Santiago Cúneo
“ | old lady son of a bitch is dead, round of applause for satan who took him, old lady is dead, hard as a rock, lying in bed, old lady son of a bitch, that british trash, freemason, lucifer, hitler nazi fanatic we have to celebrate her death her husband the son of a bitch is already dead now he dies we have to celebrate every death of every british whore | „ |
~ Words of James after the death of Queen Elizabeth II |
“ | the original peoples of poronga, the original peoples of la pija, we have original bullets for these dirty original peoples, 400 years after the arrival of Christopher Columbus, these disgusting Mapuche invaders arrived | „ |
~ Santiago on the natives of patagonia |
Gabriel Santiago Cúneo is a Argentine journalist.
He became known for hosting the journalistic program "Uno Mas Uno Tres" that was broadcast on both radio and television from 2013 to 2018. This program was awarded in 2017 and 2018 with the Martín Fierro Awards, in the journalistic categories of Best Investigative Program.
Biography edit
He was close to members of groups like Carapintadas, headed by Aldo Rico, which earned him expulsion from the UCR.
During the 90s he was part of the CopPetrol company, whose market was the assortment and sale of automobile fuels. It was suspected that the fuel was illegally imported and that part of it was adulterated with water.
Political career edit
Between 2005 and 2015 he stood for councilor and mayor elections for the city of San Miguel several times, and, except in 2015 , was always presented from the Peronism. In 2008 he was presented as the first candidate for Buenos Aires legislator for Guillermo Cherashny's list, Consenso Porteño.
In 2019 he tried to be a candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires, but by obtaining only 0.23% of the votes he could not stand in the general elections.
In 2021 he tried to be a candidate for national deputy in the province of Buenos Aires for the popular party but did not reach enough votes to win.
One Plus One Three edit
Uno Más Uno Tres is a political journalism program. It began in 2013, and was originally broadcast on the television channel Channel 26 and Canal Metro, directed by Santiago Cúneo and Nora Briozzo.
The program was initially opposed to the government of the then president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and part of the reports broadcast on the program dealt with cases related to Kirchnerism (among them, the Nisman Case).
The program gained popularity during 2016, a year in which the reports that were broadcast this time were increasingly critical of the government of Mauricio Macri, although the host himself had expressed enthusiasm for the new government.
He was fired from Channel 26, according to channel sources for attacks by the journalist on the managers. Although, according to Cúneo, he was fired from the channel because it received pressure from the government to do so, due to the investigations that could leave high-ranking government officials in an uncomfortable position.
The program moved to Crónica TV and continued to be broadcast on this channel for more than a year. At this stage, the character of the reports became much more critical of the Macri government, in which Cúneo mentions him as "surrender" and "sepoy".
In May 2018, after a trip by Mauricio Macri to Israel, Cúneo addressed an editorial to the president in which he linked him to "international Zionism", even wondering if Macri had negotiated the Andinia Plan to hand over Patagonia , as an old conspiracy theory points out. That is why the DAIA denounced him for antisemitism and was expelled from the channel Crónica TV. Another of the reasons why he was expelled was due to insults against the official journalist Silvia Mercado. Since then, she continued her program from the internet, from her site Channel 22 .
The program is transferred for the third time to a web channel, Canal 22, and has continued to be broadcast on this channel ever since.
He was the producer of the film "Encuarentenadas", a comedy starring Ximena Rijel and with the participation of personalities such as Chiche Gelblung, Dady Brieva, Atilio Veronelli, Silvio Soldán and Nito Artaza, among others. others.
reaction on the death of queen elizabeth ii edit
on september 8, 2022 queen elizabeth ii would have died this took the opportunity to launch insults at the queen and her heir and would have said that the argentines would return to the falkland islands and kill the inhabitants [1]