“ | [Gays are] worse than pigs and dogs... Those who do it, we will say, they are wayward. It is just madness, insanity. | „ |
~ Robert Mugabe |
Homophobia is the fear, dislike of or prejudice against anyone that is defined as having homosexual tendencies, or if they're a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community (LGBTQ). It can range from contempt to outright physical contact or even murder from people who oppose their sexual orientation.
There are several sources for this intolerance towards homosexuals, such as from religious teachings, such as in "Leviticus 18" in which it states that it is an abomination to lie with another person of the same gender. There is dispute among several critics pointing out that the original translation of the message was closer to "It is an abomination for a man to lie with a boy" or believe that the Bible meant something else when it described this law, and sometimes believe that an early person was against same-sex couples and wrote about it in the Bible to prohibit it.
Little do most of them know, there are/were in deed some homophobic atheists (such as Joseph Stalin, Kim Jong-un, and Mao Zedong) and even some homophobic villains in the Bible (such as Rameses the Great).
The opposite to this is Heterophobia.
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