
Revision as of 15:46, 16 January 2023 by imported>Xbsv (Videos: They are not necessarily Republicans; many of them are so far right they consider the Republicans to be leftists)

The Alternative Right or also known as Alt-Right is a loosely connected band of hate groups worldwide. The Alt-Right is the accepted right-wing counterpart of Tankies, as many members of the alt-Right lean to the hard right of the political spectrum. This group has earned hate from both Democrats and Republicans alike for their violent tactics and promotion of Neo-Nazism, fascism, negrophobia, ultranationalism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, hispanophobia, white supremacy, homophobia, misogyny, identitarianism, Holocaust denial and among other bigoted beliefs.

The Alt-Right
Full Name: The Alternative Right
Origin: United States
Foundation: 2000
Around America, but possibly in the National Policy Institute in Alexandria, Virginia
Commanders: Leaderless, but major figures include:

Richard Spencer
David Duke
Jason Kessler
Matthew Heimbach
Gavin McInnes

Goals: To start a race war (failing)
To create a whites only society (failing)
To crush any opposition (failing)
To recruit as much people as possible (ongoing)
Crimes: Serial murder
Hate Speech
Hate crimes
Spreading fake news
Holocaust denial
Holodomor denial
Anti-Native American Sentiment
Persecution of Christians (Most but not all)
Type of Villain: Xenophobic Supremacists

The Alt-Right is a threat to the establishment. We’re talking about the people who run the media. We know there’s disproportionate Jewish influence—I’m not somebody who sees that that everywhere but I will call them out — they’re afraid of that. We’re talking about the fact that there are biological differences in race. We’ll talk about the fact that white people have a right to organize for their interests just like any other group does and that if we don’t do so we’re going to be replaced and there won’t be a future for our people.
~ Jason Kessler

History and ideology

The alt-right's initial formation is somewhat unclear. While paleoconservative Paul Gottfried first used the term "alternative right" in 2008, Richard B. Spencer launched an online magazine titled The Alternative Right as a way to trumpet his ideas. The Alt-Right had played a substantial role in the 2016 presidential election by supporting then-candidate Donald Trump, who has claimed to disavow the movement. A notable alt-right member, Steve Bannon, joined Trump's campaign while reporting on Breitbart News, exponentially increasing the attention given to the alt-right.

The group's primary ideologies are white supremacy, anti-immigration, and the creation of a "white ethnostate". The reason behind almost all members of the alt-right having such hateful beliefs is due to their fear of what they perceive as a deliberate attempt, usually blamed on Jews, to eradicate white people. Despite having had passed away years before the alt-right's foundation, William Luther Pierce, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Richard Girnt Butler all play a major posthumous influence in the group's twisted ideology, as does Robert Jay Mathews and his defunct group The Order.

The Alt-Right's ideology is summed up by the Fourteen Words, a slogan created by Order member David Lane:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

They are also known for using "dog whistles": phrases that they use to refer to various Alt-Right talking points such as "States Rights" (segregation) and "14/88" (14 stands for the Fourteen Words; 88 stands for "Heil Hitler").

They played a role in the Unite the Right rally in which caused a member to ram his car into several counter-protestors causing the death of Heather Heyer. They tried to have an anniversary rally in Washington D.C., though due to the massive backlash and extreme low turnout rate, it was called off. They were also involved in the 2021 United States Capitol storming in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Several members have been a target of influence in racially-motivated mass shootings like the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, Christchurch mosque shootings, and the El Paso Walmart shooting.

During the 2018 midterm elections, several members attempted to run for office, but most of them failed to get enough votes to win.

Notable Alt-Right Villains


Organizations and websites


  • Despite rejecting the group, former president Donald Trump has at times, made statements that the members have praised and had several alt-right members work in his administration.
    • Notoriously, Trump's response to the Unite the Right rally was controversial.
  • On the contrary, some members of the alt-right who emphasize on anti-Semitism dislike Trump and the Republican Party due to their continual support of the state of Israel. A good example is Robert Bowers, though some praise Israel as being an ethnostate.
  • Some members harbor an intense dislike toward the state of Israel and it’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with some even sympathizing for the state of Palestine, while others harbor intense dislike towards both, though some praise Israel and Netanyahu due to Israel being an ethnostate.
