John McCririck, just a controversial horse racing pundit
John McEnroe, just a controversial former tennis player
Johnny Manziel, just a controversial ex-NFL player
Jose Canseco, just a controversial former MLB player who took steroids and accused others of taking performance-enhancing drugs
Jose Mourinho, just a controversial association football (soccer) manager
JR Smith, just a controversial NBA player.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, just a controversial former NBA player.
Karim Benzema, just a controversial association football (soccer) player
Khabib Nurmagomedov, just a controversial mixed martial arts fighter.
Kobe Bryant, just a controversial former NBA player.
Lance Armstrong, just a controversial former cyclist who was revealed to have lied about doing performance enhancing drugs.
LaVar Ball, just a controversial basketball coach whose son was arrested in China for shoplifting
LeBron James, just a controversial NBA player
Lewis Hamilton, just a controversial Formula One driver.
Lionel Messi, just a controversial association football (soccer) player.
LIV Golf, just a controversial professional golf tour financed by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia accused of sportswashing.
Lonzo Ball, just a controversial NBA player
Los Angeles Clippers, just a controversial NBA team.
Los Angeles Lakers, just a controversial NBA team.
Luis Suarez, just a controversial association football (soccer) player.
Manny Pacquiao, just a controversial boxer and politician of the Philippines
Marcelo Ríos, just a controversial former tennis player
Marco Materazzi, just a controversial former association football (soccer) player.
Maria Sharapova, just a controversial former tennis player who got suspended for testing positive for meldonium.
Mario Balotelli, just a controversial association football (soccer) player.
Mark McGwire, just a controversial former baseball player who cheated to break the single-season home run record in Major League Baseball
Marshall Holman, just a controversial professional bowler known for vandalism of a foul light and his anger.
Marty McSorley, just a controversial NHL player who was suspended for the remainder of the 1999-2000 season for injuring Donald Brashear.
Matti Nykänen, just a controversial ski jumper and entertainer
Max Verstappen, just a controversial Formula One driver.
Melbourne Storm, just a controversial NRL team who were stripped of two of their premierships due to salary cap breaches
Metta World Peace/Ron Artest, just a controversial former NBA player.
Michael Jordan, just a controversial former NBA player.
Michael Masi, just a controversial F1 race director accused of being involved in a race fixing scandal
Michael Schumacher, just a controversial former F1 driver known for dangerous moves while racing with his opponents
Mike Fiers, just a controversial baseball player who exposed the Houston Astros for sign-stealing.
Moacir Barbosa, just a controversial former association football (soccer) player
Muhammad Ali, just a controversial boxer
Ndamukong Suh, just a controversial NFL player who fouled several other players and knelt for the national anthem.
Nelson Piquet: While he does have fairly radical political views and has made racist and homophobic comments, he is not villainous enough for this wiki.
New England Patriots, just a controversial NFL team
New York Yankees, just a controversial MLB team
Nick Kyrgios, just a controversial tennis player
Nicolás Massú, just a controversial former tennis player
Oakland Raiders, just a controversial NFL team
Odell Beckham Jr., just a controversial NFL player
Ozzie Guillen, Sr., just a former MLB player and manager who was suspended for making controversial remarks as manager with both the Chicago White Sox and the Miami Marlins.
Patrick Reed, just a controversial LIV golfer who won the 2018 Masters Tournament.
Pete Rose, just a controversial former MLB player and manager who was permanently banned from the league for gambling.
Pete Weber, just a controversial professional bowler.
Philadelphia Eagles, just a controversial NFL team
Pittsburgh Steelers, just a controversial NFL team
Rasheed Wallace, just a controversial former NBA player.
Richard Sherman, just a controversial NFL player.
Rob Manfred, just a controversial MLB commissioner.
Roberto Rojas, just a controversial former association football (soccer) player who in 1989 in the repechage match between Chile and Brazil pretended to suffer a cut caused by a flare thrown from the Brazilian stands with the aim of having Brazil disqualified. After discovering the fraud, Chile was banned from participating in the 1990 and 1994 world cups, while Rojas won the hatred of the majority of Chileans.
Roger Clemens, just a controversial former baseball player
Roger Goodell, just a controversial NFL commissioner.
Roger Rodas, just a controversial racing driver who happened to have died on the spot with Paul Walker
Ronaldo de Assis Moreira (Ronaldinho), just a controversial former association football (soccer) player
Rory McIlroy, just a golfer who spoke out against LIV Golf. Not a villain!
