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* [[Rudolf Höß]] (not to be confused with [[Rudolf Hess]]) - SS-Obersturmbannführer. Commandant of [[Auschwitz Birkenau|Auschwitz]] concentration camp.
* [[Rudolf Höß]] (not to be confused with [[Rudolf Hess]]) - SS-Obersturmbannführer. Commandant of [[Auschwitz Birkenau|Auschwitz]] concentration camp.
* [[Franz Hofer]] - Gauleiter of the [[State of Tyrol|Tyrol]] and [[Vorarlberg]] regions.
* [[Franz Hofer]] - Gauleiter of the [[State of Tyrol|Tyrol]] and [[Vorarlberg]] regions.
* [[Edmund Hoffmeister]] - Commander of the 383rd Panzer Division.
* [[Adolf Hühnlein]] - Korpsführer (Corps Leader) of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), from 1934 until his death in 1942.
* [[Adolf Hühnlein]] - Korpsführer (Corps Leader) of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), from 1934 until his death in 1942.
* [[Karl_Holz_(Nazi)|Karl Holz]] - protege of [[Julius Streicher]], succeeded Streichetr as ''Gauleiter'' of Franconia.
* [[Karl_Holz_(Nazi)|Karl Holz]] - protege of [[Julius Streicher]], succeeded Streichetr as ''Gauleiter'' of Franconia.
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* [[Walter Reder]]
* [[Walter Reder]]
* [[Wilhelm Rediess]]
* [[Wilhelm Rediess]]
* [[Lothar Rendulic]]
* [[Theodor Adrian von Renteln]] - General Commissioner of Generalbezirk Litauen.
* [[Theodor Adrian von Renteln]] - General Commissioner of Generalbezirk Litauen.
* [[Walther von Reichenau]] - ''[[Generalfeldmarschall]]'' and committed Nazi; he joined the Party in 1932 in violation of regulations and was one of the few ardent National Socialists among the Army's senior officers.
* [[Walther von Reichenau]] - ''[[Generalfeldmarschall]]'' and committed Nazi; he joined the Party in 1932 in violation of regulations and was one of the few ardent National Socialists among the Army's senior officers.

Revision as of 14:44, 26 December 2019

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Nazi Party
Full Name: National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Alias: Nazi Party
Third Reich
Nazi Germany
National Socialist Party
Origin: Germany
Foundation: February 24, 1920
Munich, Germany
Commanders: Adolf Hitler (1933 - 1945)
Joseph Goebbels (1945)
Karl Dönitz (as President of Germany; April - May 1945)
Goals: Establish the "Aryans" as the master race that will rule the world (failed)
Establish a thousand-year Reich (failed)
Conquer all of Europe (failed)
Crimes: Mass murder

Human experimentation
Unlawful mass detention
Ethnic cleansing
War crimes
Human rights vilations
Crimes against humanity

The party must not become the servant of the masses, but their master.
~ Adolf Hitler

The National Socialist German Workers' Party (often shorted simply to “Nazis”) were the ruling party of Germany during the events of World War II and became infamous as a society that, under the control of Adolf Hitler, orchestrated a number of unlawful invasions as well as numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity, with the most well known being the Holocaust, the genocidal mass slaughter of Jews all across Europe that is widely accepted to be the worst act of genocide in modern history.

The Nazi Party is considered by many to be the most evil organization to have ever existed; they have become a staple symbol of evil in the minds of many along with their symbol, the Swastika, which is outlawed in a few countries as a hate symbol — the Nazi Party was part of a wider network of regimes collectively known as the Axis Powers during World War II and ultimately found defeat shortly after Hitler committed suicide.

Although extensive work was done to try and remove and evidence of the Nazis' crimes from Germany and the world in general, sadly, their legacy continues to live on across the world in the forms of various Neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations throughout the world. Their ideals have also seen a major resurgence in popularity during the mid-to-late 2010's with the rise of the Alt-Right movement.


The Nazi Party's prime ideology was known as National Socialism (not to be comfused with the type of socialism associated with Communism) and it promoted the idea that the Aryan race (humans of Nordic and Germanic descent) was an innately superior breed of human and therefore deserved dominance over the world and other races. While the party is well-remembered for its extreme antisemitism, the Nazis also targeted Slavs (such as Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Serbians, Croatians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians), Romani (targeting them with a separate event known as the Porajmos) Greeks, Arabs, Muslims, homosexuals, the disabled, Catholics, socialists, leftist-sympathizers, and others deemed Untermensch (sub-human) by the dictatorship.



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