Rory Sabbatini, just a controversial PGA Tour golfer.
Sammy Sosa, just a controversial former baseball player who used cork in his bat as a performance-enhancing substance.
Sean Rash, just a controversial professionial bowler known for his anger.
Serena Williams, just a controversial tennis player with a history of anger problems.
Sergio Garcia, just a controversial LIV golfer with a history of anger problems.
Shaquille O'Neal, just a controversial former NBA player, rapper and actor.
Sidney Crosby, just a controversial NHL player.
Stan Kroenke, just a controversial sports owner who drew ire over moving the St. Louis Rams back to Los Angeles, and for moves that he made as Arsenal FC owner.
Super Bowl LIV, just an event with a controversial halftime performance that was heavily criticized by the alt-right for allegedly sexual content.
Terrell Owens, just a controversial former NFL player.
Tiger Woods, just a controversial PGA Tour golfer.
Tom Brady, just a controversial NFL player who's hated out of jealousy by the other teams and their fans & for the controversy surrounding Deflategate.
Tom Wilson, just a controversial NHL player who has been suspended multiple times for injuring different players.
Tonya Harding, just a controversial former figure skater who infamously hired a hitman to beat up Nancy Kerrigan, which caused her to be banned from figure skating.
Venus Williams, just a controversial tennis player accused of causing a fatal car crash
Vijay Singh, just a controversial PGA Tour golfer who made headlines for using deer antler spray.
Vontez Berfict, just an NFL player controversial for fouling Antonio Brown.
XFL, just an American football league that was considered one of the worst leagues ever and originally folded after one season.
Zinedine Zidane, just a controversial former association football (soccer) player
Atlético Nacional, just a controversial Colombian football club that has been accused of receiving financing from Pablo Escobar in the 1980s.
Barcelona S.C., just a controversial Ecuadorian football club that has been accused of being a ripoff of FC Barcelona.
Club América, just a controversial Mexican football club owned by the controversial media company Televisa.
Colo-Colo, just a controversial Chilean football club that has been accused of receiving support and favors from Augusto Pinochet.
FC Barcelona, just a controversial Spanish football club that some have accused of being an instrument to give visibility to the independence cause in Catalonia.
FC Sheriff Tiraspol, just a controversial Moldovan football club that has been accused of being controlled by gangsters and serving as propaganda for the unrecognized state of Transnistria.
Juventus F.C., just a controversial Italian football club that has been involved in some corruption cases.
Paris Saint-Germain F.C., just a controversial French soccer club that has been accused of earning its achievements for its wealth.
1936 Berlin Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event that opened by Adolf Hitler.
1968 Mexico City Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event in which the controversial Black Power salute occurred and which occurred 10 days after the Tlatelolco Massacre.
1972 Munich Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event where the Munich Massacre occurred.
1980 Moscow Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event that was boycotted by U.S and it's allies due to Soviet- Afghan War.
1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event where it was criticized by some for awarding it to the wrong city rather than Athens to commemorate it's 100th anniversary, being overly commercialized & where the Centennial Olympic Park bombing committed by Eric Rudolph occurred.
2014 Sochi Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event that was held in Sochi, Russia that spread a lot of controversies such as doping and homophobic laws.
2016 Rio Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that spread a lot of controversies such as the Zika Virus and various crimes.
2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, just a controversial Olympic event that was held in Tokyo, Japan that spread a lot of controversies such as the Coronavirus and plagiarism regarding their old logo.
Ben Johnson, just a controversial former Olympic track and field athlete
Dawn Fraser, just a controversial former Olympic swimmer
Doping in Russia, sports drama
Gabby Douglas, just a controversial Olympic gymnast
Grant Hackett, just a controversial former Olympic swimmer
International Olympic Committee, just a controversial organization
Jesse Owens, just a controversial former Olympic track and field athlete
Lia Thomas, just a controversial UPenn swimmer.
Marion Jones, just a controversial former Olympic track and field athlete
McKayla Maroney, just a controversial former Olympic gymnast
Michael Phelps, just a controversial former Olympic swimmer
NOlympicsLA, just a controversial organization that is known for releasing the personal phone number of a restaurant owner back in 2019
Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR), just a controversial Olympic team that was instigated following the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee after the Olympic doping controversy.
Olympic boycotts, sports drama
Ryan Lochte, just a controversial Olympic swimmer
Team USA, just a controversial National Olympic team
Usain Bolt, just a controversial former Olympic track and field athlete
Aleister Black, just a controversial WWE NXT wrestler
Andre the Giant, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Apollo Crews, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Bam Bam Bigelow, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Baron Corbin, just a controversial WWE Wrestler
Becky Lynch, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Big Boss Man, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Big Show, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Bill Goldberg, just a controversial former WCW/WWE wrestler.
Booker T, just a controversial former WWE wrestler.
Braun Strowman, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Bray Wyatt, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Bret Hart, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Brian Christopher Lawler, just a controversial WWF and former TNA wrestler who committed suicide.
Brie Bella, just a controversial WWE wrestler and one half of The Bella Twins
Brock Lesnar, just a controversial WWE wrestler who became hated for some homophobic tweets & for ending The Undertaker's winning streak.
Christian, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Chris Jericho, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Chyna, just a controversial WWE/WWF wrestler who was hit with domestic abuse allegations.
Daniel Bryan, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Dave Bautista, just a controversial WWE wrestler and actor.
Dean Ambrose, just a controversial WWE wrestler.
Dolph Ziggler, just a controversial WWE wrestler.
The Dudley Boys, just a controversial WWE Tag Team group.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler and actor.
DX, just a controversial WWE Tag Team group.
Eddie Guerrero, just a controversial WWE/WWF wrestler.
Eric Bischoff, just a controversial former wrestling businessman who was blamed for the collapse of WCW
El Santo, just a controversial Mexican luchador.
Finn Balor, just a controversial WWE wrestler that got Rey Mysterio kicked out from the ring during the 2018 Royal Rumble.
Frank Donald Goodish/Bruiser Brody, just a controversial WWE/WWF wrestler who was murdered.
George "The Animal" Steele, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Goldust, just a controversial former WWE wrestler.
Hulk Hogan, just a controversial former WWE wrestler
Iron Sheik, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Jeff Hardy, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Jim Neidhart, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
John Cena, just a controversial WWE wrestler, and actor who became an internet meme & apologized to the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China for calling Taiwan a country in an interview with Taiwanese broadcaster TVBS, which he was criticized for.
John Bradshaw Layfield, just a controversial businessman and former WWE wrestler
Kalisto, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Kane, just a controversial WWE wrestler.
Kevin Nash, just a controversial former WWE and WCW wrestler.
Kofi Kingston, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Kurt Angle, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Lana (wrestler), just a controversial businesswoman, professional wrestler and WWE manager
Larry Zybasko, just a controversial wrestler and a rival of Bruno Sammartino.
Lex Luger, just a controversial former WCW and WWE wrestler
Lisa Marie Varon, just a controversial WWE and TNA wrestler
Luna Vachon, just a controversial WWE/WWF wrestler.
Macho Man Randy Savage, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Mae Young, just a controversial WWE/WWF legend
Mark Henry, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Matt Hardy, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Mean Gene Okerlund, just a controversial WWE/WWF wrestling announcer.=
Mick Foley, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Nichole Bass, just a controversial WWE/WWF wrestler.
Nikolai Volkoff, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Owen Hart, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Paige, just a controversial former WWE wrestler
Paul Heyman/Triple H, just a controversial businessman and WWE manager
Randy Orton, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Razor Ramon, just a controversial former WCW and WWE wrestler
Rey Mysterio, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Ric Flair, just a controversial WCW and WWE/WWF legend
Roddy Piper, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
Roman Reigns, just a controversial WWE wrestler who became the poster boy of when a company tries pushing someone, no matter what everyone thinks of him/her, into being the new face of the company.
Ronda Rousey, just a controversial WWE wrestler and a former mixed martial arts fighter who admitted she once committed domestic abuse and got off scot free.
Seth Rollins, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Shane McMahon, just a controversial businessman and WWE wrestler
Shawn Michaels, just a controversial WWE wrestler.
Sincara, just a controversial WWE wrestler.
Stacy Keibler, just a controversial former WWE wrestler
Stephanie McMahon, just a controversial businesswoman and CBO of WWE
Sting, just a controversial former WCW/WWE wrestler
Stone Cold Steve Austin, just a controversial former WWE wrestler
Triple H, just a controversial WWE wrestler and a current WWE RAW Manager
The Ultimate Warrior, just a controversial former WWE/WWF wrestler
The Undertaker, just a controversial WWE wrestler
Vince McMahon, just a controversial businessman and a current WWE chairman.
William Regal, just a controversial former WWE wrestler and a WWE NXT manager.
Wrestlemania, just an event for WWE where a couple of its annual events, namely Wrestlemania IX (1993) was considered one of the worst wrestling events ever.
Anti-Capitalism, a controversial ideology that opposes Capitalism.
Anti-Communism, a controversial ideology that opposes Communism which was used by some villainous people, but being anti-Communist does not automatically make someone evil.
Anti-Fascism, a controversial ideology that is against Fascism (not to be confused with Antifa).
Anti-Zionism, just controversial opposition to Israel. Extreme caution should be taken when making articles and edits in regard to Israel and Jews due to the intense controversy surrounding the topics. Opposition to/criticism of Israel only counts as antisemitism if said opposition/criticism is motivated by a hatred of Jews. For the hatred of Jews, see antisemitism.
Capitalism, only a very controversial ideology which has been accused of promoting corruption and enrichment of the rich by impoverishing the poor, but being a capitalist does not automatically make someone a villain. Its extreme form is in the Kleptocracy page.
Centrism, a controversial ideology.
Christian Democracy, a controversial ideology.
Communism, only a very controversial ideology which was used by villains such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, or Kim Il-sung, and which has been accused of being an unstable form of government, but being a communist does not automatically make someone a villain. To see communist villains go to the category "Communist".
Conservatism, just a controversial ideology.
Democratic Socialism, a controversial ideology.
Democracy, the ideology suggesting the power of many.
Environmentalism, a controversial ideology. Its extreme form is in the Eco-terrorism page.
Federalism, a controversial ideology.
Feminism, a controversial ideology. Its extreme form is in the Misandry page.
Globalism, a controversial ideology.
Humanism, a controversial ideology.
Indigenism, a controversial ideology.
Leftism, just a controversial ideology. Its extreme form is in the Antifa page.
Liberalism, just a controversial ideology.
Libertarianism, a controversial ideology.
Monarchism, the ideology in favor of a royal head of state.
Nationalism, a controversial ideology. Its extreme form is in the Ultranationalism page.
Populism, a controversial ideology.
Progressivism, a controversial ideology.
Republicanism, the ideology opposed to monarchy.
Rightism, just a controversial ideology. Its extreme form is in the Alt-Right page
Separatism, a controversial ideology.
Social Democracy, a controversial ideology.
Socialism, a controversial ideology, and being a socialist doesn't automatically make someone a villain
Statism, a controversial ideology.
Syndicalism, a controversial ideology.
Zionism, a controversial ideology in support of Israel. Extreme caution should be taken when making articles and edits in regard to Israel and Jews due to the intense controversy surrounding the topics. Support of Israeli policy will only count as being racist if the individual has discriminatory beliefs against others, commonly Arabs and Muslims. For the ideology associated with the JDL, corrupt IDF soldiers, and violent settlers, see Militant Judaism.
2019-20 Chile Protests, just a series of protests which are very similar to the ones happened in Hong Kong at the same time.
2019–20 Hong Kong protests, series of controversial protests. While protesters stated that their goal is to oppose coming authoritarianism in Hong Kong and the statement is widely accepted by western media, Chinese government argues that they are "violent separatism riots/terrorism attacks supported by foreign forces especially United States" and attempts to dismiss, discredit and depower protesters and their supporters.
2020 US Presidential election, an election rife with unsubstantiated and false claims of voter fraud.
Bureau of Indian Affairs building takeover, an incident occurred on November of 1972, when activists of the American Indian Movement occupied the BIA headquarters in protest of human rights abuses against Native Americans.
First impeachment of Donald Trump, the first attempt to remove US President Donald Trump from power that failed.
Second impeachment of Donald Trump, the attempt at convicting Donald Trump, who had been out of office at that point. Despite reaching 57-43 in favor of conviction, it ultimately failed as 67 votes (A supermajority) were needed to succeed on conviction. Once more, Donald Trump had been acquitted.
History wars, just a controversial series of historical debates in Australia over the events of the Indigenous Australian Genocide.
Max Headroom Signal Hijacking, an incident occurred on the night of November 22, 1987, when the television broadcasts of two stations in Chicago, Illinois, United States, were hijacked in an act of broadcast piracy by a video of an unidentified person wearing a Max Headroom mask and costume, but not heinous enough as it was just a prank.
Mueller Investigation, controversial investigation into Donald Trump on charges of colluding with Vladimir Putin to get elected.
Mueller Report, a controversial FBI report that announced President Donald Trump would not be charged with Russian collusion.